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The Walk.

Drachen_Jager says...

It's not really about the ramp. He's an old rickety man, naturally he has trouble.

The problem is that he forces doctors to lie about his health, then things like this make the truth obvious.

Then he compounds lies upon lies. His skin is so thin he just can't let it go, he rambles for 10 minutes about how unfair everything is.

Remember, this is a guy born to incredible wealth, never worked a day in his life, thinks that knowing a fucking rhinoceros from a drawing is an impressive achievement, is cruel and demeaning whenever he has a chance, treats the world, and women's genitalia as his own personal playground with few repercussions, no matter how egregiously he's broken the law, rips off investors, contractors, the very country he now pretends to serve, lost billions of dollars in personal wealth while bragging about how good he is with money, had to turn to Russian lenders because US and European banks wouldn't touch him anymore, yet somehow fell ass backwards into the presidency of the US. Now he uses that position to line his own pockets, without the slightest care for those he hurts or kills in the process.

And yet... he finds life doesn't treat him fairly. He whines and complains.

You know the only time he's seemed truly sad and upset while President?

Was it when 100,000 Americans died while he made things worse?


Was it when police started ramming innocent protestors and media with their vehicles, tear gassing, beating, and maiming with rubber bullets?


What about when mass shootings happened on his watch, or school shootings, like Obama?


He got truly publicly upset for the first time in his presidency when a disappointing number of adoring fans came to a rally.

He is so pathetic and useless, so self-serving and evil that pain, death, suffering on a scale that really hasn't been seen in the US in a very long time means nothing.

The only thing that matters is him.

Now, what were you saying about Biden?

Do you still want to do that side-by-side comparison?

Do you really think this is about a ramp?

harlequinn said:

It's an 11 degree ramp, not 3, which is over 2 times the gradient allowed (as per the ADA). And the ADA requires ramps of this sort to have handrails.

Where's the comparison video? I.e., Biden coming down the ramp.

newtboy (Member Profile)

The Violent Left EXPOSED!

Drachen_Jager says...

Yes, an alt-righter drove his car into a crowd of protestors, but THEY are the terrorists.

Uh huh.

You're the one who should be ashamed, @bobknight33 for posting this garbage again and again, then refusing to even attempt to defend it when others point out the obvious flaws.

Robert Jeffress "There Is Not A Racist Bone In His Body"

newtboy says...

Racism isn't seated in your's in your mind.
There is a racist mind in his body.
It's clear to everyone which side of this white power struggle he's on, there's no question at all. He is firmly in the camp of the people that believe reverse racism is a bigger problem than racism. He's in the camp of people who stand for preserving statues of traitors to the United States because they also stood for racism. He's in the camp of people who stand arm in arm with violent Nazis holding torches and shouting hate speech, but he calls them peaceful quiet protestors calmly preserving their heritage.
He doesn't seem to understand that racism comes in shades of gray, not black and white. You don't have to wish all black people were dead to be racist, believing they all have less self control, intelligence, and/or morals does the trick just fine.

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

Asmo says...

You obviously haven't been watching too much of the footage then, and you've bought the narrative hook, line and sinker.

The "anti protestors" showed up with bottles of quick dry cement, balloons filled with urine and feces, fireworks, glass bottles, mace, hairspray cans used as impromptu flamethrowers etc. Plenty of signs advocating the scalping/punching of nazi's of course. But yeah, totally impromptu and they were totally peaceful... 8 |

After the ACLU stepped in to get the permit reinstated for the right wing rally, the police the next day were ordered to stand down, leaving the rally attendees with zero protection and access to the event required passing through the anti-protester crows, which precipitated rapidly in to violence. Funny that, right? Almost like the powers that be set the whole thing up to guarantee it turned in to a riot... And then there's the grandstanding afterwards by the (D) mayor about those horrible racists... /grin

This has been documented by many left, right and center sources for anyone who bothers to look for it. It's less to do with Trump and more to do with the constant narrative that white = shit and how people are getting pissed off about it.

Far, far too easy just to label them all Trump loving nazi's than invest even the slightest bit of effort in to trying to work out what's truly going on, eh? \= |

newtboy said:

You must be fucking kidding, Asmo. The white nationalists are clear why they are feeling safe to unify and license to mobilize, their guy won the white house and he's gonna help them take their country back and make America white....I mean great again. When Trump tried to spread the blame for the violence, they saw that as another endorsement, as did most people. It's not a reaction to antifascists, antifascists are a reaction to their resurgence imo. Which came first, the KKK, the Neo Nazis, the alt right, or Antifa?
To be crystal clear, so you aren't confused again, my mention of the antifascists here is not an endorsement of their group or methods.

