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Louis CK on Bill Maher - Sarah Palin

Michele Bachmann is Anti-Vaccination

spoco2 says...

You are truly a moron. I've tried not to say so, but you are. Your conspiracy theory videos and this retarded attack on immunisation just prove it.

Widespread vaccination has the potential to reduce cervical cancer deaths around the world by as much as two-thirds, if all women were to take the vaccine and if protection turns out to be long-term. In addition, the vaccines can reduce the need for medical care, biopsies, and invasive procedures associated with the follow-up from abnormal Pap tests, thus helping to reduce health care costs and anxieties related to abnormal Pap tests and follow-up procedures.
—American National Cancer Institute, [22]

If you're all fine with NOT trying to prevent two thirds of cervical cancer deaths based on a misguided fear of immunisations, then have at it sir, and then don't bitch when any woman you knows dies of it.

Go and look up what immunisation has done for the world, go on...

Children DIED because of the hysteria created around the MMR vaccine by the slime ball Andrew Wakefield. Children who would NOT have died did so because idiots like you made parents incorrectly fear a vaccine, so their children were not immunised, infection rates sky-rocketed, and children DIED.

I mock the fucking shit out of you because you are wrong, and your decisions put the lives of other people at risk too, not just your own. There's no two ways about it, vaccinations are a HUGE benefit to society, a HUGE life saver, a HUGE preventer of pain and suffering.

Do you use homoeopathic remedies to ward off evil do you?

>> ^marbles:

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^marinara:
mercury causes mental retardation, vaccines contain mercury, therefore vaccines=retardation.

A 6-ounce can of tuna fish contains an average of 17 micrograms of mercury, vaccines that contain mercury contain roughly 25 micrograms.
You think you're going to become mentally retarded by eating two cans of tuna?
Then what you're saying is retarded.
That sort of knee-jerk, mindless shit is what causes people to stop getting their kids immunised and starts getting kids killed.

There's a big difference between ingesting mercury and injecting it straight into the vein.
Do junkies eat heroin? Why the fuck do you think they go to the trouble of injecting smack, why don't they just eat it?
Hardly any mercury is absorbed through ingesting, like around .01%. So that would be 1/1000 of 17 micrograms actually absorbed or .0017 micrograms / 6oz can of tuna.
And what do we actually know about mercury? Well, we know it's HIGHLY toxic. Let's go to the wikipedia page for Mercury poisoning:
Mercury is such a highly reactive toxic agent that it is difficult to identify its specific mechanism of damage, and much remains unknown about the mechanism. It damages the central nervous system, endocrine system, kidneys, and other organs, and adversely affects the mouth, gums, and teeth. Exposure over long periods of time or heavy exposure to mercury vapor can result in brain damage and ultimately death. Mercury and its compounds are particularly toxic to fetuses and infants. Women who have been exposed to mercury in pregnancy have sometimes given birth to children with serious birth defects (see Minamata disease).
Mercury exposure in young children can have severe neurological consequences, preventing nerve sheaths from forming properly. Mercury inhibits the formation of myelin.

And since we're at it, let's have a peak at Thiomersal's wikipedia page:
Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin, with a danger of cumulative effects. ...
Few studies of the toxicity of thiomersal in humans have been performed. Cases have been reported of severe poisoning by accidental exposure or attempted suicide, with some fatalities. Animal experiments suggest that thiomersal rapidly dissociates to release ethylmercury after injection; that the disposition patterns of mercury are similar to those after exposure to equivalent doses of ethylmercury chloride; and that the central nervous system and the kidneys are targets, with lack of motor coordination being a common sign. Similar signs and symptoms have been observed in accidental human poisonings. The mechanisms of toxic action are unknown.
But you can keep talking out of your ass like you actually have a fucking clue. And keep shooting up your children with neurotoxins too, while mocking those that oppose forced inoculations.
BTW statist idiot, the video is referring to the HPV vaccine. Why do fucking 10 year olds need to be vaccinated for STDs?

