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"The Libyan War was planned long ago"

Yogi says...

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^bcglorf:
The intervention in Libya stopped a genocide. If you can't point out something far worse that it is causing, then you'd better not make bold claims about how much better things would be if the genocide had been allowed to play out. You sure as anything better not cry for having done nothing by invoking the lives of the Libyan people that would surely be dead already if that had been done.

Just saying that means nothing, sorry but we really don't know enough to claim it stopped a genocide. Just like we found out later that intervention in the Kosovo didn't prevent anything. Since almost all of the crimes Milošević was accused of occurred after the bombing you could argue it exacerbated an already bad situation, blowing it up into something much worse than it could've been.

Here's what we can say, please point out anything objectionable in these points:
-Gaddafi was a dictator who ruled through absolutely brutal repression.
-Gaddafi's soldiers began killing peaceful protesters, escalating even to the use of heavy weapons and airpower against them.
-Gaddafi then threatened to cleanse the nation of the protesters, house by house.
-Gaddafi also warned the protesters that just as Tiananmen square, nobody would rescue them.
-Gaddafi then deployed the full force of his army against the protesters.
-Gaddafi had reclaimed all but the last city held by the opposition when intervention began.
If that can't be called the beginning of a campaign of genocide what can?
What more evidence must the world possibly have before it should act to enforce international law and prevent genocide?

The evidence that the US has never acted in a humanitarian manner when bombing someone.

Look I'm not going to contest any points you make, I'm simply going to advise caution. This story hasn't come out enough yet...there might be more.

"The Libyan War was planned long ago"

bcglorf says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^bcglorf:
The intervention in Libya stopped a genocide. If you can't point out something far worse that it is causing, then you'd better not make bold claims about how much better things would be if the genocide had been allowed to play out. You sure as anything better not cry for having done nothing by invoking the lives of the Libyan people that would surely be dead already if that had been done.

Just saying that means nothing, sorry but we really don't know enough to claim it stopped a genocide. Just like we found out later that intervention in the Kosovo didn't prevent anything. Since almost all of the crimes Milošević was accused of occurred after the bombing you could argue it exacerbated an already bad situation, blowing it up into something much worse than it could've been.

Here's what we can say, please point out anything objectionable in these points:

-Gaddafi was a dictator who ruled through absolutely brutal repression.
-Gaddafi's soldiers began killing peaceful protesters, escalating even to the use of heavy weapons and airpower against them.
-Gaddafi then threatened to cleanse the nation of the protesters, house by house.
-Gaddafi also warned the protesters that just as Tiananmen square, nobody would rescue them.
-Gaddafi then deployed the full force of his army against the protesters.
-Gaddafi had reclaimed all but the last city held by the opposition when intervention began.

If that can't be called the beginning of a campaign of genocide what can?

What more evidence must the world possibly have before it should act to enforce international law and prevent genocide?

"The Libyan War was planned long ago"

Yogi says...

>> ^bcglorf:

The intervention in Libya stopped a genocide. If you can't point out something far worse that it is causing, then you'd better not make bold claims about how much better things would be if the genocide had been allowed to play out. You sure as anything better not cry for having done nothing by invoking the lives of the Libyan people that would surely be dead already if that had been done.

Just saying that means nothing, sorry but we really don't know enough to claim it stopped a genocide. Just like we found out later that intervention in the Kosovo didn't prevent anything. Since almost all of the crimes Milošević was accused of occurred after the bombing you could argue it exacerbated an already bad situation, blowing it up into something much worse than it could've been.

"The Libyan War was planned long ago"

bcglorf says...

America is a superpower. Libya was one of Russia's major clients, and had launched terrorist attacks against American's. It had recently admitted to a covert nuclear weapons program. America would have to be the most naively inept and incompetent power in all of history to not have had multiple war plans and what if scenarios drafted up for Libya. I'd be utterly shocked if America doesn't have a war plan drafted up for invading Canada too, and you can be certain that securing Canadian oil fields figures highly in those plans.

This journalist and giving them coverage like this though is despicable!

Is seeing America advance some of it's own interests really so horrifyingly unpalatable that it must be vilified even when it includes stopping a genocide?

Gaddafi was undeniably in the last push to start the genocide he promised to commit when the UN finally voted for military action, after even the Arab League had begun requesting exactly that. Does the American conspiracy really run so deep that even the Arab League is in their pocket?