FEC case exposes paid actor Trump supporters

newtboy says...

Yeah, I didn't notice that he linked a fake site that hosts viruses (according to Norton).
Pretty crappy of him to post it here as 'proof' of these debunked claims of paid protestors....but I expect nothing better.
At least I now know to avoid any link Bob posts....I hope others will follow suit and not get suckered like I did.

What's hilarious is, when interviewed, the 'protestors' at recent town hall meetings could and did prove they lived in the areas the meetings were held in, but the pro Trump people actually WERE bussed in from other counties and admitted it....yet they still claim the anti Trump people are paid shills from out of town with no evidence beyond their ignorant wishful thinking. I hope their homes get burglarized while they're over there lying.

gwiz665 said:

" is a fake news site which mimics the URL, design and logo of the actual news site"

This is scam 101, don't fall for it, bob.

Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

Drachen_Jager says...

Those who fear words fear them because they know they are wrong.

This is exactly why Obama, when faced with protestors at his rallies allowed the protestor to speak their piece, and only let security eject them if they continued being disruptive.

The fight over the Dakota Access Pipeline, explained

bobr3940 says...

Every story I see on this situation covers the emotional hot topics of they might endanger the tribes water supply, they might be trampling on sacred burial sites, they aren't being nice to the protestors.

So what are the facts? How was the company handling the concerns of the many people affected by the pipeline not just this one tribe. I have seen only one story that covered this and I have to say that it appears that the company has tried to work with them.

I would love to see a story from the tribe perspective that shows. something that goes something like this. "we contacted the company on these dates and expressed out concerns over these topics (see attached letters, forms, online entries etc) we have not heard back or did not like their response (see attached responses). We worked with them and offered X alternatives... etc"

If I could see a fact filled version of their story that matches the one I linked above I would be more inclined to fully back them.

BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia

bcglorf says...

So, the police have setup a barracade that the 'peaceful' protestors tried to attack with a semi truck so that they could attempt to trespass(according to the law). The police then tried to defend the barracade against the angry mob, or perhaps more accurately the rioters.

Funny how the perspective you tell the story from changes it entirely even while keeping to the overall same facts.....

Rewrite: The Protests At Standing Rock | The Last Word | MSN

Fairbs says...

An addition to this story is that private security guards unleashed attack dogs on the peaceful protestors and a number of people were bit.

Unarmed Man Laying On Ground With Hands in Air Shot

enoch says...

i am just going to add to the opinions and perspectives that @MilkmanDan ,@ChaosEngine ,@dannym3141 and especially @newtboy who i agree with so clearly that i swear we are related.

since many dynamics have already been covered, i.e:police culture,racism,incompetence etc etc.

i shall offer a historical perspective in the ways of the power dynamic.

while this is a power vs powerlessness dynamic dealing with agents of the state,it helps to understand just how we got to this point,and it is NOT the first time we have been here.

see:labor movement of the 30's and the labor strikes,and the response from not only the business community but our own government.

see: the civil rights movement and segregation,and how demagouges used political power to divide by way of racism,and then used police to intimidate,beat and imprison.

there are many MANY examples here in america where the police have been used to suppress and oppress a people or community for less than altruistic reasons,and most certainly not aligning with the ideology we were taught in school the function of police.nevermind the syrupy sweet,idealized picture shoved down our throats since an early age.

so we see on our facebooks,our twitters and/or whatever social media you prefer,that black lives matter...and the counter point,that NO..ALL lives matter.

now this would make sense in a world that never took history into account,or a growing cultural norm of violence and oppression that had been slowly seeping into poor communities (mainly black and latino).

oh wait..
that's right.
social media pundits NEVER fucking consider any of those factors,because just like bill o'reilly,those are pesky nuances and context conflict with their own narrow narrative.

but let us consider them and how they may possibly be a major driving factor in americas current climate.

let us take ferguson as an example,that is a good place to start.
and let us go back to 2008,where we can see the boiling begin to take place in this extremely impoverished community which was already struggling.

the population is a black majority,poor to working poor.home ownership is low,food stamp recipients are high and the future is pretty bleak.

in 2008 ferguson received approximately 18% of it's total fiscal revenue from misdemeanor infractions i.e:traffic,parking,moving violations.small time stuff.basic fines for small 2008 that number jumped to 66%.

what happened?
what changed?

well the comptroller of ferguson (and greater st louis),along with HUNDREDS of other smaller municipalities across the country,had bought the rotten fish that wall street was selling in the form of bullshit derivatives.

