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Romney - What Does The Constitution Say? Lets Ask Ron Paul!

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^marinara:

The 4th amendment to the constitution (part of the bill of rights) could be used as a law for privacy.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Does the bill of rights apply to states? Does the constitution disallow states from banning birth control, or just disallow the Federal government from banning birth control
wikipedia may clear this up.
While originally the amendments applied only to the federal government, most of their provisions have since been held to apply to the states by way of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Seizure is different that prohibiting the purchase of... and there is no search here...

Intense Drum Solo Barf - Not one F**k was given!

Romney - What Does The Constitution Say? Lets Ask Ron Paul!

marinara says...

The 4th amendment to the constitution (part of the bill of rights) could be used as a law for privacy.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Does the bill of rights apply to states? Does the constitution disallow states from banning birth control, or just disallow the Federal government from banning birth control
wikipedia may clear this up.
While originally the amendments applied only to the federal government, most of their provisions have since been held to apply to the states by way of the Fourteenth Amendment.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

kceaton1 says...

I thought I'd chime in too. Great work on the sift lucky, I hardly recognize it from nigh six years ago when I found it, then months later I made an actual account to get slightly involved. But, mostly I joined so that I could support VideoSift as it was a unique site and something I visited daily; I basically stopped going to youtube and various other video sites because the sift, voted on, and decided what were the videos to be seen. This process is still working great and helps us sort out the mediocre on the Internet and allow people that visit to find the best of the best in videos.

You of course lucky have made great strides in the interface and inner workings of the sift since those early days. Now, whether I use the sift on my PC, my cell, or my iPad--it works seamlessly and well. If it happens to be your birthday, then happy birthday as well!!!

To VideoSift and its future success and to @lucky760 !

P.S.- I don't know if you're responsible for setting it up or helping, but the "Dark" mode (which of course changes the background to black and makes it in general easier to see in different conditions) is an option that was created that I use all the time and if you created it, I want you to know how much I appreciate it--and I appreciate it in a way that you may not even suspect! I suffer from debilitating migraines that at one time were only present a few time in a week (easy enough to handle). Along with this I also have Cluster headaches (at that time I had them maybe once a month), which are...essentially extremely bad headaches (if anyone reading is interested, when they start they fire of in the brain and give the same indications that a seizure would give--neuroscientists literally have no idea what causes them), the Clusters can play games with your nervous system causing odd symptoms, like uncontrolled tearing of the eyes usually accompanied by a runny nose or up to the extreme of losing all the feeling on the left side of your body (I've seen both and many other things in between)--the Cluster headache is strong enough that it's even difficult to think while it's fully active, sometimes time is the only cure--narcotics tend to be like a drop of water in a well, they do nothing (the best relief comes from high-flow oxygen at around 12-14 LPM O2). I ended up getting the Swine Flu (or Influenza Type A) back in 2006. It unfortunately got to my nervous system and beyond the other damage that it did that i now have problems with, it changed the nature of the headaches. The migraines became daily, sometimes they are unrelenting--they never leave, for days. Worse of all the Clusters became much more prevalent hitting twice a week on average.

Then VideoSift changed their setup, allowing for a "darkroom" environment. The headaches and their intensity are related by light in a room; for example if I want to help myself out going to a dark room with some cool air helps the most. To tell you the truth a small change, like the one VideoSift made, and it may not have been completely all your doing, but either way I wanted you to know this IN DETAIL so that when I thank you it means just that much more! So now you know just how much a small change to the environment and viewing area has had a profound change on me and my web-surfing experience. I can view VideoSift much easier now, as the previous pure white scheme literally hurt to look at. If you've ever wondered if the smaller features are worth it, this is a testimonial that explains why it is. So, once again @lucky760 thanks for everything you have done here at VideoSift and continue to do!

//I know that was a bit long and involved, but I hope it makes you realize how appreciated you are here!

54,020 LEDs Christmas Lights Show

Stoned Kitty

rottenseed says...

I had a cat that I took on a car ride once because he was so cool. The car ride over stimulated him and he had seizure. He pissed and shit all over my passenger's side floor. Turns out he was epileptic >> ^Fletch:

The only time (and last time) I took a cat somewhere in my car without a carrier, he disappeared. He seemed a little stressed about the ride, so I figured he was under the seat or something, until the lady behind me honked her horn. I looked in my rearview mirror and my cat was taking a shit on the rear deck right between the speakers.
Use a carrier.