The Most Aggressive Defense Of Teachers You’ll Hear

packo says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

I love to see a person who is passionate about what they believe in. That kind of thing always gets mad props from me. Kudos guy. Golf clap.
But the sad reality is that there are precious few in the teaching profession that have this kind of passion. And even the rare teacher who DOES have the passion has a heckuva time working in a system that is more concerned about the welfare of the teacher's union than the education of students. I could go on for hours about screwed up teachers, regulations, and all the other garbage that cumbers our educational system. It’s all well and good to stick up for the good things, but it ends up ringing pretty hollow when you know there’s a mile of manure beneath the pretty green-grass rhetoric.
For example… I’m no fan of lawyers. But if I was a lawyer, you how I could respond to his last question?
“You what to know what kind of difference I make? I make drunk drivers go to jail when they kill kids, but walk away from the accident. I make teachers who have sex with their students tremble when I’m on the other end of the phone. I make laws that protect widows, the elderly, and orphans. I make companies clean up their messes, and pay the people they hurt with their negligence. I make government officials talk about the laws they try to sneak through the system. I make rapists and murderers go to the electric chair. I stare right in the face at all the scum, sleaze, and filth in society that YOU’RE too scared to even talk about. I hold the powerful accountable. I make the guilty pay. I defend the innocent guy who society never gave a chance. That’s the difference I make, pal…”
See – it isn’t too hard to list all the GOOD things done by a profession while desperately ignoring the slime, crap, and bologna. Golf-clapping his passion, but not impressed with his method.

lawyers don't make laws
defense lawyers make ALOT more than prosecution
and they are just as likely to deny someone their just dues, and protect those in the wrong... probably more likely, because thats where the money is at

trying to put law and education in the same boat has 1 major flaw
there's no money in teaching...
its much more likely to find corruption where there is money
its much more likely to find character where this isn't

The Most Aggressive Defense Of Teachers You’ll Hear

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I love to see a person who is passionate about what they believe in. That kind of thing always gets mad props from me. Kudos guy. Golf clap.

But the sad reality is that there are precious few in the teaching profession that have this kind of passion. And even the rare teacher who DOES have the passion has a heckuva time working in a system that is more concerned about the welfare of the teacher's union than the education of students. I could go on for hours about screwed up teachers, regulations, and all the other garbage that cumbers our educational system. It’s all well and good to stick up for the good things, but it ends up ringing pretty hollow when you know there’s a mile of manure beneath the pretty green-grass rhetoric.

For example… I’m no fan of lawyers. But if I was a lawyer, you how I could respond to his last question?

“You what to know what kind of difference I make? I make drunk drivers go to jail when they kill kids, but walk away from the accident. I make teachers who have sex with their students tremble when I’m on the other end of the phone. I make laws that protect widows, the elderly, and orphans. I make companies clean up their messes, and pay the people they hurt with their negligence. I make government officials talk about the laws they try to sneak through the system. I make rapists and murderers go to the electric chair. I stare right in the face at all the scum, sleaze, and filth in society that YOU’RE too scared to even talk about. I hold the powerful accountable. I make the guilty pay. I defend the innocent guy who society never gave a chance. That’s the difference I make, pal…”

See – it isn’t too hard to list all the GOOD things done by a profession while desperately ignoring the slime, crap, and bologna. Golf-clapping his passion, but not impressed with his method.

Resonance- VERY well produced, VERY trippy sights and sounds

messenger says...

This informed me why I tend to hate modern action movies: the sound doesn't match what I'm seeing. It's some cool sounds, but they don't enhance the experience of watching. Far too many inappropriate "texture" sounds, like especially slime and liquid sounds where there's nothing on the screen that even suggests either. The only ones that had a solid match of visual and sound were the ones that started at 2:50, 5:42, 6:13 and 9:33. Special props to the sound in 6:13 for letting it enhance the visuals, rather than trying to make it a "bag of tricks" show like most of the other sound effects based ones.

Female Australian Politician Gets Meowed At for Assertivness

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^Aniatario:

^ Oh Yeah, how dare she speak up for herself when we could be mutilating her instead of making a few cat calls..