now wall street and the big banks got their tax payer bailout,but towns like ferguson did not.they lost millions,sometimes billions.this meant pensions were either reduced or outright denied,because there was NO money!

but a town still has to pay police.
fire fighters and school teachers,
clerks and judges,
keep the roads paved and the street lights working.

so what is a local government to do?
can't tax the working class who own already jacked their property tax to the roof.
can't tax the local business,you already squeeze them as well.
how about those non-property owning people in ferguson?
they need to pay up as well,and let's use the police force to relinquish them of the paltry money they don't have.

to the tune of 66% of all of fergusons revenue.
that is insanity.

so what if you live in ferguson?
chances are you are black,and either poor or working poor.

you make,if you are lucky,20 grand a year and by one man's testimony he paid over 2,000 in traffic tickets in one year.the majority of americans dont see those kind of numbers their entire lifetime.

and what if you began to realize that it was not just you.that almost every person you know or talked to had similar stories.

would you begin to feel a tad bit targeted?

what if the city of ferguson started to become very creative with not only their rules but how they enforced those rules?

what if every year the fines went up?
not remained the same,but actually UP? every year.

what if,as a community people began to actually fear the police? to experience anxiety just by the sight of a patrol car,even though they were not engaging in anything illegal? and who knows...maybe there is some new ordinance on the books that you are unaware of?

would you become paranoid and suspicious of law enforcement?

and then..what started losing friends to cops.people you grew up with being shot in the street,and every time the mayor comes out and calls it a "justifiable killing".

would that make you feel any better?
any less paranoid or anxious?

there was ONE police shooting in ten years and if by magic ..(which is how the media seems to always portray this..shocking 11) lose 5 friends in a year.all to cops..all "justifiable".

would you begin to think there was a conspiracy?
targeting you and your neighbors?

i BET you would.
i know i would.

now lets look at the cops.

they are just a tool.
an instrument for the state to uphold the law and write citations for infractions.they dont MAKE the laws,nor the infractions,not even the fines.

they just do what they are told.

and they are told to go into these poor and working poor neighborhoods and write tickets,a LOT of tickets.

do you really think they are unaware of the growing hostility towards them? the looks of disgust,fear and apprehension?

but...this is their job,and they do what they are told.

they see.
they know.
they are aware of the growing hatred towards them,and this makes them anxious..and defensive..and in some horrible,tragic cases...trigger happy.

a natural and normal response to heightened stimuli in the face of great uncertainty.

so they react impulsively and out of fear in a way that ten years ago would have been unheard of.

they think themselves good cops.
they do a good job.
they do what they are told.
and the people hate them for it.
so they respond instinctively and with poor judgement. citizens,respond with disgust and indignation when a cop abuses his/her authority.we see this as a major moral breach in the citizen/cop relationship,because we feel as agents of the law they should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us...and rightly so,but when you put a human being in a tense and dangerous situation,not of their making,they will fail at some point to react correctly and with sound judgement.

they SHOULD be held accountable,but so should the city council members and the mayor and all the local representatives who created this toxic climate in the first place.

the lesson to be learned here is that nothing is a binary situation when people are concerned.

so when black lives matter protestors address people to make them aware of the situation,this is what they are talking about.the police killing are only a last stage manifestation of a situation that began in 2008 on wall street.

and we need to be aware,because right now it is the predominantly black communities,but soon coming to a neighborhood near YOU.

the poor and working poor have become longer relevant to the system.which is why police shootings are being handled the way they are.our value is ever increasingly being judged on how well we can feed the system.

until this disparity is addressed there will continue to be police shootings.people will die and there will be no indictments.

because police do what they are told.

it is up to us to make policy makers accountable for their actions,and in doing so address a toxic climate that both the poor,working poor and cops alike have to swim in.

stop forcing cops to write tickets to fund a city that lost it's savings due to fuckhead bankers.

this blood..all of on those bankers hands.

Bill Maher: Richard Dawkins – Regressive Leftists

SDGundamX says...

Since you brought up unusual punishments, let's take stoning people for adultery (which exists in both the Koran and the Bible). When was the last time someone was stoned to death by a group in the U.S., U.K., Australia, or even Malaysia for adultery? Hundreds of millions of Muslims and Christians around the world seem perfectly fine ignoring that part of their holy texts. Just because something that we find distasteful today is written in the holy text doesn't automatically make the religion evil nor does it suddenly force the practioners to behave like savages.

