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Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

newtboy says...

Edit: replying about the wrong video, my mistake.

I'm what way do they imply objectification is bad?
This is normalizing objectification.
It's not like someone saying jokingly "I'll kill you" and the office laughing, it's someone saying "I'll kill you" while sticking a knife into your liver and smiling, and the office laughing.
This isn't a joke about objectification, it's simply objectification, just like if they were all huge breasted sexy women in tight thin tank tops and little else.
If you want to excuse or allow objectification, do it. Someone will debate you on that. Don't just pretend it's not happening please. There's no discussion if one party denies reality.

bcglorf said:

I kind of swing the other way on this. We live in a cruel, violent, unjust world. Talking about that is not automatically an endorsement of it. Making jokes about it is part of talking about it and an important coping mechanism. Yes, talking and joking about it CAN be done in a way that encourages it, but it's NOT automatic.

As per your Toy Story examples, the ultimate take away for the young audience exposed to it is that the violence/torture was a clear cut bad thing. When someone in your office pulls a prank on someone and the other party responds by jokingly threatening to kill them for it they aren't normalizing murder. Nobody comes away from that interaction with the idea that murder is somehow more acceptable or less bad.

We need to relax a little bit about looking for micro-aggressions and 'bad' culture in every little thing that people say or joke about,

president trump announces a new and better national anthem

Sagemind says...

He was smiling, enjoying the feeling of being a dictator, feeling like he'd gotten his Military Parade, in dreamland, and then suddenly snaps back to reality as re realizes he's being watched.... Quickly looking around to see if anyone noticed...
(Video at 2:12)

MMA fighters get chiropractic adjustment

Lynx - Fallen Angels

BSR says...

Translated lyrics

Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Where are your heroes
Athlete's body?
Where are your idols
Unshaven, well dressed?
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
In their eyes dollars
In their smiles diamonds
Me too, one day
I'll be handsome as a God
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Apollo 2000
Zero defects, twenty-one years
It's the ideal man
Charm masculine
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Sexy boy
Sexy boy

Smoking a Carolina Reaper

Moo Moo the cat doesn’t understand personal space

BSR says...

Moo Moo on my shoulders makes me happy
Moo Moo in my space can make me cry
Moo Moo on the water looks so lovely
Moo Moo almost always makes me high

If I had a space that I could give you
I'd give to you the space just like today
If I had a song that I could sing for you
I'd sing a song to make you feel this way

Moo Moo on my shoulders makes me happy
Moo Moo in my space can make me cry
Moo Moo on the water looks so lovely
Moo Moo almost always makes me high

If I had a space that I could sell you
I'd sell a space sure to make you smile
If I had a wish that I could wish for you
I'd make a wish for space for all the while

Moo Moo on my shoulders makes me happy
Moo Moo in my space can make me cry
Moo Moo on the water looks so lovely
Moo Moo almost all the time makes me high
Moo Moo almost always

Abandoned city in America with no laws

Liberals 'Drag' Kids Into Early Sexualization

C-note says...

Just because it's not my cup of tea doesn't mean they do not have the right to express themselves within the law. I saw smiling faces, heard laughter and saw no tears. The reporter shed light on a segment of society that few have seen and for that I upvote.

John Oliver - Saudi Arabia


Self Defense?

Anna Kendrick’s Between the Scenes Takeover

Spreading Love and Joy at Sam's Club

Spoon Lady

Spoon Lady

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