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Madness In The Fast Lane

LarsaruS says...

>> ^conan:

wtf how can you actually watch this?

It can be done through an easy 12 step plan*.

Step 1: Have your eyes open.
Step 2: Click the small button that makes the clip start playing. If you have a fast internet connection go to step 5.
Step 3: Click it again to pause the clip to let it buffer.
Step 4: When clip has buffered click play again.
Step 5: Blink. Important: Don't forget to open eyelids again otherwise you wont see the clip.
Step 6: Breathe. Important: Both in and out.
Step 7: Repeat step 5 & 6 as needed.
Step 8: Follow links to part 2, 3 and 4 watch that.
Step 9: Feel.
Step 10: Upvote.
Step 11: ????
Step 12: Profit!

* Results may vary, LarsaruS is not liable for any damage and or distress that might be caused by following these steps.

Medal of Honor - Singleplayer Helicopter Gameplay

Unsung_Hero says...

I don't see why they couldn't let you pilot the Helo, although I tend to agree with you that you wont be able to. More than 5 years ago I used to play BF2... You could pilot Jets as well as Attack & Transport Helicopters. It actually took a decent amount of skill to be a good pilot/gunner.

How to win a game of Starcraft 2 in one minute

TED - Peter Molyneux demos Milo, the virtual boy

westy says...

Molyneux is one of the biggest shit talkers in the games industry,

I can almost garentee when u play this you could say annything u want its probably all bassed on tonality of voice , and miloes responses will always be the same , so get ready for you tube videos of people slagging of milo and the game playing out as normal.

all the desissoins the player has to make that will change the outcioem of milo will be compleaty neglagable , i bet there are probably a maximum of 5 outcomes and anny macro veratoins will be totaly benile on add vertualy nothing to the exsperance.

What this game is , is a onrails shooter / minni game , presented within a scripted narative . Thats not a bad thing , but all the shit molinue spews and all the bullshit about how much of a technaligical achivment and how revalutoinary this is ist compelaty retarded.

Peter Molyneux - is effectively a used car salesman for games , He is a good sales man but his products never amount to the talk.

Molyneux realy anoys me , he has made some gr8 games and milo as a game is just fine and quite intresting i just wish Molyneux would stop talking shit

Blizzard knows their epic.

mentality says...

>> ^westy:

This game is a DUMP ,
Lag , Pore Graphics , Grind game play ,
Most people that play wow only play it because they are hooked on the level up system not the intrinsic game play, you can get about 40 hours of game play out of wow after that its pure grind , and the game play that you can get out of it is pritty pore.
I think it will take maby another 10-15 years before the technoligy is there to make an MMORPG that is actualy good.
At with whats avalable to the developers at the moment its like trying to make a Wedding cake out of 1 cube of choculet and a bag of flawwer.

I really should just give up trying to read your posts.

Blizzard knows their epic.

ForgedReality says...

>> ^westy:

This game is a DUMP ,
Lag , Pore Graphics , Grind game play ,
Most people that play wow only play it because they are hooked on the level up system not the intrinsic game play, you can get about 40 hours of game play out of wow after that its pure grind , and the game play that you can get out of it is pritty pore.
I think it will take maby another 10-15 years before the technoligy is there to make an MMORPG that is actualy good.
At with whats avalable to the developers at the moment its like trying to make a Wedding cake out of 1 cube of choculet and a bag of flawwer.

Oh my god. I think your post just made my brain melt. Reading that is like looking at a piece of dust inside a camera lens that you'd love to clean out if you could get at it, but it's just bugging the fuck out of you because you can't reach it. GRRAAHHH!!

Blizzard knows their epic.

westy says...

This game is a DUMP ,

Lag , Pore Graphics , Grind game play ,

Most people that play wow only play it because they are hooked on the level up system not the intrinsic game play, you can get about 40 hours of game play out of wow after that its pure grind , and the game play that you can get out of it is pritty pore.

I think it will take maby another 10-15 years before the technoligy is there to make an MMORPG that is actualy good.

At with whats avalable to the developers at the moment its like trying to make a Wedding cake out of 1 cube of choculet and a bag of flawwer.

Breaking The Addiction

RadHazG says...

Meh. I'll admit to having played a lot more WoW than probably any other game, I've got a full rack of 70-80s and know what? I really don't play that much. I raid for a few hours 3 days a week, and occasionally log on to toddle around on an alt. You'd be surprised how much you can get accomplished over the course of a year or so of casual play if you just stick to one server. In BC I would have admitted to a slight addiction, though it never kept me from work or hanging with friends.

