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Playstation Network Hacked - User info stolen (Videogames Talk Post)

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Yeah, this sucks HARD. I bought one game over PSN as a one off type thing (I had to have Resident Evil 2 on my PSP, rarrgghh) years ago, and now I gotta worry about this? Is it true they used no encryption whatsoever for storing user info? Fucking TEXT files Sony, really?

The fact that they waited 5 whole days to tell anyone really makes me doubt whether they're being totally honest with what they have told us. I truly feel for you PS3 owners, hope everything turns out OK.

Playstation Network Hacked - User info stolen (Videogames Talk Post)

Gwiz's new game: Blendimals - Full Trailer

Her Boobs are so big, she didn't feel a thing.

entr0py says...

>> ^Payback:

Fucked over, reworked Gizmondo?

It's not THAT bad of an idea. This Xperia dingus is PSP Go and Android compatible, though I don't know if it has the entire PSP Go library. Sony already has a huge library of mobile games that the average cellphone gamer hasn't played. This might let Sony print some extra money without needing to make any games specifically for the device. In the future they even plan to have NGP/Experia/PSPGO/PS3 compatible play station mini games. Seems like a sensible strategy against Nintendo and Apple.

Zero Punctuation: Two Worlds II

Matthu says...

I like this game a lot. I give it 78/100.

Magic is just damn fun, it's a blast.

@kceaton1 I'm level 22 and pure necro, I don't know what you're talking about waiting 5 minutes and necro being underpowered. If it's a minor fight, I just summon 1 or 2 skeles then blast my target with spectral magic, he dies fast. I finished all the arena challenges, and they were great, a lot of fun, just challenging enough after I levelled up a bit. For the final few arena challenges I would rush it start summoning like mad, summon 8 or 9 skeles then go to work with missiles. Mabe you haven't yet realized that you can stack the same cards on top of each other for lengthier summons, more summons and summons of a high level.

I really enjoyed that whole quest line with the crime boss and the chick and that guy mirage, and the tongue. By the end I was truly engrossed and was sad to see some characters leave you at the end of that quest line. There was not a single quest line that really engrossed me like that in Oblivion.

Anyways, I'm sure the ps3 version I'm playing is better than the pc version. The ps3's version has an interface that doesn't frustrate me at all, fast and easy to navigate.

I find the feeling of character progression in TW2 is better, in Oblivion, there's the mobs levelling with you problem and the lack of items which ends up with you having nothing to do by level 25 aside from finish the story and concoct spells at the Uni.

This game is an excellent way to get your fix until Skyrim.

Zero Punctuation: DC Universe Online

Estuffing17 says...

>> ^mentality:

>> ^Clumsy:
Agree and disagree - as a PC MMO player, ya, WoW - big game that's awesome and amazing and and ... but DC Universe plays and is obviously catering to a PS3 audience, so that is actually something to take into consideration when you do a review. What other games are there, how are they different, and junk.
Enjoy these reviews nonetheless, just wish it wasn't such a cheapshot all the time.

So catering to a PS3 audience means designing a shitty MMO? There's great qualities in console games that you can emulate, instead of just taking the PC MMO model and dumbing it down.

Out of curiosity, have you even played the game? The game play itself is significantly harder to master than WoW, requiring that you use combos, dodge incoming attacks and decide power roles. Additionally, having only six powers to choose from means you must use actual strategy in choosing which ones you will be using.

On top of that, they are going to a completely unique MMO game experience. It's plays much more like Arkham Asylum than WoW with fun dialogue, several actual story lines, and the ability to play the game for a short period of time and still manage to accomplish something (about friggin time MMOs), and you can go through the entire game solo without any issues.

Obviously it has some issues...the chat system is horrid and for the most part people rarely use it. Some of the powers are a little buggy, there are a couple of known sound issues, etc. Fairly minor stuff considering its recent release date.

Oh, and there's just something awesome about chasing Lex Luther to the Hall of Doom because he has kidnapped Superman (while they supposedly teamed up to take on Brainiac), confronting him, then challenging him in said Hall of Doom in order to save the Man of Steel.

Zero Punctuation: DC Universe Online

mentality says...

>> ^Clumsy:

Agree and disagree - as a PC MMO player, ya, WoW - big game that's awesome and amazing and and ... but DC Universe plays and is obviously catering to a PS3 audience, so that is actually something to take into consideration when you do a review. What other games are there, how are they different, and junk.
Enjoy these reviews nonetheless, just wish it wasn't such a cheapshot all the time.

So catering to a PS3 audience means designing a shitty MMO? There's great qualities in console games that you can emulate, instead of just taking the PC MMO model and dumbing it down.

Zero Punctuation: DC Universe Online

Clumsy says...

Agree and disagree - as a PC MMO player, ya, WoW - big game that's awesome and amazing and and ... but DC Universe plays and is obviously catering to a PS3 audience, so that is actually something to take into consideration when you do a review. What other games are there, how are they different, and junk.

