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Stringbean ~ Keep My Skillet Good & Greasy

chingalera says...

Pair a chickens' on my back,
Bloodhounds on my track;
I'm pullin for my little 'ol shanty home
I'm pullin for my little 'ol shanty home

If they beat me to the door,
I'll hide' em under the floor;
Keep my skillet good and greasy all the time-
Keep myyyyy skill-eeeEET, good and greasy all the tiiime.

I'm goin down into town,
Gonna swipe me a big ham;
Keep my skillet good and greasy all the time.

Gonna get me a sack 'o flour,
Gonna cook it every hour;
Keep my skillet good and greasy all the time
Keep myyyyy skill-EEt good and greasy, all the tiiiime.

Man With No Short-term Memory

Man With No Short-term Memory

Man With No Short-term Memory

Highly Biased Child Protective Services Interview

Procrastinatron says...

All right, so I just went back and read my earlier reply to this, and I think it got a bit too harsh at one point (it was very late, and I was very tired). Sorry about that.

And I'm really sorry about your mom. Seriously. It fucking sucks in so many ways, and nobody should have to go through what you, your mom, and probably many others around you went through due to one horrible sack of shit.

However, it's still only anecdotal. Just like you claimed that the issue shown in this video might individual rather than systemic, and that women as a whole shouldn't be blamed for the actions of one woman.

But that's exactly the kind of judgment you are passing on men.

I mean, conversely, I have my own shitty-ass stories of abuse ...except the villains in all of my stories just happened to be women (no male teacher ever abused me in any way). But I don't necessarily hold that against women as a gender. Sure, I think it might've been exacerbated by the fact that the school system is heavily dominated by women who, when they are pushed into a corner by the incredibly bad system they're stuck with, just have a harder time understanding and relating to young boys than they do young girls. But I don't go on masculinist rants claiming that I was somehow systematically oppressed by women as a group, because that is just crazy-talk (and no, I am not a masculinist, or even MRA (partisanship is for fucking CHUMPS, and I am no chump)).

However, the fact remains that you've brought nothing to this conversations except belligerently stated opinions which you refuse to back up when asked to do so. That's not fair to the people who are talking to you, and it certainly isn't fair to you yourself who is made to look like an idiot because hey; stupid is as stupid does.

If you engage me in a conversation and are able to back your shit up, I will gladly give you the time of day. I may not agree with you - in fact, it's possible that my disagreement will be downright vehement - but I'm going to review your statements and your sources seriously and respond to them (somewhat) seriously.

Unless they are TOO stupid, in which case it is possible that I will point at you and laugh.

If I think your arguments are sound, and believe me when I say that I am fair in this because I push myself hard to stay rational, I will actually tell you that your arguments are sound. And if you actually manage to prove me wrong, I will literally tell you that you proved me wrong. It has been known to happen (exceedingly rarely), and I always manage to stay upfront and honest because the only thing that really matters to me is the truth.

So please don't fucking bail on an argument like that again, because it drives me up the fucking walls.

Yogi said:

I assume you've heard of "Editing" right? This is what happens with sources that have an agenda, which this one comes from. It's edited to show the worst and to absolve the person who's making the case.

The fantasy world feminists are living in? I don't know where that comes from but I live in a world where most (90%) of violence against women is committed by men. Women aren't paid the same for the same jobs. We've never had a woman president. Ya know things like that, stuff that might seem pretty fucked up.

Here's a story for you, I was raised by my father, and he was a nice guy. Where was my mother you ask? Oh she was murdered when I was 2 by a guy who saw her, and decided he wanted her, and killed her.

Sharpton: Says Sen. Cruz Was A Senator Since Birth

chingalera says...

Senator from birth: I'd call Freudian-slippage but we're watching a taped belch from the king of Alzheimerized-glossolalia. Sharpatron suffers from a range of issues best deciphered by means of metalinguistical and phonological analysis

This man has always sounded like he has a sack of hot marbles in his mouth....the same marbles that rolled from his head and into the back of his throat like a Parcheesi machine

blankfist (Member Profile)

Weird sea creature caught on film by a ROV

Greatest Hackey Sack Routine of All Time

Greatest Hackey Sack Routine of All Time

Greatest Hackey Sack Routine of All Time

narril says...

Watch again, but this time pretend that the hackey sack was added in digitally as a joke and that this was actually a special olympics dance contest.

Greatest Hackey Sack Routine of All Time

budzos says...

It's weird i find it annoying that almost every single move in his routine involves passing the hackey sack under his leg or foot. After 90 seconds I was wanting to see something other than variations on the Jester.. just juggle the damn hacky sack for a second, because watching this makes my knees hurt.

Greatest Hackey Sack Routine of All Time

If Idioms Were Real

Greenwald: "Dianne Feinstein is Outright Lying" about NSA

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