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LittleRed (Member Profile)

EDD says...

I only have one request: re-read your last paragraph, would you kindly, and (if you can put up with this strange man's problems imposed on your precious persona a little while longer), please explain what, in your opinion, applying separate sets of standards to oneself and others' in communication and decision making and assuming one is perfect, tells about a human being.

I can only speculate you might either realize you've edited your reply too much and misconstrued the meaning you intended for it to convey or else find yourself to be the one that judges others from afar and from a moral high-ground.

Finally, a word of advice - do try and invest even small amounts of time and sift a couple of videos. Just look at how it benefited our own Bill O'Reilly - from being a Siftiversally acknowledged troll on the verge of Banination he's gone to being known as a more eloquent, right-wing younger version of Choggie. I'd very much like to see you try and rectify your perceived status in this community.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
No, I didn't miss her response at all. And that would've been fine if it had been left at that. She asked him to come in and protect her from the mean boy, and that's when it got out of hand. So maybe she did respond to moodonia herself - she also didn't leave it at that. It's her fault this all happened in the first place.

You can think what you will about my love life. It's perfectly healthy and I'm signing a lease with my boyfriend tomorrow. Just because I am disgusted by public displays of affection does not at all mean I don't know love. I just feel it should be a private affair. No one else needs to know the intricacies of your relationship - it's disgusting. Again, there's nothing wrong with the way Dag and Persephone or Issy and DFT interact on here. I much prefer that to what I've seen with others.

You're right. It was blown out of proportion - but not by moodonia or me. Karkarlee asked ObsidianFire to confront moodonia publicly, and he did so. THAT was the problem. I didn't claim to be the moral police, nor was I the only one that had a problem with the situation. I just may have been more vocal than others. And in case you hadn't noticed, I am oh so very worried about creating "long-term problems" on a website that I can choose to frequent as often as I like.

I don't have a problem with the way I act, and neither does anyone I care about. I will make my own decisions, and I don't need opinions of a strange man who obviously doesn't make perfect decisions himself. [Married at 20, maybe.] When you're perfect, then by all means interject your opinion on my actions. Until then, please keep to judging me from afar.

LittleRed (Member Profile)

LadyDeath says...

Did I read my name here again?? God you love me don't you?! lol I think somebody is jealous about others love comments in here, do you have a problem with that? You don't have to go other peoples profile to read love comments that is their own business don't you are just so nosy, tell your boyfriend to join the sift (if he is not already here,well I think he is) so we can read your lovey dovey comments too. Oh, I forgot you DON'T discuss your love life here but you make "passion parties" "Where Everyday is Valentine's Day" for a living..ok

You are here just to judge people for stupid reasons and you don't contribute to this website at all....

Stop mentioning me to other people, directly or indirectly...

It's obvious to even a blind person that the two are dating. They spread their stickily sweet lovey-dovey relationship on every comment written, every blog post, even their profile. Maybe internet relationships just have to communicate their attachment to everyone in fear the next internet girl or guy will steal their partner away? I don't understand the meaning behind that, and I do find it curious that the only two couples on here who aren't content with making the occasional comfortable relationship comment (i.e. Issykitty and DFT OR laura and DonJuan, OR Dag and Persephone) are long-distance, on another continent couples. Ugh. That aside, it's obvious they're dating. Anyone who makes a comment like "Maybe we should talk" is OBVIOUSLY not intending that as a pick-up line, especially with a militant boyfriend around the corner.

If you want to label me as a feminist, I will proudly accept that label. However, unlike some, I don't want to give a bad name to feminists for my views. By that, I mean I don't speak for anyone else or females in general when I say what I do. I think it's disgusting that she's running to someone else to do her dirty work, and even blames that on the fact that she's female and has had less-than-perfect interactions with men in the past. Do I scorn her for showing "feminine" traits in this situation? If you want to consider those "feminine traits," be my guest. I see weakness and a complete lack of self-respect, or self-confidence. She purports to be extremely confident in her relationship, to the point that she allows her boyfriend, as long as he's on another continent, to watch porn. [Considering that's the way their relationship is, fine. But when her views on porn in anything other than a long-distance relationship are the same or similar to the ones thepinky and I were trying to share, she shouldn't have acted so self-righteous.] Yet at the same time, she's not comfortable enough to have a strange guy make a perfectly innocent, somewhat flirtatious comment, and neither is her boyfriend.

In addition, I do not "continuously troll a website with [my] snide comments." Sure, I may contribute a snide comment on occasion - the only two I can think of outside this discussion are the comment to LadyDeath about how she should apologize for quoting thepinky on the porn thread, and to K0MMIE when he attacked me in his post on the same topic. No, I may not contribute much video-wise. As I've said before, I joined for the discussion; I'm not a vote whore. In topics that are not emotionally charged or sexist, my comments are well-thought-out and generally appreciated. I have several comments from the first few months I joined that, if the comment voting system had been in place, I would have a star by now. Sure, maybe that doesn't negate the fact that what I have said recently, some people may consider out of line. Then again, I don't have to answer to anyone but myself.

