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Starboard tack does NOT have right of way over a ferry...

SFOGuy says...

I just took a closer look too; is that a spinnaker pole OR---was that part of some sort of awning support that went fore and aft? And why would you have that rigged?

Looks like they'd lost the job sheet and it was flogging; there's, what, three people in the cockpit? They don't seem to be doing anything at all while staring at their own near death.

ChaosEngine said:

Looks like a Sydney ferry, so *downunder.

That boat was not under control at all. The jib is starting to rip and god only knows why they had the spinnaker pole attached.

15 year old girl shreds Through the Fire and the Flames

ChaosEngine says...

It's possible to learn it from sheet music, or more likely guitar tablature where there are special notations for string specific techniques (hammer ons, pull offs, slides, tapping, etc).

That said, if you're technically accomplished enough to play that song, you would hopefully have developed a good enough ear to learn most of it by listening to the track.

visionep said:

Sooo... did she learn that from the sheet music? Or how does one go about even learning the notes to a song like this?

It seems like a lot of the tricky stuff where both hands are on the neck would be difficult to document as sheet music.

15 year old girl shreds Through the Fire and the Flames

15 year old girl shreds Through the Fire and the Flames

visionep says...

Sooo... did she learn that from the sheet music? Or how does one go about even learning the notes to a song like this?

It seems like a lot of the tricky stuff where both hands are on the neck would be difficult to document as sheet music.

Making Extremely Realistic R/C Cars

oohlalasassoon says...

According to his description on YouTube it's 3mm PVC Komacel :

"Here is a video of me building a Dodge M37 body from scratch. Edited down to 17 minutes from 3 hours of footage from 60 hours of build time. I hope it can entertain and inspire folks to be creative and make things. The body is made mostly with 3mm thick PVC sheet called Komacel, glued with CA glue. Driver is pine wood, bumper is aluminum. Rides on a GCM 4ten leafed chassis and tcase, rc4wd K44 axles, axial trans, tekin esc and motor."

"esc" in his quote = electronic speed control.

His build of a 77 Ford is equally impressive.

spawnflagger said:

so impressive!

I also liked his makeshift fume-hood. That's gotta be way easier for collecting dust and not having to wear a mask.

Is all the white material just foam core? I didn't know it could be bent by simply heating it a bit. Or is it something else?

Flow Hive - Honey directly on tap from your beehive

newtboy says...

Oh wow. That's awesome.
I gave up on bees after my last hive collapsed, I got foulbrood. That means burning all your hive(s) so you don't re-infect other bees. My bad back means it was getting harder and harder to split the hives and harvest, they're heavy when full of honey and bees so I didn't replace them. This way I could leave them together, never lift anything, and still get honey!
They aren't cheap though. I put my old hives together for about $100 each, $600 is quite a jump for convenience.
I harvested mine with a hot butter knife (no expensive heated electric knife) a cookie sheet, and gravity, so I never had the $4-600 expense of a centrifuge or other harvesting equipment, and never missed a drop. Still, just turning a tap sounds so simple and easy. I still have my suit and smoker, it would be nice to use them and have pollinators for my orchard, but the $.... Decisions decisions.

The December shipping is just right IMO. That gives you time to paint and set them up before spring, the only time of year you can buy bees.

How an Aussie postman deals with dogs

Sepacore says...

Granted the advice isn't applicable to all situations, take the details of Digitalfiend's case for example, hence I didn't comment on that case (I had no advice, and I did consider it for a while. "Teach your dog not to play" wasn't a notion I was willing to back).
In light of the new info provided I state a disclaimer, the preparation you can do is limited by your circumstances.
Seems you've done well enough, and the occurrences for concern have locational limitations with positively influential perpetrators.
If I had had that, I wouldn't have gotten my 2nd awesome happy dog.

We weren't experienced trainers, however we did have an advantage and took the opportunity to start the training the day we got him as a pup, oppose to having got him later in his life.

