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Second life calls out Jon Stewart Super Secret Beta (Sift Talk Post)

Daily show does second life

John Stewart: Osama is making Jihad Avatars for Second Life?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'john stewart, second life, rob riggles, avatar, hero, congress, al qaeda' to 'jon stewart, second life, rob riggles, avatar, hero, congress, al qaeda' - edited by calvados

William Gibson enters Cyberspace

William Gibson enters Cyberspace

William Gibson enters Cyberspace

William Gibson enters Cyberspace

Autism and the game Second Life

Trancecoach says...

>> ^CaptWillard:
I understand what that autistic girl in the video is saying, but at the same time she should realize that if we didn't give a hand to people like her then she wouldn't be able to live the way she is, because unless her parents are wealthy I'm sure she is receiving some form of government assistance. I say that because I doubt she is employable anywhere.

I wouldn't go so far as to say she isn't employable anywhere. Plenty of "otherwise-abled" persons are quite capable of holding down a job that meets their capabilities.

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams repeatedly kicked in groin

gwiz665 says...

"Punching Scott Adams in the groin seems to be the point of the entire game."
I thought the gameplay consisted mainly of second life vs. you own balls. I certainly feel like there's a foot-imprint on my scrotum after trying it, but then I was spoiled be highclass games such as pong and ms. pacman.

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams repeatedly kicked in groin

rembar says...

I'm trying to pretend it doesn't exist and Princeton didn't waste money on it.

"The Princeton University island in Second Life is a place for the Princeton University community to experiment with the potential uses of Second Life for education."

It's just like Princeton, only with no real educational value and an onslaught of furries!

...Y'know, on second thought, I'm actually in favor of the island. You see, we could make a log on the Princeton network. Anybody who actually signs in to Second Life from their dorm room and then goes onto the island will be flagged, tracked down and subsequently kicked out of the university.

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams repeatedly kicked in groin

JAPR says...

I've got no hate against this video, but I'm not going to upvote anything Second Life as a principle, because I'm trying to pretend it doesn't exist and Princeton didn't waste money on it.

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams repeatedly kicked in groin

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams repeatedly kicked in groin

BicycleRepairMan says...

I honestly cant see how people can stand more than 2 minutes of Second Life, it has got to be the most futile and pointless piece of crap I've ever downloaded. when I finally got off the "nude and frustrated" Island, the whole thing felt a bit like a 3-dimensional Pop-up from some Las Vegas-based porn site. Seriously, is there ANY kind of point to this "game"?

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams repeatedly kicked in groin

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