'True 3D' Display Using Laser Plasma Technology

MonkeySpank says...

I hope so. I'd guess they used a 60Hz cam to record a 24Hz or so hologram; otherwise, this video would be irrelevant.

>> ^elrondhubbard:

Cool! But the video flickers so much it's kinda hard to watch -- near seizure material. Hopefully that's just a frame rate mismatch between the 3D projector and the video camera, and the image would look much steadier in person.

'True 3D' Display Using Laser Plasma Technology

elrondhubbard says...

Cool! But the video flickers so much it's kinda hard to watch -- near seizure material. Hopefully that's just a frame rate mismatch between the 3D projector and the video camera, and the image would look much steadier in person.

You just fucked with the WRONG McDonald's clerk.

budzos says...

I just don't think it's fair to say it's revenge or sadistic purely ego-driven assault when he's hitting them on the ground. That ensures the window clerk's victimization at the hands of the legal system, meaning in the end he probably should have just let the girl slap him, jump the counter, and manhandle and berate him for ten minutes until he goes into a seizure like the video of the girls assaulting the tranny (until he went into seizures, at which point they kept trying to attack) in a McDonald's.

It's still self-defense to be hitting someone who is down. People get back up. Having been assaulted a couple times, worked in bars, and watched years of internet video, I think it's all self-defense until the person who has attacked you is unconscious, not moving, or yelling "I'm sorry".

>> ^petpeeved:

>> ^budzos:
Then I don't understand your pro-assaulter mentality.
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
>> ^petpeeved:
Completely generic hyperbole.

Have you ever been physically assaulted in public before?


I'm pro-peacekeeper (even when the person taking those reins is an out-of-her-element woman unaccustomed to displays of brutality). Watch the video again. Tell me that the McDonald's employee with the pipe was acting in self-defense and not revenge for most of the fight. To my eye, and I've seen a ton of these fights in person, once the McDonald's employee got the upper hand (and it only took one or two hits), he went into revenge mode, thus surrendering any moral high ground he may have had earlier.

Kitty says NO!

vpvpvp says...

I wonder if these domesticated pets will ever evolve to speak to humans with one of our languages. I mean a dog already predict a seizure, this cat can make human sounds, my dogs barks all mean different things. I'm sure a few thousand years from now...maybe?

It's not like you're going into diabetic shock!!!

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^chilaxe:

It's negligence on his part to not manage his health condition when he knew he'd be driving a vehicle. His lack of reasonable precautions put a lot of people's lives in danger.
If he gets a payday from this, it will have been the luckiest day of his life.

Sometimes shit happens. What if he did take care of himself and his condition just happened? What if it is rare for him?

I get what you are saying, but medical issues happen (I.e., seizures and diabetic shock)

Michele Bachmann is Anti-Vaccination

marbles says...

Wait... they do have adverse reactions or they don't? You just contradicted yourself. I'm sure when the child gets a high fever or has a seizure, the parents are just making that shit up. That's the real conspiracy! All these parents are lying about their children, they want to bring back the black plague!

So again I'll ask: It's possible to make vaccines without mercury, so why do you authoritarian toads want to mandate vaccines with a HIGHLY toxic substance that we don't even fully understand how it's toxicity mechanism works? You people are insane.

"Think Twice" sounds like a good idea to any rational minded person.

And perfect, you can't dispute the facts--so just ignore them.>> ^spoco2:


Let me get this straight... A young kid gets vaccinated, suffers an adverse reaction to it which leads to "autism like" symptoms. And the vaccine did NOT cause autism? The kid was going to get autism anyway? Bullshit. You have no evidence to back up that position.

Yup, that's what I'm saying because they don't suffer 'adverse reactions'. What tends to happen is that a kid gets their shots, sometime later they start showing signs of autism, and then the parents start trying to look for a reason and so latch on to the last thing that happened, no matter HOW UNRELATED it is.
Autism starts showing itself, generally, around the age that kids get these vaccines. They're just two things that happen around the same bloody time.
You have lost the ability (or never had it) to be able to see how things happening around the same time are not necessarily related. You have to show a CAUSAL link. And none have been shown.
YES, in a tiny segment of the population there are adverse affects to vaccines. YES these adverse affects are sad and horrible for those it occurs to, but also does occur due to pre-existing conditions/predispositions (so it'd be great if you could pre-screen for these, but can't as yet). These are tiny percentages, and, while bad, cannot really be avoided, NO treatment of ANY kind has zero potential side effects.
And all that which you quote there... I'll chose to not even read it considering the source... Neil Miller Director of the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute. a bullshit anti vaccination group who peddle herbal clensers and fucking homeopathy. Sorry, anyone who gives homeopathy any credence whatsoever is a blathering idiot in any scientific way.
So, sorry, anything written by him can now be written off as 'horseshit'.

