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Dust 514 at E3'11, from CCP in tandem with Eve Online

GDGD says...

I agree. I try to imagine some of the challenges though:

Xbox Live talking to the PSN talking to Tranq.

Attempt at seamless, smooth integration/launch (when does this happen in games any more?)

Not trying to start the system debate, but it is known that for FPS games, the mouse and keyboard are superior input devices. This would cause a large rift in what a player could do, that another could not. With the supposed point of trying to reach a different audience, or make Dust more approachable for consolers, it would not mesh well introducing PC players.

I hear that Logitech has some of the better KB/M that work with a PS3.
>> ^Enzoblue:

Wicked idea. PS3 only is a shocker though.

Dust 514 at E3'11, from CCP in tandem with Eve Online

netean (Member Profile)

frizlefry says...

In reply to this comment by netean:
This game feels like it's been in development nearly as long as Duke Nukem Forever - I remember seeing early footage just after Quake 4 launched.

Tragic to think that after all this time, all this development and money, they've made a very visually stunning game that looks quite dull and tedious. To my eye looks exactly the same as Quake 4/3/2/1 Doom etc just with better graphics.

So essentially this is Quake 1 but you'll still need to invest an a top of the line new gaming rig just to get more than 15fps.

ID Games: a 1 trick pony that seem to think if they up the graphics enough time no one will notice the total lack of originality!

ID Tech 5 is portable across all major platforms. A high end gaming rig is most certainly not required. It's designed to make cross-platform releases have as much parity as possible. The fact that is made to run at solid 60 FPS on a PS3 and an Iphone as well as PC and 360 is probably one of the reasons it took so long to develop. I'm sure you will be able to crank up the bells and whistles on a high end PC but that was not the intention of this game or the engine.
Another reason for delay would be that Id is actually creating a new graphics technology too. Not just cranking out a game based on someone else's engine. Id Tech 5 streams MASSIVE amounts of textures on the fly into and out of memory seamlessly. Game devs never have to worry about texture memory constraints or making each platform look good. The engine optimizes everything per platform so each looks as good as possible while the developer only need make one version of the texture for all platforms.
Another reason for a long delay would be that Id licenses it's engines to a bevy of other game companies who could not pursue or afford the R&D of developing new tech. Part of selling such a high cost package is they need to provide usable tools for artists and programmers to interface with. This is a priority for their profitability down the line because if the tools suck there will be heavy tech support costs to fix them and maybe a lawsuit. "Rage" is just half of the equation here.
Finally, I believe the delay in this game could be attributed to it being a semi-open world exploration game, with a story line, and with a sizable racing component thrown in as well. It is not just a first person shooter as you see in this clip. In fact the multiplayer part of the game is said to be just the combat-racing. Not deathmatch or CTF. It's a pretty big departure from the "one trick pony" you describe.
Personally, I would like game devs to release a game when it's fully completed and not draw unfair comparisons to 3D Realms' laughable situation. There really is no similarity at all if you know the facts.

Duke Nukem Forever - Launch Trailer

EvilDeathBee says...

What I mean is, the renderer, the part of the engine that powers all the visuals is not the native unreal engine renderer. It was rewritten by 3D Realms, so the "unreal ugliness" isn't there, it's "DNF ugliness" . The "plasticy" or "plastic wrap" look that was coined during the Doom 3 era, has little to do with the engine but the artists.

Just because Epic is endorsed by nvidia, doesn't mean they purposefully ruin the experience for ATI cards. That's like saying since ATI endorsed Half Life 2, Source has been purposefully made to not work with nvidia cards properly.

I believe they've fixed the AA issue on new versions. Batman has AA, DNF has AA and the new DX11 AA looks great. Keep in mind, a lot of games take years to develop and by the time it releases, the engine can be a bit dated. Homefront for instance? That version of unreal is 3 years old.

The engine is not without it's flaws (IE: without serious modification, the default player movement code for a first person game, imo, feels awful. Not Metro 2033 awful, but pretty bad) but it's constantly being updated and improved. The reason why developers use it is because it's tool set is fantastically good. It makes development so much easier, unless you're a programmer unfamiliar with Unreal's way of wanting to be written. And developing on PS3... which I hear might've also been improved.

Desert Eagle .50AE versus PS3

spawnflagger says...

>> ^Bruti79:

I know nothing about guns, but was that AK a semi-auto or a full auto?
It seemed like it popped off a lot of rounds in one trigger press.

The same guy has other videos - & using what I assume is the same gun (AKS-74U). In those, you can clearly see a fully-automatic mode.

According to this -
Full-auto weapons are legal, but have a lot of restrictions when it comes to buying/selling.

In some states they are still banned -

Zero Punctuation: Portal 2

Unsung_Hero says...

>> ^conan:

I agree with Yhatzee. Portal >> Portal 2. Portal 2 was ruined because of the cross plattform approach (the original Portal had different maps for consoles).

Whoa!? Seriously .... I don't know why, but if this is true, this is the first I've heard of this. I'm going to have to play an Xbox or PS3 version if they are different.

I also agree that this game was WAY to easy. In fact, when a friend of mine was going through the game for the first time. He didn't pick up on what to do right off the bat so he started looking around. After about 2 or 3 minutes Wheatley told them EXACTLY how to solve it. I was astonished and saddened.

I like to watch people play through the game for the first time because it is highly entertaining. Not from a point and laugh comparison standpoint, but more of a learning of how people think. You can sit back and visibly see them thinking it out. You get to see the exact second the light bulb goes off in their head. It's very interesting.
...I urge you to sit and watch someone that hasn't played it before. You won't regret it. lol

Note - Portal 1 is far more interesting to watch someone play than Portal 2. In the second game the game developers purposely made it so you could only solve a lot of puzzles one way.

PS3 - It Only Does Identity Theft

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'PS3, Playstation, Live, hack, hacked, identity theft, fail, well fuck' to 'PS3, Playstation, psn, hack, hacked, identity theft, fail, well fuck' - edited by xxovercastxx

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

Officer! My car was stolen while I was in buying beer!

Playstation Network Hacked - User info stolen (Videogames Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:

Yeah, this sucks HARD. I bought one game over PSN as a one off type thing (I had to have Resident Evil 2 on my PSP, rarrgghh) years ago, and now I gotta worry about this? Is it true they used no encryption whatsoever for storing user info? Fucking TEXT files Sony, really?
The fact that they waited 5 whole days to tell anyone really makes me doubt whether they're being totally honest with what they have told us. I truly feel for you PS3 owners, hope everything turns out OK.

No...everything is NOT ok...somebody used my bank info to pull out money and spend it on booze and cocaine.

I cannot even believe this

PS3 - It Only Does Identity Theft

shuac says...

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^shuac:
What a black eye this debacle is for Sony. I almost feel bad for them.

Why? Don't feel bad because something bad happened to them. If they had listened to customers all along, then when this inevitably happened, a lot more customers would be standing behind them, instead of bashing them. That's what they fucking get...

I didn't say I felt bad. You see, when daddy uses words, daddy means them. All of them.

PS3 - It Only Does Identity Theft

PS3 - It Only Does Identity Theft

rottenseed says...

>> ^shuac:

What a black eye this debacle is for Sony. I almost feel bad for them.

Why? Don't feel bad because something bad happened to them. If they had listened to customers all along, then when this inevitably happened, a lot more customers would be standing behind them, instead of bashing them. That's what they fucking get...

PS3 - It Only Does Identity Theft

Playstation Network Hacked - User info stolen (Videogames Talk Post)

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