The intervention in Libya stopped a genocide. If you can't point out something far worse that it is causing, then you'd better not make bold claims about how much better things would be if the genocide had been allowed to play out. You sure as anything better not cry for having done nothing by invoking the lives of the Libyan people that would surely be dead already if that had been done.

The Difference Speeding Makes

westy says...

Its weird i don't drive myself but i'm the typ of person thats pretty relaxed and would let people pass im not sure why people in cars go mental about gaining 5 minutes.

Just put the radio on to something chilled out get the car cozy and enjoy the ride it sure beats public transport allot of the time.

I guess people schedule there lives really tight or feal like they haven't hit a goal if they miss something by cupple of minutes.

having said all that if i worked a shitty 9-5 job then id probably just be batshit mental 24,7.

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^DerHasisttot:

That is pretty well the same reaction I had to the lame comments. I have always driven like a "grandma" as some say, because I respect the laws of physics and realize the dangerous game you play when you drive at what one can consider, great speed. I drive even more precisely because I have respect for the rules of the road and the notion of consequences.
I think the video was a little too Micheal Bay but the message is pretty clear.

The Difference Speeding Makes

Payback says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^DerHasisttot:

That is pretty well the same reaction I had to the lame comments. I have always driven like a "grandma" as some say, because I respect the laws of physics and realize the dangerous game you play when you drive at what one can consider, great speed. I drive even more precisely because I have respect for the rules of the road and the notion of consequences.
I think the video was a little too Micheal Bay but the message is pretty clear.


The Difference Speeding Makes

BoneRemake says...

>> ^DerHasisttot:


That is pretty well the same reaction I had to the lame comments. I have always driven like a "grandma" as some say, because I respect the laws of physics and realize the dangerous game you play when you drive at what one can consider, great speed. I drive even more precisely because I have respect for the rules of the road and the notion of consequences.

I think the video was a little too Micheal Bay but the message is pretty clear.

Ed Markey Asks GOP If They Plan to Legislate Against Gravity

bamdrew says...

Snooty woman behind him ruins it for me.

'Yeees, well-played Edward, you really gave those Republicans a good intellectual thrashing... oh, looks like the bill passed, hmm... oh, looks like things are getting worse now... maybe we shouldn't have been pompous assholes and talked down to the Republicans at every opportunity...'

Zero Punctuation: Two Worlds II

kceaton1 says...

I agree with dismissing magic, it was a very interesting system to screw with for quite a few levels, but once you know two magic schools the "hard" factor that was in the game initially (like forcing you, as a mage, to find high ground and develop some useful tactical spells) became a complete slaughter. Then if I summon 8 guys to defend me I might as well sit down until their timer wears out (summoning needed to be powerful, but with a much longer casting time, longer shelf life, and a "slot" system depending on what you summon).

Don't get me started on Earth magic being completely overpowered and buggy to hell and beyond.

The item system, while at first seems neat, but even by level ten you realize that every RPG I've ever played extended and amplified their item systems over time. In Two Worlds you can metallurgically upgrade it then add crystals/stones to it to enhance it. This would have allowed for an amazing system, but again they spent minimal time and effort doing it--so it sucks.

The A.I. is a mixed bag. They do well at first, but have HUGE clipping and line-of-sight issues (archers and mages are happy to stand behind a rock and shoot at you: hitting the rock. Then many enemies get stuck in planer or clipping joint areas that have small gaps and IT HAPPENS A LOT! Most engines have dealt with this issue in some form (as it's been ten plus years to learn how to stop them; programmers still screw it up; yes, I know the engine is complicated, but give me the same game on Crytek's engine and I'll be much happier)...

The trade skills are alright have a little promise with them at least starting in the right direction, but as you level up they become useless except for ones you can do on the fly (mostly, metallurgy and fusion).

The rest of what Yahtzee said is correct. The game is buggy. The multiplayer is a let down (where the hell is open roaming or campaign playthrough?) The spell system is terribly broken in some areas (I'm looking at you Fire and Earth) and weak in others: Necromancy or as I call it Necropansies--you're forced to learn another magic or you'll die, unless you really love summoning and waiting the required 5 minutes per fight for a MINOR fight... But, again, the spell card system with maybe Magickas combo system together would make spell-casting an AWESOME experience.