Michele Bachmann is Anti-Vaccination

marbles says...


Let me get this straight... A young kid gets vaccinated, suffers an adverse reaction to it which leads to "autism like" symptoms. And the vaccine did NOT cause autism? The kid was going to get autism anyway? Bullshit. You have no evidence to back up that position.

BTW, they can make mercury-free vaccines. So why do you statist idiots want to mandate everyone get blasted with neurotoxins?

And typical deflecting argument... you can't argue a position without blurring the debate with ad hominem static. What happened to your false analogy? Did you fart again? You must have if you thought HPV vaccines lower cervical cancer rates. And you're ignoring the unintended consequences of trying to vaccinate a relatively common STD that's usually harmless and goes away without treatment. How's that happen you say? Our body has it's own defense system that eliminates the virus. Maybe we should start vaccinating people for colds, you think? Then no one will have colds anymore!

Neil Miller: "Research has shown that when vaccines only target a small number of strains capable of causing disease, less prevalent strains can replace the targeted vaccine strains. These less prevalent strains graduate from minor factors to major influences and may even become more dangerous. Scientists are now concerned that Gardasil -- which only targets two of at least 15 different cancer-causing HPV strains -- might be allowing HPV strains previously considered minor to flourish and become major influences."

More from the article:
By February 2011, more than 20,500 adverse reaction reports pertaining to Gardasil were filed with the U.S. government -- an average of 12 reports per day [VAERS]. Nearly half of all reports required a doctor or emergency room visit, with hundreds of teenage girls and young women needing extended hospitalization.

In the case reports submitted to the FDA, 89 deaths were described due to blood clots, heart disease and other causes. In addition, many of the vaccine recipients -- young women -- were stricken with serious and life-threatening disabilities, including Guillain-Barre syndrome (paralysis), seizures, convulsions, swollen limbs, chest pain, heart irregularities, kidney failure, visual disturbances, arthritis, difficulty breathing, severe rashes, persistent vomiting, miscarriages, menstrual irregularities, reproductive complications, genital warts, vaginal lesions and HPV infection -- the main reason to vaccinate.

According to Dr. Diane Harper, director of the Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group at the University of Missouri, 'The rate of serious adverse events [from Gardasil] is greater than the incidence rate of cervical cancer.' [ABC News (August 19, 2009).]

Gardasil is being promoted as 100 percent effective. However, this is a deceptive assessment of its true ability to protect against cervical cancer. Gardasil is effective against just two strains of cancer-causing HPV -- the ones included in the vaccine -- but researchers have identified at least 15 cancer-causing HPV strains!

Gardasil will not prevent infection with HPV types not contained in the vaccine. In fact, during clinical trials of the vaccine, hundreds of women who received Gardasil contracted HPV disease. Furthermore, the drug maker warns women (in its product insert) that 'vaccination does not substitute for routine cervical cancer screening.'
In other words, your propaganda quote from the NCI is horseshit.

Ron Paul on Fema and Hurricane Irene

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^Kofi:

I hate how libertarians of this variety just opt for "get rid of it all" rather than reform. They fail to acknowledge any good done by anything that might infringe on their "liberty". Well, congratz. You are free to die, starve and be homeless as a result of natural disaster. FREEDOM!

No, they say the money here is wasted and that it is money coming from somewhere we can't afford it.

Now RP, being ultra-lib, does go a bit father than me...okay, a lot father. For Ex, I believe in Unemployment insurance.

But where we agree is more. Assisted suicide, abortion (Insomuch as it being legal, but hating it personally,) the drug war, the wars overseas, etc.

Also, his philosophy counters policies that are too destructive on the opposite end (Such as improper search and seizure in the name of security, or corporate welfare...) Of course it is a losing position, but whatever. The oligarchy that both primary parties support (One knowingly, one unknowingly) is winning.

A Super Heroes Super Fabulous Transformation

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