You need to look at the specifics. Take a look at the countries where stoning actually does still occasionally happen and who actually carries it out: Iran, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan. Invariably when it does occur it happens in rural areas where there are people who still actually live like it is the middle ages, with extreme poverty and little education to speak of (other than religious). Sure, the book gave them the idea but it wasn't the only factor in play and to ignore these other factors or the fact that honor killings are in fact common across a wide number of cultures with varying religious backgrounds (even the Romans did it) is what would be truly intellectually dishonest.

As for extremists--they exist in all religions including Christianity. It wasn't a mob of Muslims who attacked Charlie Hedbo--it was two deranged individuals. And while some Muslims might have applauded the attack others denounced it, such as the hunderds of thousands of Chechen protestors who who were upset with the cartoons but didn't think violence was the right response (see article here).

Again, it's a complex issue that can't be boiled down to "Islam = Good/Bad." Islam as practiced by ISIS or Boko Haram? Yeah, there's some dark shit going on there. Islam as practiced by average citizens in Kuala Lumpur or Boston? Not so much.

But again, moderate statements based on reason and facts are not what sell books, generate online clicks, or fill lecture halls to capacity.

Barbar said:

When a holy book includes an unusual punishment for something, and that punishment is carried out, and when asked afterwards why they did it they point at the book, it seems dishonest to discount the book as ever being a possible inspiration.

When someone decides to smite the neck of an infidel for drawing a picture of the prophet, how can that be construed as something other than a religious grievance? It's a religious punishment for a religious transgression.

The reformations and toning down of the BS in the other monotheisms came following massive popular pressure. I'm hoping for more pressure against these insanities.

Weird Gamer Guy

Shep Smith of Fox News keeps it real on Baltimore protests

newtboy says...

Certainly you understand that a mayor (or anyone, really) can request that the governor send them in. I didn't see or hear about any of that. It doesn't have to be done in front of a camera, but if it happened it would have been reported that the mayor had requested that the governor send them least that's how it usually happens.

Have they been deployed now? They had not been last night, the last I saw. I can't understand how the city on fire, cops on the run and injured, and thousands of destructive looters on the streets doesn't meet the requirements, that happened early on. Instead of doing something, they announced a curfew for the next (5?) days and basically let the rioters do their thing on day one. Anyone injured is going to have a good case against the police/city/state for not taking action to stop it.
EDIT: I see now, they sent in 160 national guard members this morning (Tuesday) with more to on Monday or Monday night/Tuesday early morning.

When it's obvious that local law enforcement is outnumbered 10 to 1 or worse, and the "protestors" have become violent rioters attacking police, citizens, cars, and businesses, and lighting buildings and cars on fire, it's time. That was 3pm, and came with plenty of warnings online. There was pretty good indication that there would be exactly that problem, they should have had serious backup at the ready, they did not.

I can't fathom why there wasn't a curfew last night, there was plenty of time to see it was needed. I also can't fathom why the national guard wasn't requested (yes, I'm sticking with that being proper and normal, but not necessary) by the mayor, or why it wasn't sent in by the governor or the fed without being requested.

It really seemed the authorities could have foreseen there would be severe problems (they've been claiming they have serious credible death threats against the entire police force by numerous factions...that's enough right there to call/send in the National Guard yesterday, before the funeral). Waiting for the problems to happen, then allowing it to continue over night is shirking their duty because they're scared, IMO.

Protests over Mr. Gray’s death had been largely peaceful until Saturday, when pockets of violence led to 35 arrests and caused minor injuries to six police officers.
Mr. Batts, the police commissioner, said late Monday that 250 to 300 officers assembled in West Baltimore after a social-media message called on high-school students Monday to stage a “purge”—an anarchic protest based on a film called “The Purge” that includes a period of lawlessness—at 3 p.m. starting at the Mondawmin Mall and ending downtown.
Baltimore police also said they received a threat that city gangs would join together to “take down” law-enforcement officers.

aaronfr said:

I'm not sure on what you mean by being "asked for". The national guard is under the command of the governor in each state. It is up to him/her to order the deployment. In general, it is good practice to see if local law enforcement can handle a situation before you begin deploying soldiers. That probably means that the governor was meeting with law enforcement and city officials to monitor the situation and make a determination of the capacity to restore peace through civilian instead of military means. Once they decided it was not possible, the governor ordered the deployment. Anyone that was in front of the media "asking" for the national guard to be deployed were probably not a part of that decision-making structure which was operating concurrently.

Unreal exchange over Canada’s involvement in Iraq

nock says...

What the hell is all the yelling in the background? Politicians or protestors?

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