Playing a lot doesn't mean your addicted, many activities ask for just as much if not more of an investment of time. There's a stigma attached to spending a large sum of time on WoW or an MMO in general that I've never understood, yet few people blink an eye at folks who spend just as much time say, scuba diving, hiking, camping, hell even fishing. Do you enjoy those activities? Great. Many don't, and prefer to spend it elsewhere. Did you accomplish anything more on your hike or fishing trip as opposed to the guy who spent an equal amount of time in WoW chatting in guild and leveling up his fishing? As long as both individuals get the same amount of satisfaction out of the leisure time spent, who is to judge what the activity was?

"If you love America, quit voting like you hate Americans"

GeeSussFreeK says...

HA, wow, I don't know where to start on this one. First off, I was feeling super good and fun about my reply, lighthearted and playful if you will. Then you go and paint this grim picture of my "life" and world view, thanks!

My world view isn't popular? Even though I debate as to how true this statement is, it isn't even relevant. Eating sushi may or may not be popular, but hardly a meaningful event. Even more so when that is exactly the conversation we are having, majorities silencing out minorities.

I want mine to be accepted is true in a sense, but ultimately isn't my chief concern. Everyone thinks they are right, or else they would change their mind (with some exceptions). Either that, or they choose to remain agnostic. But ultimately, "I" don't want people to believe me, I would want them to accept it on their own. My days of prosthelytizing are done. But, when people misrepresent or my views aren't represented I feel as if something is missing. Many times on these threads you get the same reinforced thoughts which over time start to lack proper consideration of different elements. It is nice to break those up and make sure you don't trap yourself into a type of thinking without room to consider other things. It is the only reason I post on these types of usually fruitless threads. In the hopes that it does blossom into a meaningful conversation, usually both parties are left wanting.

To your third point, that seems to be even more grandiose than I would ever dare. I don't care about "the masses" of people swooning to my footsteps. Mainly I care about those 2-20 people that I regularly interact with, you included! If our conversation doesn't enlighten either one of us, then we waste our time and energy!

Revolution is always the answer! But that doesn't necessitate that it be a violent one. There have been many a intellectual revolution that fired narry a shot! But if you want real structural change of powers and whatnot, people do not usually cede power with grace. To be clear, I am not a violent man, I can't even stand the sight of my own blood. It was merely a commentary on the human condition that has driven the past 7000 years of recorded human history, that change usually is violent. It isn't desirable, but it seems to be par for course.

What I described wasn't how liberty undermines itself, but how in the current expression of it does. Pure democracy seems to me to be only a temporary reprieve from moral dictation. In time, groups overpower each other and make rules the other can't quickly change and thus spirals out of control. This isn't to say that all systems of liberty will undermine themselves, but things with pure democracy at the core seem to trend that way. The jury is out, perhaps we can save this one, but for certain, it is in need of saving.

As to the belief that 2 heads are better than one; for certain, they are at some tasks. Get 300 million heads try and figure out what they want for dinner though, and your asking for a hard time! For certain, some place were we can all address common issues HAS to exist. I mean, it just has to! My only problem has always been who gets to do that. For me, I would always prefer it not be the people with the guns. Sometimes it has to be them, but sometimes I think the job falls to them because of reasoning that I think runs counter those root things that we wanted to protect. Anyway, it is late and I ramble.

In the end, I wanted to say that I found your comments slightly persnickety, but perhaps I brought it on myself. I was being silly and playful and not knowing me better it could be taken as trying to knock wind out of you sail...which I wasn't trying to do. So my apologies if I was sounding like an ass, I meant to be a funny ass!

Warhammer 40k MMO:Dark Millenium

heathen says...

>> ^Sigh:

look another MMO to fail against WoW!

It's not a competition, you don't have to beat WoW to be a success.
In fact WoW actually helps other games succeed, whenever first-time MMO players consume its available content and go looking for other MMOs to play.
If you want an analogy, think of WoW as a starter drug.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

asynchronice says...

Best post so far.