Don't get me wrong, they are almost all slime, the men and women of politics. That's the difference though, at least men act like the slime they are. She can defend herself all she wants.

Who knows, she may be a good person bent on doing right, but that doesn't change the fact that most women get passes where most men don't.

Abusing the Volkswagen

Abusing the Volkswagen

What I Am Legend would have looked like with non-CG monsters

jmd says...

I like cgi, but it is also the most hardest artform to shake off the "somethings wrong" factor. Avatar was indeed the best imo, the muscle usage and facial animation is the best I have seen.

As for legend, I had no issue with the CGI humans, and imo the above makeup test looks pretty bad. The eyes are clearly mechanical and blink at odd times. The CGI humans offered up a bit of a translucent type skin, also they showed a slimed down body design that only runway models could capture.

the problem with traditional makeup when used with monsters and aliens is that they can get pigion holed into 2 legged designs which is not realistic, or interesting.

Corporations slimming portions, charging same price.

handmethekeysyou says...

Exact same thing happened in a local supermarket with all soda bottles a few years ago.

@RhesusMonk quote about it : " They should put up signs 'Now with 25% less'"

Well said.>> ^mfsteele:

I noticed when Fanta went from 2L to 1.5L bottles in Canada. It's too bad, I liked their grape and cream sodas.

Mars Bar 11.6% Downsize

Corporations slimming portions, charging same price.

9/11 Rare view of the south tower hit.

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

What did Bush gain from 9-11? This is the question every troofer should be asking.
My answer to them: not much. If it's a conspiracy it had no goals.
Despite the usual ravings of leftist lunatics, there's no police state. Government got bigger but under a Gore (or now Obama) that's gonna happen anyway. We seized no Iraqi oil and spent a lot of treasure and blood restoring Iraqis to power, leaving them the freedom to turn their backs on us.
We're still fighting rock to rock in Af-fag-istan when we should've flattened every last hill and mountain.
Bush didn't censor a single news source. He should've shut down the New York Slimes after they blabbed to the terrorists how we were tracking their funds on its front page. He didn't.
Bush executed no one at Gitmo and even spared "Jihad Johnny" Walker Lind, a spoiled American retard who shot at our troops.
Now Bush is gone and his near-polar opposite has the reigns. So much for "empire".
The government can't deliver the mail and troofers think a conspiracy that would involve not thousands but tens of thousands keeping silent was pulled off. Too much credit to government and not enough to common sense.
I don't think troofers are dumb; their willful resistance to the mountain of evidence debunking their theories, IS.

Not really that it had no goals or that they didn't have much to gain but for me it's that they had WAY too much to lose if it failed. Imagine if some people involved in this massive conspiracy came forward and this plot unraveled, there wouldn't be a Republican party anymore...their would be tons of public executions. Bush probably wouldn't even be tried people would murder him before he got to stand trial. There'd be a sort of outrage this country has never seen before. To me that's much to much to lose, especially considering they were going to invade Iraq anyways regardless if they had a 9-11 or not.

Rand Paul Offers No Denial On Aqua Buddha

NetRunner says...

>> ^gwiz665:

He used to be in a secret society that mocked religion... doesn't that just mean that he's actually not an idiot, and instead - like most other politicians - just lies about his religion to have a chance to get into office?

It doesn't mean he's not an idiot, it just means he's a different kind of idiot.

He could easily say "I was an irreverent and confused young man when that happened, and now that I've brought Jesus Christ into my life, I beg for forgiveness for the things I did when I was younger."

Instead he calls Conway a slime merchant, and lawyerly refuses to contest the specifics of the accusation.

The former would've made Conway look like an ass, the latter is making it look like Conway has hit a legitimate nerve.

QI - Why is it hard to hold on to a Hagfish?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'QI, stephen fry, alan davies, hagfish, slime, secretion, fish, defence, bbc' to 'QI, stephen fry, alan davies, hagfish, slime, secretion, fish, defence, bbc, mucus' - edited by calvados

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