Enjoy these reviews nonetheless, just wish it wasn't such a cheapshot all the time.

COD: Black Ops Funniest Kill Ever

paulfromcanada says...

Whoa, wow, sweet turkey meat!
Account will be permanently disabled?
Hold on here partners.
First of all, I was completely unaware of said self sifting rule.
Second of all, without me showing you this it would have just been lost in a sea of ps3 uploads.
UsesProzac you are more than welcome to post it, message me if you can't find it after I slay it.
jonny thank you for your candor.
To be without a sift account would be completely uncivilized.

(Also chaucer it was a hair trigger reaction and I'm not sure what velocity it was flying at, only that I will never be able to play that level again without laughing)


Angry Birds Rio Trailer

ant says...

>> ^rottenseed:

<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^ant</a>:<br /><EM>>> <A rel="nofollow" href="" rel=nofollow>^VoodooV</A>:<BR><BR>I like Angry Birds way more than I should <BR></EM><BR><BR>Good thing I don't have a mobile device to play it. <IMG class=smiley src=""><BR></em>
I have it on my PS3 Just as fun BIGGER screen!

OK, good thing I don't have a video game console. I haven't had one since Atari 2600 unless a port exists on it.

Angry Birds Rio Trailer

rottenseed says...

>> ^ant:
>> ^VoodooV:
I like Angry Birds way more than I should

Good thing I don't have a mobile device to play it. <IMG class=smiley src="">

I have it on my PS3 Just as fun BIGGER screen!

Extra Credits: Piracy

spawnflagger says...

I agree with DRM "punishing your customers". The only DRM I can tolerate is what Steam uses to encrypt files. And that's because Steam is more convenient than physical media and constantly-patching all your PC games.

Disagree with his notion of "always on" network connection solving the DRM problem. Ubisoft does this with their newer titles, and I don't like it. Even for single player games, like Assassins Creed 2, you have to be constantly connected. You lose your connection, game pauses or doesn't start. Ubi's servers went down too - no one could play AC2 for 6 hours the day after it was released. They claim it was a DOS attack, but likely it was unexpected demand. Oh, can't confirm it, but that DRM was already patched out and there are pirated versions of UBI games out there already. I won't purchase any new UBI game which uses this Always-On-DRM.

The reward system is up to the reseller, not up to the publisher. Truth is that resellers don't make much profit from selling new games. That is why Gamestop is always pushing their used titles (and have rewards program for it) - the profit margin is astoundingly higher. Although the publisher can offer some rebates, like if you own the prior title, you get a discount on the sequel. These are few and far between though.

I bought a PS3 to put linux on it. But that was when it first came out, and there aren't many games on it, so no compelling reason to own it. I only put linux on it to try out Cell programming. Honestly YDL was slooooowwwww on the PS3. Other than Cell programming, there's no compelling reason to put linux on a PS3. Sony was selling the PS3 at a loss, and could do so because of future profits from selling games. I'm not sure if the newer Slim models are profitable or not, but I understand them removing support for it. (my conspiracy theory is that IBM also twisted their arm, since a Cell-BE blade or workstation is $8000+). Now, I use my PS3 for games occasionally, but mostly for blu-ray. I don't feel ripped off. The PS3 still does quite a lot, just not Everything.

Disagree with "shuts off servers for favorite game" argument too. If they want to stop running "official servers" fine - but they should just release open-source version of a dedicated server for anyone who wants to run their own server, after they stopped caring about their old titles. id software consistently released the source for their entire games, not just the server.

I don't think I've ever heard of someone justifying piracy because there was no demo available...Did anyone pirate a game just to try it, then like it and buy the full version? I've heard of people buying the game, hating the DRM, then getting the crack for it so they could actually play what they paid for.

He left out high school and college students (bulk of game pirates) in the "I'm too poor" argument. They all got the consoles or PC's as presents from their parents, and can't budget $60/month for games because they aren't working. And if the parents are already paying for their housing and food, they don't want to buy their kids new games every month, so those kids do what's easy - pirate games.

In all though, I do agree with him - that you should pay for games because developers worked hard on them.

Also if you see a title that is older and discounted, and a new copy is $19.99 and the used one is $17.99 - please buy the new one, cause the developers get $0.00 from used game sales.

Reporter David Rohde Speaks On His Taliban Kidnapping

Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2

Portal 2 Preview: Plenty of in-game footage

Truckchase says...

>> ^radx:

Don't forget to vote for your own video, mate.
I was thrilled to hear that PS3/Windows/Mac will be able to enjoy cross-platform-gaming in this one. And that the PS3 version comes with a free Windows/Mac version as well.


Yeah this will be interesting; I've always wondered how Console folks will fare against PC gamers. I'm a bit biased because I'm a "natural" PC gamer that uses consoles for sports games and Rockband. With this PS3 deal though, I'd entertain the idea of purchasing it there...

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