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Stray lab rescues blind dog by becoming canine-guidedog

Esoog says...

Must be the dust in the air...or allergies...yeah, thats it. Cause I got it too. Thats a good story. An animal they wanted to rescue from its misery, found rescue in another dog. And no more seizures. That says a lot for compassion and caring. Even in dogs.

TEDxTeen - Jacob Barnett: Forget What You Know

Alive Inside - The effect of music on an old mind

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'henry, nursing home, mental, illness, alzheimer, seizure' to 'henry, nursing home, mental, illness, alzheimer, seizure, oliver sachs, awakenings' - edited by silvercord

Backflipping Hamster

This Guy paints amazing stuff in Stopmotion

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

oOPonyOo says...

Where I live the government just passed a new drunk-driving law. They institued the following:

The government also plans new suspensions for drivers caught with an alcohol limit between 0.05 and 0.08. Drivers caught within that range the first time would face a three-day suspension and three-day vehicle seizure, rising to a 15-day suspension and seven-day seizure on the second offence and 30-day suspension and seven-day seizure on a third offence.

Now, I think debating any drunk-driving law is like arguing against kittens, but it seems that this law makes no appeal available to the convicted. If you were caught in the past, it would be a 24hour license suspension, tow your car, and they throw you in a cab. Say you are caught on the road and your vehicle is immediatly impounded for three days. This would before your case goes to trial. If you were a commercial tradesmen you suddenly lose your job as you have no vehicle. It seems the punishment is before the court case and trial.

Also, they lowered the tolerance to .05 from .08. This is in a country where our beer is 5%.

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

longde says...

You don't have to be Republican to be afraid of the police force. The police have brought on this assholery by, if not directly abusing people's rights, harboring the members who do behind the blue wall.>> ^liverpoolfc:

You claim Police stopping people for random breath testing will lead to all that paranoid crap i'm not going to bother repeating.
If you think police performing random traffic stops to catch drunk-drivers is a dangerous thing I feel sorry for you and the state America is in.
I'm not British but i'd put money on you being a Republican. I'm not afraid of my Government or police force - clearly you are.
>> ^budzos:
It's not a strawman.. nowhere did I say that those things were equilvalent. In fact I was illustrating a vector of unreasonable search and seizure, from one plateau of disreason to another. I see from your handle that you could possibly be British, which would explain your comfort with the government's head up your arse.
Who's to say a drunk driver hasn't killed one, or more, of my friends at various times? Being against random stops is not being pro drunk driving.
>> ^liverpoolfc:
Bahahah nice straw men. Why not just eliminate the police force entirely, speed limits, laws etc. No one has any business telling you what you can or can't do right???
Wonder if you'd feel the same way if a drink driver killed your mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, son or daughter.
>> ^budzos:
I didn't watch the clip but I do not agree with random road-checks for any reason. I don't care if the premise is that you're making the roads safer... I think Benjamin Franklin has a quote about that.
If the government thought they could get away with it, they'd institute random house searches. Why wouldn't you want your house searched unless you have something to hide!?
What about forced screenings/vaccinations for various diseases? I'm sure that's in the public/economic interest?
Let's just give our whole bodies and souls over to the government daddy to tell us where we can go and what we can consume at all times. It's good for the economy.

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

liverpoolfc says...

You claim Police stopping people for random breath testing will lead to all that paranoid crap i'm not going to bother repeating.

If you think police performing random traffic stops to catch drunk-drivers is a dangerous thing I feel sorry for you and the state America is in.

I'm not British but i'd put money on you being a Republican. I'm not afraid of my Government or police force - clearly you are.

>> ^budzos:

It's not a strawman.. nowhere did I say that those things were equilvalent. In fact I was illustrating a vector of unreasonable search and seizure, from one plateau of disreason to another. I see from your handle that you could possibly be British, which would explain your comfort with the government's head up your arse.
Who's to say a drunk driver hasn't killed one, or more, of my friends at various times? Being against random stops is not being pro drunk driving.
>> ^liverpoolfc:
Bahahah nice straw men. Why not just eliminate the police force entirely, speed limits, laws etc. No one has any business telling you what you can or can't do right???
Wonder if you'd feel the same way if a drink driver killed your mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, son or daughter.
>> ^budzos:
I didn't watch the clip but I do not agree with random road-checks for any reason. I don't care if the premise is that you're making the roads safer... I think Benjamin Franklin has a quote about that.
If the government thought they could get away with it, they'd institute random house searches. Why wouldn't you want your house searched unless you have something to hide!?
What about forced screenings/vaccinations for various diseases? I'm sure that's in the public/economic interest?
Let's just give our whole bodies and souls over to the government daddy to tell us where we can go and what we can consume at all times. It's good for the economy.

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

budzos says...

It's not a strawman.. nowhere did I say that those things were equilvalent. In fact I was illustrating a vector of unreasonable search and seizure, from one plateau of disreason to another. I see from your handle that you could possibly be British, which would explain your comfort with the government's head up your arse.

Who's to say a drunk driver hasn't killed one, or more, of my friends at various times? Being against random stops is not being pro drunk driving.

>> ^liverpoolfc:

Bahahah nice straw men. Why not just eliminate the police force entirely, speed limits, laws etc. No one has any business telling you what you can or can't do right???
Wonder if you'd feel the same way if a drink driver killed your mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, son or daughter.
>> ^budzos:
I didn't watch the clip but I do not agree with random road-checks for any reason. I don't care if the premise is that you're making the roads safer... I think Benjamin Franklin has a quote about that.
If the government thought they could get away with it, they'd institute random house searches. Why wouldn't you want your house searched unless you have something to hide!?
What about forced screenings/vaccinations for various diseases? I'm sure that's in the public/economic interest?
Let's just give our whole bodies and souls over to the government daddy to tell us where we can go and what we can consume at all times. It's good for the economy.

The Bourne Legacy trailer

Deano says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Too bad all the fight scenes are going to be more seizure-inducing quick-cut nonsense.
Sad to say this would put most fight scenes today to shame:

I guess this is cooler, and totally not gay:

especially when the guy magically rises up off of the floor @ 1:37

The guy in the Bourne scene seems like he's playing it as a Terminator.

The Bourne Legacy trailer

The Bourne Legacy trailer

JiggaJonson says...

Too bad all the fight scenes are going to be more seizure-inducing quick-cut nonsense.

Sad to say this would put most fight scenes today to shame:

I guess this is cooler, and totally not gay:

especially when the guy magically rises up off of the floor @ 1:37

Holy Shit, It's A Sheep Tornado!

The Soft Moon Total Decay

drum 'n bass 'n bosom

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