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Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation

Crazy Morphing Magic Table Surface

The Most Iconic Guitar Solos and Licks from the Past 50 Yrs

chingalera says...

Hipsters can't hi-jack that word (is that Bono in your avatar?) ulysses, they're only allowed to co-opt it...OH, and most of em look silly doin' the 2000's version, all the while reeking of ineffectual pretension touting sub-standard grooming and last-century literature! Oh, and if you're gonna call yourself a real hipster you'd better dig bebop and trad jazz, otherwise......POSER!!

..and please put-out the foul ciggy from Belarus, the shits' nasty and your teeth are mustard....Oh, and tell Betty there to shave her legs and you, TAKE A BATH!!.

Should Guys Manscape?

Unique Flower Girl Dresses

Queen Humiliates Obama During Toast

chingalera says...

@JustSaying-True, true, but from from time to time cease-and-desist actions in varying degrees of magnitude do provide a modicum of balance and the temporary cessation of extreme bullshit. Now that the cunts have stuff like chemical and biological weapons, earth-rendering ordinance conventional and otherwise, and massive compounds to house detractors uhhhh....Maybe it's time to kill us some sibling-fuckers.

God shave the queen, and display her from the highest point in the square, next to her African buddy there....

Jonathan Rosenfeld is a Spammer: Chicago Lawyer Spams

chingalera says...

"Have you been injured in an Afghan Lithium mine? Dial 1-800-*Bandito, and let our cheapsuit-wearing, male-pattern-baldness shaved-head, no-rules-reading douche sprocket, get you the cash you deserve!"

Model Strips Topless at NYC Rooftop Bar

chingalera says...

Civil disobedience for no particular reason other than one artist's message to potential patrons or otherwise inhibited party-robots? I have a question;
Is there some private security finishing school for douche bags that keeps all these NY-cheap-suit-renter versions looking and acting pretty-much the same?
Shaved-head prior to advanced-stage male hair-loss...Check

Blank, clueless look that begs the question, "Do I know what the fuck I am here for?"...Check

Puppy-dog act when volunteering information to ACTUAL law enforcement....Check

I.Q. hoovering around a solid 75....Check

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry, what was the point of this?

Neodymium magnet clears metalworking shop

Payback says...

Why would you work in a shop surrounded by large chunks of jagged, heavy metal, stepping on jagged, sharp shavings, in basic leather loafers?

The Camp Gyno

Blankfist Has Returned!!! (Happy Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Not for nothing and Yayyyy! (pet kitties and suck shaved-balls) for blankfist and everything, but....

I campaigned for nothing more that to be accepted back with my shit intact as well, I'd like choggie back and then maybe some celebrations-Full tenure and embeds posted through the current sock-puppet added to the fucking accolades as well,and Thank You ALL, in advance in perpetuity, and fuck you.

Black Moth Super Rainbow Windshield Smasher

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

TheFreak says...

Seems like there's a lot of over reaction going on here.

It's pretty obvious this guy is talking specifically about eating at high end, absurdly expensive sushi restaurants. If anything, he fails to be specific about this because he's the type of person who doesn't understand there's any other type of sushi out there.

Here's a fact though; if you go to a stupid expensive restaurant of any type, you're generally not going to find condiments sitting on the table. Why? Because the food was prepared by a chef with a specific flavor in mind. That is exactly why you're paying so much fucking money to eat there!
If you order $75 mac-n-cheese made with white truffle shavings and 5 types of imported "fromage", you're not eating somewhere with salt sitting on the table.

Most sushi restaurants are serving the tastes of their local market. So, ignore everything this guy says and eat it any way you like. But if you happen to find yourself as a guest at an absurdly expensive sushi restaurant (or macaroni-n-cheesery), maybe try sampling the food the way it was prepared.

How Does Superman Shave? Mythbusters theory

How Does Superman Shave? Kevin Smith's theory

artician says...

I'm pretty certain an early-morning trip through the sun, or a kryptonite razor would do the trick.
I know Smith says "would you shave with death every day?"
but I'm pretty sure... we already do.

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