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Rise of the New Atheists?

Cop Sexually Assaults Woman Then Arrests Her For Protesting

Fletch says...

Amazing. Yet more piece-of-shit cops and a cowardly judge (or whatever she is) firmly behind that blue wall. Rights violated by the accused pervert by forcing the woman to recant in the face of arrest, and a fucking judge sits there and ignores it. Absolutely amazing, but not surprising (if that makes sense). Cops are lying sacks of shit and judges protect and give the benefit of a doubt to these fuckers in courts all over this country. God, I hate cops.

Game of Thrones Season 3: Inside the Red Wedding

Yogi says...

I know I'm gonna get ripped apart, but I didn't care about the Red Wedding. After the initial shock of watching a pregnant woman get stabbed in the stomach, I was over it. This guy has one move, build up some stuff and then destroy it and watch the ripples. It's not a clever way of destroying something, it's informed by his love of Medieval Times. Also this probably doesn't bother anyone else but the special effects and the fact that a person just sits there while being stabbed instead of at least doubling over in pain is ridiculous. You get more defense out of people in Rwanda from machete strikes, and blood doesn't come out of a neck like that, just watch hockey skate accidents!

I loved Seasons 1 and 2, Season 3 was dragging on and on with me only really caring about the Adventures of Ygritte and Jon Snow, and Aryas little stuff. Actually the pairing of Jamie and that huge woman was pretty cool for a bit but I also got tired of what a sad sack he was.

I have two problems with Game of Thrones though that I think people will agree with, so read this if you already hate everything I wrote.

ONE: There's not enough of it. I'm not talking about Khaleesi wandering the desert, I'm talking about character development. These are HUGE books with tons of scenes, I gotta think that somewhere along the line a character or two is developed with some small things rather than BIG 3 minute scenes. I want the series to be 20 episodes long, 2 hours and episode. I know people want action and every episode has to matter but aren't the books written in POV format? Why not have some POV parts in the show with some personal narrative!

TWO: The fucking praise it receives. I get there's a lot of book readers and it's a very good series, but it's not the second coming. This isn't even the best thing on TV right now, and it certainly isn't better than The Wire. Game of Thrones has a bunch of Emmys, The Wire has only two Nominations...they didn't even WIN ANYTHING! Could that be because Game of Thrones has like One black guy...who's obsessed with raping a white woman by the way, interesting there.

Oh and The Wire is Real, that shit really fucking happens everyday still. Yet this week people are crying like pussies because their favorite characters get got. Even though I'm a huge fan, I'm kind of embarrassed after this episode to be associated with a lot of the internet. I mean I thought it was cool when Buffy died the second time, it wasn't the end of the fucking world though. Also Buffy came back to life, so good reference to use right? Right?! Ahhh shut up.

Nintendo Wii Bought on Ebay - Hidden Surprise

Huge 'Meatball' Blackhead Surgical Extraction

Teddy Has An Operation - zefrank

Teddy Has An Operation - zefrank

Meta-Free-Phor-All: Shall I nail thee to a summer day.

Behold The Majesty of Simcity GlassBox Simulation

Quadrophonic says...

@FlowersInHisHair @aimpoint. In my opinion there are two major issues that caused the game/launch to be such a disaster. I am not speaking of technical reasons or gameplay, which are solvable through patches and more game servers. I'm speaking of the one thing you can't change and thats the first impression.

First of all, they advertised the game wrong. They focused on the glass box engine, the general look and in the early stages made it look just like a very good reboot of the series. But old fans of franchise don't get you that many new customers. So they jumped on the social game train, in hopes of acquiring a new set of potential customers. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with that. Players who just wanted to play the game on their own could do just so, just like players who want to build a huge city together with their Facebook friends. At least this was what the marketing made us believe. In hindsight they should have marketed the whole game as some kind of sim city online. Which would have set the right expectations into customers and prevented a part of the huge shitstorm that followed.

Secondly, and this rule should be written in caps, DON'T LIE! Or at least DON'T GET CAUGHT LYING! If you say it needs always on DRM, you better make sure your game only works online.

Saying that DRM is the reason of the Sim City debacle would be very far from the truth. Sure there is a love-hate relationship between players and publishers, especially regarding DRM. But in the end of the day the urge to play the game is bigger than the personal objections against the "evil" publisher.

Because to be honest, this is neither the first game to have an always-online DRM, nor is it the first to have server issues after the launch, nor is it the first game that wasn't as bug free as the user might wish. After that being said, in my opinion firing EA's CEO (which happened this monday) was damage control at the wrong end, they should have sacked the whole PR department.

What To Do While Waiting For Police

chingalera says...


Lemme address all yer whack points from free-associative angles:

The reality of some increased level of moral or ethical degradation of a society or a segment of her constituents shouldn't frighten you away from availing yourself of tools needed for the job. Sadly, the U.S. is full of developmental disability but please tell me it's not going to be people whose process is so skewed who will take us all into a kindler and gentler future?? What do we do, reeducate?? Sensitize and sanitize the environment we share? A fantasy.

Biden clips, Biden clips, ok, BIdens' first of all, a fucking idiot on camera, off, and an ineffectual sack of meat as a Vice President. His interview with the slug from Parent's magazine was embarrassing and worthy of scorn. What he has to say on the issue parrots on a 3rd-grade-level the horseshit dialog coming from Feinstein and her ilk so simply using what he had to say as a talking point screams moral weakness and a lack of will.

One may expect a confrontation in life to whatever degree, DAILY! The last thing I would do in a situation where someone was either in my home or attempting to break in would be hide somewhere until they were gone. If I saw that they had a weapon, it's my house-I know where 20 objects are in my personal space with which to disable or disarm someone better than the burglar....He's fucked.

Dad hacks Donkey Kong so daughter can play as the girl

Bohn & Fletcher, LLP

Road Warriors... Extraordinary Irish Road Racing at 200mph

Khufu says...

THAT made you realize nascar is "kinda" boring? Watching paint dry gave it away for me. Any race, including potato sack races and three legged races are more exciting than nascar IMO. Huge waste of fuel and quality engineers.

This video is insane, these guys must know this course really well not to die on every corner.

Fred_Chopin said:

Crazy speed!! Made me realize that compared to this, Nascar is kinda boring.

High School Streaker Gets Away

Aubrey Plaza stole from the whitehouse

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