As for the level of training, he came when called if he wanted, he stopped barking when he wanted, and he tried eating my cat, because he wanted.
With exception to my teasing kitty, he didn't eat without a command and he was incredibly road smart, as these 2 things were necessary for his survival and the maintenance of his high quality of life.

Yes there's assumptions, as I don't know newtboy or the respective living conditions and hardships (but my knowledge has marginally increased today).
Any assumptions of normalcy brought forth from a lack of advised uncommon details, is merely reviewing the situation as it has been described. Would you argue that I should have imagined some unstated details and responded to those?

We all make upwards of 100,000's of assumptions a day. The seat your sitting in, did you check it for poisonous spiders before sitting? why not? Is it because there wasn't any last time and you had no reason to suspect otherwise?
Our brains are smarter than we commonly realise and they use cheat sheets (commonly manifested as assumptions) to get us through every moment of our lives.
Holding humans to their likelihood driven assumptions is a frail thing as it's often met with "oh, i didn't know".

Victim blaming? No, not quite.
Fact: you have a greater chance of controlling your pets, then you do strangers.
The point is little more than to focus on the area's that you can more greatly and reliably influence. To simplify it, it's to aim for the greatest reward with minimal resource (in this case, effort).

The rest of your comment is idealistic. You get no argument from me as I agree, and no realistically debatable point has been made. We don't live in a utopia and those whom acknowledge this while aiming for something, stand a better chance of gaining a modicum of their interests.

"it would be good if people were good". Yes. Would. If. One day

Mess With The Cat, Get The Fangs (And Claws)

yellowc says...

You could have stopped your comment there

Everything about this video was wrong wrong wrong. If you want to own an animal and are not willing to invest the time to understand the behaviour of that animal. Firstly, you shouldn't own it but secondly, you deserve what's coming to you.

You never ever "play" with a cat with your own limbs. Not with protection on, not under the bed sheets, not as a kitten with their cute harmless teeth, never. Cats are built to kill things and they're very good at it.

This wasn't play though, this was deliberate intimidation and the cat was extremely distressed. Cats are very protective of the top of their heads, as you would rightly imagine and it tells you a lot the cat is immediately angry he goes near it.

This means they have no bond, none, so the history of this person and the cat is not good. If a cat trusts you, it would not react in this manner, it may shy away or gently tell you "I'm not in the mood for a head scratch", even to a stranger a cat is unlikely to do more than give a soft warning bite at first (they hurt but generally won't penetrate skin).

So you really shouldn't have any sympathy for this person, nothing in this video remotely suggests he has ever been kind to this cat and if it is feral, well then he's just a damn idiot.

dannym3141 said:

I've never had a cat...

These goats know how to have a good time

Daily Show - A "How To" on ridding a city of homelessness

Payback says...

I think you're being a bit hyperbolic here.

...I'm sure the building would have a tarp or plastic sheet on top.

SquidCap said:

You just call it Preemptive strike or Operation Storm something and label homelessness as terrorism threat. Allthou, once Halliburon gets their hands on that, the homes will costs a million each, do not have roof and construction lasts ten years. Alaska, for a White (less) Christmas

SquidCap says...

Last two winters in Finland have been pretty black. Freezing in the night in to solid ice, melting during the day. There was a tiny sliver of cold air that arrived just days before christmas so it's white now, expecting to melt away before new year. Makes cycling pretty much impossible, they haul gravel on to the pavements, it falls thru the melting ice only to get trapped in it when the night comes and you got clear, solid sheet of ice again in the morning. I have never seen so much gravel in the streets in the spring as i did last year. Good news is that -20C only happens for two, three week tops.

russell brand-comments on the illegality of feeding the poor

TheFreak says...

When I first started volunteering to serve at a homeless shelter, many years ago, I didn't know exactly why I was doing it. Certainly it felt like the "right" thing to do. I was at least confident that I wasn't doing it for personal gain because I didn't wear it on my sleave, didn't brag about it or hang my ego on my personal identity of being a good person. When dissillusionment set in, when I realized just how many of the people I was serving were homeless by choice, I pushed through and carried on...and I still didn't know why. I just trusted that I would get it one day.