Anyway, I would only suggest this game if you desperately need an RPG to play. If you've yet to play Torchlight play that instead. Otherwise, get Bulletstorm as the comic value and writing (Duke Nukem type one-liners and more) make it worth buying alone.; I hope Duke can live up to this--if it has full Physics I think it will. BTW, the Unreal Engine sucks, bad... There are a lot of games I've liked on it and it looks pretty, but the physics and map abilities leaves A LOT to be desired, BUT it is also a good engine in the manner that it's easy to develop for and very flexible in what it can do (Deathspank is an excellent example; same with Dungeon Defenders on the iPad). At this point though it is by far more a console engine than a PC one.

/My two cents and review for Two Worlds II, with a small peppering of Unreal Engine talk that has nothing to do with the review...

//No grammar check just spell; Deal...

Sarzy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Actually I'm sure I'll rent it soon. I've heard a lot of good things about it, including from people whose opinions I respect. I raised the same objection about Eisenberg to one of my friends who saw it, and he said, "This is the role Jesse Eisenberg was born to play." So you're both probably right.

Still, I've seen him in 'Adventureland', 'Zombieland', and most recently in 'Solitary Man', and I've almost had enough of him. He's Michael Cera, Part II - The Clone Wars. But they're both better than Toby Maguire. I bet his wife checks his pulse a few times a day.
In reply to this comment by Sarzy:
Thanks, KP. And you should reconsider on watching the Social Network. Jesse Eisenberg can be quite one-note, yeah, but he's actually pretty great in the Social Network. His acting style suits the character perfectly.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
This is perfect. I've deliberately avoided seeing 'The Social Network' because I really can't tolerate Jesse Eisenberg in a movie anymore. He's so flat. Toby Maguire and he need to find a new line of work. I'm thinking mannequins.

Lady Antebellum Song is an Alan Parsons Project Rip Off

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Not to defend this mediocre music, but there are only so many chord progressions and melodies in the world. Sometimes you play something you thought was original on the piano only to have someone say, "hey, I know that song." Often times, really catchy ideas inspire the "did I subconsciously rip this off from somewhere else" paranoia syndrome. It's also possible for two people who've never met each other to come up with the same exact idea.

The Rolling Stones did this a few years back:

Roddick Wins With "The Best Shot of my Life"

HugeJerk says...

I wouldn't say that I'm a tennis fan, but I understand why people like to watch it. Direct man-on-man competition makes it easy to follow the strategies being played out, you never miss a play because you were looking somewhere else. It's a highly physical sport, not contact-wise, but lots of player movement and high speed balls. Also, if you've ever picked up a racket and hit some balls, you can understand the accuracy of these players is amazing.

Roddick Wins With "The Best Shot of my Life"

jubuttib says...

>> ^Crosswords:

I agree somewhat with Westy, it certainly lacks the flair of American football when a player makes a spectacular catch, or well executed plays trounce their opponents.

I've been trying to watch some NFL games on tv here in Finland when I have the opportunity, because I do think that handegg is basically a good game, requiring a lot of tactical and strategical thinking along with high amounts of athleticism. The problem is that it's impossible to watch. Totally, completely impossible. We lack the advertisements you guys get over there, and since there really isn't anything to replace them with they have to put on a blank screen (because they don't get the feed during the advertisements either), so you get a few minutes of game time and then you get a static image with some elevator music playing until you get back to the game for another few minutes. If only the pauses between plays would be more along the lines of 10 seconds, tops...

At least the Super Bowl had some historical footage to show during the commercial breaks...

Minecraft Marriage Proposal By A Bioware Game Developer

MarineGunrock says...

No no no! He's a genius, see? By not setting the bar too high, he won't have to work all that hard in the future to impress her!>> ^Truckchase:


But that's the thing... if you played minecraft, you would know just how lame this was. This took him the better part of 15 or 20 minutes to do. (probably a lot less if he already happened to have the materials stored away)
And thus the expectation of a lifelong under-performing husband is set.

Minecraft Marriage Proposal By A Bioware Game Developer

Truckchase says...


But that's the thing... if you played minecraft, you would know just how lame this was. This took him the better part of 15 or 20 minutes to do. (probably a lot less if he already happened to have the materials stored away)
And thus the expectation of a lifelong under-performing husband is set.

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