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Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams repeatedly kicked in groin

What Second Life is REALLY Like

TV still has no f*cking idea how games work

TV still has no f*cking idea how games work

lucky760 says...

Okay. Someone HAS to post clips from CSI:NY where the whole episode was them hunting down a killer inside Second Life. At one point they even played the game on an 8-foot-tall computer screen.

Fascinatingly craptastic.

Know Japanese Goemon & Ninja? Funny movie

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'second life, machinima, goemon, ninja, japan, japanese, kabugi, animation' to 'second ban, banchinima, goeban, banja, jaban, jabanese, kabangi, banimation, ban' - edited by MarineGunrock

Ron Paul Interviewed by Wolf Blitzer

Will Ron Paul Be Excluded from Iowa Debates? (Politics Talk Post)

qualm says...

You could be right. But I'm not entirely convinced that these polls are not indicative of the bigger picture offline. For example, in New Hampshire, the "Live Free or Die" state, and where you'd sort of expect him to have much popular support, Ron Paul is at like 1%. I think that's telling.

After he's turfed Ron Paul can be president of Second Life.

(I do agree with you about the broadcasting of polling numbers while ballots are still being cast. I'm surprised there isn't an election law in the US forbidding this--if that's the case. In Canada, because we have such a large country, there are strict broadcast regulations to accomodate for the fact that voting boothes are closed in the east while they're still open on the west coast -- where I live.)

Choggie's Roast Thread (Parody Talk Post)

choggie says...

gorgonheap, took the geek channel a while back, or created it, or something, I have never been there until today-fact of the matter is, I haven't been to my channel since I was coerced by another sifter, who chimed in here, but was too comfy in the fraidy-hole (and lifting the finger off the one on the bong), to come out and play-
I never understood, how geeks learned to relish in their enigmatic square-ness, instead of learning some practical skills-Like how to use a zipper, which fork to scratch with, etc., and none so more adept daily, than this one with the furries/PBS fettish.
This kid loves to make up for all the wedgies in gym class, when there is someone self-linking here, he ripps virtual asshole, like its going out of style, or at least not available to him, while behind closed bed-room door (mom's house), with his pals on Second Life. Oh wait. Sorry. Your a man. TeamFortress2, future sociopaths of America training camp.

Did I miss anybody??? Ahhhh...the mistress of ceremony, opera-glass Sheila, the resident queen of dead blogs, second only to ladybug, in her care for things birthed, and left to fend.(damn...can't find it now, it has a lovely picture of her in her raincoat, and her ass is not as fat as she wants y'all t'believe either......she is, in fact, the stick-figure opposite, which is perhaps why high winds, and disasters that come with getting blown away, excite her. I dunno, a weather blog, is excitement squared, and all the interesting folks DO seem to always be talking about the weather.
Rock and Roll will never die, but it will always insure, that she is in the #1 spot on the Videosift, like the only pimp at a hooker's convention, her job is waaaayyyyy to easy!

This was a real shebang folks, hope y'all all learned something from this experiment......karaidl, you have my vote for the saves, although we really should have developed more a symbiotic, double-team....I am simply not in your league, young goodman braun.

Solmed (Member Profile)

choggie (Member Profile)

What Second Life is REALLY Like

FKNNewz 09 21 07

What Second Life is REALLY Like

Van Gogh's Starry Night transformed into into a 3d world

Goofball_Jones says...

It's not a 3D modeling program. it's the builder from the VERY crappy "Second Life" game...or MMO or whatever they're calling this over-hyped piece of nothing.

The best thing about Second Life is their promotion department because they have better marketing and "buzz" than just about anything...yet Second Life itself is just a mess. It looks more like a beta version of some 3D game that was abandoned about 5 years ago. It's horrendous.

But don't take my word for it, go to and make an account and download their's all free. But even free costs too much in my opinion.

djsunkid (Member Profile)

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