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What you doing, Cuz?

ForgedReality says...

First time was real, every time after that was because he learned he got a reaction from it (and saw he was on camera) and "ooh if I do this I get attention!" He was trying so hard not to smile after the second time.

Kid vs Fence

Paul UK's Latest Song

eric3579 says...

I had a perma smile the whole time. Shit is pretty funny for multiple reasons. I may have to watch it a second time. I especially liked the dude yelling out random words in English.

Luxury Cars & Economy Tows

StukaFox says...


This made me smile. I've had people park in my parking spot before and one of them, when confronted, told me she had nowhere else to park.

So seriously, fuck these people.

Childish Gambino - This Is America

Sagemind says...

I'm greatly disturbed by the first execution sequence.
Why is it there, and what significance does it play in this video?
It's no nonchalant and unimportant like it's just another dance step which in turn makes it all the more gruesome.

A life is lost for no apparent reason, and as we dance and sing our way through the video, no one looks back to even care that this soul was lost.

Then in the second sequence, the choir is executed...(?) Why?

There is a major statement being made here, but what is it?
His smiles and dancing seem like there is no care in the world until the very end when he's running - and we never get to find out why or who he's running from....

confederate flag demonstration outside Bay City Western High

C-note says...

The kids who attend that school and road in or drove a vehicle with the flags waving high do find it enjoyable. People of all ages who wave'm high with pride wear a smile while they do it.

John Oliver - Mike Pence

Chewbacca couture / Prokoviev dance in Paris

Buck (Member Profile)

Foreigner Surprising Indians with Hindi (Smiles Galore)

FlowersInHisHair says...

I recently visited Barcelona. My Castellano is decent but I know almost no Catalan, and was getting along fine, but one evening I went to a restaurant that served authentic Catalan cuisine. (The street was plastered in Catalan flags!) I spent a bit of time that day learning a few Catalan phrases ("Good evening", "I have a reservation") etc, and my efforts were definitely appreciated, as we very warmly received by the staff, who were courteous enough to switch to English (with a little good-natured ribbing) when my Catalan well ran dry. Big smiles (and great food) all round. It definitely makes a difference.

Foreigner Surprising Indians with Hindi (Smiles Galore)

SFOGuy says...

Speaking even a little Italian has brought smiles, extra plates, great service, and complete confusion (I'm not caucasian); same with Chinese.
Gotta work on my Spanish!

Buck (Member Profile)

Foreigner Surprising Indians with Hindi (Smiles Galore)

noims says...

No matter where I go I always learn a few short phrases out of respect, and it pretty much always brings a smile.

The first and most important is 'thank you' and, while 'yes', 'no', 'excuse me', and 'hello' are good, the second phrase I always learn is how to ask for the bill (or the 'check', as I learned before going to the states). Pretty much anywhere you go you'll probably eat out, there's no response needed (beyond 'thank you'), and it doesn't hurt that it sometimes means the bill comes with a complementary drink.

Foreigner Surprising Indians with Hindi (Smiles Galore)

MilkmanDan says...

I've found that Mexicans (especially outside of major tourist areas, but even there) LOVE it if visitors attempt to speak Spanish with them, even just a few words.

Thailand is pretty similar. I've lived here for ~10 years and can speak Thai fairly well. So, many locals know me and aren't surprised when I speak Thai with them, but if I travel I get a lot of smiles just like this video.

I guess French people are stereotypically less patient/pleased to deal with visitors trying to use the local language, but I don't know if that's true. Never been there, unless Quebec counts (where it didn't seem true).

Solo: A Star Wars Story Full Trailer

notarobot says...

You had me at smiling Donald Glover. You lost me at giant spikey tenticle centipede in space.

I'll wait for this to come out on VHS.

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