>> ^MaxWilder:

No damn reason? She tried to get away! Does that mean nothing to you?
You think complying with instructions from an officer of the law is the same as kissing their ass? You have a fucked up world view.
If an officer tells you to stop, you stop.
If an officer asks you a question, you reply with as much information you feel appropriate.
If an officer tells you to give identification, you politely ask what you are being charged with.
If an officer tells you what you are being charged with, you give identification.
If at any point you try to walk away, you are an idiot. If at any point you are rude or belligerent, you are an idiot.
This is not kissing ass. This is being respectful of the role in society that the officer plays. All you have to do is be polite. If that is difficult for you, that is your problem, not the officer's.
An officer is not under any kind of obligation, legally or morally, to show you more respect than you show him. Like I said before, if you comply with an officer's instructions and then you get beat, that is an entirely different story and I would be fully supportive of getting that officer fired and/or imprisoned. But that is not. what. happened. here. This is a video of two women who were disrespectful, unruly, tried to flee the scene, and laid hands on an officer while he was trying to do his job.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

longde says...

So what happens when the officer declines to tell you what you are being charged with? Do you refuse to give identification?

Also, you should always take advantage of your right to be silent.

>> ^MaxWilder:
No damn reason? She tried to get away! Does that mean nothing to you?
You think complying with instructions from an officer of the law is the same as kissing their ass? You have a fucked up world view.
If an officer tells you to stop, you stop.
If an officer asks you a question, you reply with as much information you feel appropriate.
If an officer tells you to give identification, you politely ask what you are being charged with.
If an officer tells you what you are being charged with, you give identification.
If at any point you try to walk away, you are an idiot. If at any point you are rude or belligerent, you are an idiot.
This is not kissing ass. This is being respectful of the role in society that the officer plays. All you have to do is be polite. If that is difficult for you, that is your problem, not the officer's.
An officer is not under any kind of obligation, legally or morally, to show you more respect than you show him. Like I said before, if you comply with an officer's instructions and then you get beat, that is an entirely different story and I would be fully supportive of getting that officer fired and/or imprisoned. But that is not. what. happened. here. This is a video of two women who were disrespectful, unruly, tried to flee the scene, and laid hands on an officer while he was trying to do his job.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

MaxWilder says...

No damn reason? She tried to get away! Does that mean nothing to you?

You think complying with instructions from an officer of the law is the same as kissing their ass? You have a fucked up world view.

If an officer tells you to stop, you stop.
If an officer asks you a question, you reply with as much information you feel appropriate.
If an officer tells you to give identification, you politely ask what you are being charged with.
If an officer tells you what you are being charged with, you give identification.

If at any point you try to walk away, you are an idiot. If at any point you are rude or belligerent, you are an idiot.

This is not kissing ass. This is being respectful of the role in society that the officer plays. All you have to do is be polite. If that is difficult for you, that is your problem, not the officer's.

An officer is not under any kind of obligation, legally or morally, to show you more respect than you show him. Like I said before, if you comply with an officer's instructions and then you get beat, that is an entirely different story and I would be fully supportive of getting that officer fired and/or imprisoned. But that is not. what. happened. here. This is a video of two women who were disrespectful, unruly, tried to flee the scene, and laid hands on an officer while he was trying to do his job.

Portal 2: E3 teaser trailer

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Croccydile:

I figured that mentioning I am Portal clueless would be rather naive, but it stems from the fact that I am just a lousy puzzle game player. The best accomplishment I can list in the genre is not sucking at Tetris and... thats about it.
I'm not knocking Portal. Hell, its sitting down next to my 360 as part of the Orange Box and wholly unused. I simply have a knack towards other stuff like racing games or RPGs.

No, seriously. SERIOUSLY. Go play portal. There's no point in not playing it, you're starving yourself of one of the best gaming experiences ever, and i'm pretty sure no one would argue too much about that comment.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution E3 2010 Trailer

mentality says...

>> ^RedSky:
Do you think it's still worth playing? I somehow managed to avoid ever playing System Shock 1/2. Don't mind if it's graphically aged but I heard that it has a few too many similarities to Bioshock? Still worth going back to?

Bioshock and System Shock 2 are both by Ken Levine, and Bioshock's design is a simplified, console friendly version of System Shock 2. A lot of the same elements are present (Audio logs, hacking, different ammo, augments, powers), but SS2 also has things like RPG character stats (str, agi, end), inventory management, weapon customization, etc.

The main difference between the two games are the settings. SS2 is more of a deep space survival horror, like Dead Space. The atmosphere was excellent for its time, and it's one of the scariest I've ever played. If you don't let the poor graphics (very low poly models, even for 1999) distract you from the immersion, or let things like degrading weapons and the difficutly frustrate you, then its definitely worth playing.

This site has a nice faq on technical issues, and also includes links to the Rebirth high poly mod and the SHTUP high res texture mod.

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