Eventually I made a connection to the time I spent living in Sweden. In the town I lived in, every night a group of vagrants assembled in the market square. Every bit as dirty and drunken as the worst homeless person that most people imagine them all to be. Fighting, having sex in the public restroom, vomiting and carrying on loudly all night. But this was socialism, so they went home every night to their government payed for apartments. I realized that no matter what you do, there will always be a segment of society that just doesn't give a Fuck and is happy to take and never give back. We've all known these people. Family members, friends, acquaintances, who use up the good will of everyone they meet until they've got no one left to use and it falls to the larger community to support them. No economy, government or community planning will ever compell them to support themselves. We loathe them and shun them. Politicians with ulterior motives tell us that ALL homeless and disadvantaged ARE them. But it's a lie. There are the mentally and physically ill who have no support structure, who NEED their communities to help them. Most of these people were once functioning members of their communities who no longer have the ability to survive on their own.
And so I came to understand that it's better to feed a hundred leaches to serve a single helpless individual.

Boy was I proud of myself for realizing that.

And then I was layed off and my job shipped to India, followed closely by my wife spending a year in and out of the hospital, with no insurance. A careers worth of hard work, reduced to a data point on a corporate profit sheet. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, when the medical debt comes for me and everything I've built in my life is taken, to become a line in someone else's ledger. Betrayed by the greed in the system. Because I upheld my end of the social contract. I worked hard in school, excelled in my career, had two kids and bought a house in a neighborhood with good schools. But the system is run by the greediest and most power hungry. Politics and business is the domain of the high functioning sociopath. And to a sociopath, you're not a real person like them. You're a data point, a line in the ledger.

Then I came to respect the other segment of the homeless. The ones who rejected the social contract, who don't feel societal pressure to give more than they take. Because they got it right. It's all a lie. You don't earn anything in America. You don't deserve the fruits of your labor. You subsist at the whim of the people with money and power. And when it serves them, you get nothing.

We are all standing in line for food, hoping there's a room for the night.

NASA | The Arctic and the Antarctic Respond in Opposite Ways

newtboy says...

Have they thought that it could be an 'increase' in sea ice because the Antarctic ice sheets are flowing into the sea so much faster? It makes perfect sense to me, and also would explain why the Arctic is shrinking while the Antarctic ice sheet is 'growing'.
I want to see a study of the total AMMOUNT of ice, not the SIZE of ice. A square mile of ice paper thin is less ice than a cubic hectometer (100x100x100meters). Without measuring thickness, "size" means nothing.

The world's most beautiful sustainable font

spawnflagger says...

I'd hate to burst his bubble, but this "eco" mode could be done (maybe it is already?) programmatically for ALL FONTS.

And words already take up very small percentage of coverage on your average sheet of paper. So saving 33% of 5% isn't that much.

Yes, it's an artistic font, but you do much more to save the planet by buying hax0red printers with huge user-refillable ink storage.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

bobknight33 says...

How do you know his death was unnecessary? I hope you posted this before you learned that the kid had a tussle with the cop, went for his gun and it was discharged during this event.

After that he ran away then charged " Bum Rushed" the cop. and received 6 pills, 4 in the arm and 2 in he head.

The right weapon was used.

The issue is not that a white cop shot a black. It is the fact that a majority of young black men are swept up by the streets. Which leads to disproportional black arrest, crimes, and general mayhem. We are all a product of our choices. He chose to be a thug.

And this young sweet collage bound gentle giant that the media hypes up day an night does not help.

He is a young large thug with criminal history as seen by his arrest record:

Michael Brown arrest sheet
Description: Burglary – 1st Degree { Felony B RSMo: 569.160 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1401000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Description: Armed Criminal Action { Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Description: Assault 1st Degree – Serious Physical Injury { Felony A RSMo: 565.050 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1301100
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Description: Armed Criminal Action { Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD

VoodooV said:

no matter how you spin it, the death was unnecessary. Again, this WOULD have been a great time to use a taser.

They keep using the wrong weapons at the wrong time.

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