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Skinniest Skinny Jeans Ever

Skinniest Skinny Jeans Ever

How do you deal with drunk women passed out on the couch?

The Best Beaver Experience of My Life!

Don't worry, it's just ESD! (Electrostatic Discharge)

Funny YouTube Comments of 2012

GeeSussFreeK says...

I thought that was kind of a neat idea for the @dag to think about...promoting comments or something like that. I remember a great little bit about shaving on the dollar razor would be nice to catalog and promote good conversations inasmuch as we do good videos. It already works pretty well with the sidebar conversation thingy, but just taking it a step further to make it a little more fleshed out. Just a thought.

ant said:

What about VS' comments?

The White House Experiments With Weed

berticus (Member Profile)

Man of Steel - Trailer 2

spawnflagger says...

I want to know how Superman shaves?
I mean this is a guy where bullets bounce off his eyeballs...
Does he have a Kryptonite razor? Surely he would have started growing facial hair before he discovered Kryptonite.
Before this trailer, I just always assumed that his alien species didn't have any facial hair.
Maybe he uses his laser-eyes and a mirror to cut hair.

Ron Swanson has a message

Honest Dark Knight Rises Trailer

criticalthud says...

How did the police emerge from the tunnels clean, shaved, and ready for battle after 3 months without sunlight?
Did neither the mercs or cops understand the concept of "cover"?
Why would the detective ask the kids to run door to door and evacuate the city with about 12 minutes left?
Why did all the guys in the pit of despair help everyone try to climb out of the place except for a young, innocent girl, whom they apparently wished very dead?
With raw materials up the wazoo, why is it no one in prison could figure out how to make a grappling hook?
How did the mercs manage to pour explosive concrete on already-built bridges?
How did Bane floss?
and ain't it just a dick move to let your friends think you're dead?

Barber Shop Porn - The cut throat wet shave

Parents Publicly Shame Girl with Sign

Lann says...

"If this doesn't work they would consider something more extreme including shaving her head."

Is that even legal? Yeah, her behavior is not okay but actions like that would be doing nothing to address any real problems going on.

I grew up between two sets of grandparents. I spent most my time with the ones that were controlling and abusive. They had this kind of mentality. Shame or punish the child into acting right. That just made my brother and I hate them more. The only time we ever "acted out" was with them. As with the other grandparents, we never wanted to be a disappointment to them. If I did something wrong, I felt horrible without them doing anything.

Maybe I'm reading into it to much but there is something that reads this is more about their pride than her general well being. If they really cared about her they would address the root of the problem instead of making a spectacle.

This is MISS Physique??

Barge Passing under Bridge-- Fail

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