Written By LittleRed

EDD (Member Profile)

LittleRed says...

No, I didn't miss her response at all. And that would've been fine if it had been left at that. She asked him to come in and protect her from the mean boy, and that's when it got out of hand. So maybe she did respond to moodonia herself - she also didn't leave it at that. It's her fault this all happened in the first place.

You can think what you will about my love life. It's perfectly healthy and I'm signing a lease with my boyfriend tomorrow. Just because I am disgusted by public displays of affection does not at all mean I don't know love. I just feel it should be a private affair. No one else needs to know the intricacies of your relationship - it's disgusting. Again, there's nothing wrong with the way Dag and Persephone or Issy and DFT interact on here. I much prefer that to what I've seen with others.

You're right. It was blown out of proportion - but not by moodonia or me. Karkarlee asked ObsidianFire to confront moodonia publicly, and he did so. THAT was the problem. I didn't claim to be the moral police, nor was I the only one that had a problem with the situation. I just may have been more vocal than others. And in case you hadn't noticed, I am oh so very worried about creating "long-term problems" on a website that I can choose to frequent as often as I like.

I don't have a problem with the way I act, and neither does anyone I care about. I will make my own decisions, and I don't need opinions of a strange man who obviously doesn't make perfect decisions himself. [Married at 20, maybe.] When you're perfect, then by all means interject your opinion on my actions. Until then, please keep to judging me from afar.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Unfortunately, you obviously missed karkarlees initial response to moodonia. Yeah, and by the way - it was there before obsidianfire joined in. She did respond to him herself and did it well.

Also, seeing as how you don't grasp the idea of protectionism (mild jealousy) in a relationship and cuddling over the internet (it happens in text messages, too, you know), I'm inclined to believe you've not known love. Possibly you're/have been in one of those arranged relationships, in which at least one partner's faking it for their benefit. I wouldn't know and I'm not assuming anything beyond a simple reason for your complete inability to empathize in this situation. Yes, and it does speak volumes about your character, as does the fact that you've know referred to yourself as 'bitch' a couple of times. One might almost think karkarlee's not really the one with problems of self-respect/confidence.

And of course they had a problem with this mess. You and moodonia (unexpected of him) blew it out of proportions. Even if stuff's in writing (and oh noes, on the inhumane internet), YES, it can still offend anyone. So you'll be the moral police, telling everyone off when they raise objections towards what somebody's saying? It was still a discussion and it wasn't like Obsidianfire petitioned to have modoonia banned. If you've not realized it yet, the only one having/creating long-term problems here for themselves and others was you, and you did it on purpose, so don't bitch about it now, please.

Anyway, nice job on your attempts to reform a woman who's not as blunt and hardened as you are by being mean to her and her boyfriend for no real reason other than your dislike towards their type of relationship. Oh, and do inform me on how that attitude of yours of carrying out acts of disruptive behavior in internet/social communities/societies and not answering to anyone other than yourself works out in the future, will you?

Best of luck, Ed.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:

I am not a snob; I am a woman. I am strong and I speak my mind. People who promote the "women are weak! Rescue them!" stereotype disgust me. I also realize that I am a bitch. I am generally told so on a weekly basis. I'd rather be a bitch than allow someone to walk all over me, or have a man speak for me.

I understand my opinion means a lot less to people [less than if I were polite] because I'm a bitch. I get it. But I would respect a bitch over someone who won't even address a stranger to say "Hey, this makes me uncomfortable," and sends her boyfriend in to mess things up.

If comments from guys on the internet offend you, you have a problem. If you can't even say to the offender "Hey, I don't really appreciate being hit on; would you mind not doing that again?" for fear of not being taken seriously, you need some counseling in self-worth. How to stand up for yourself. If you have a history of doing this kind of thing, even more so. If you send your internet boyfriend in to "clean up the mess" only to not back him up when he starts a shit storm, that's a problem. If you think the original comment is sexual harassment, you have a serious problem.

It's obvious to even a blind person that the two are dating. They spread their stickily sweet lovey-dovey relationship on every comment written, every blog post, even their profile. Maybe internet relationships just have to communicate their attachment to everyone in fear the next internet girl or guy will steal their partner away? I don't understand the meaning behind that, and I do find it curious that the only two couples on here who aren't content with making the occasional comfortable relationship comment (i.e. Issykitty and DFT OR laura and DonJuan, OR Dag and Persephone) are long-distance, on another continent couples. Ugh. That aside, it's obvious they're dating. Anyone who makes a comment like "Maybe we should talk" is OBVIOUSLY not intending that as a pick-up line, especially with a militant boyfriend around the corner.

If you want to label me as a feminist, I will proudly accept that label. However, unlike some, I don't want to give a bad name to feminists for my views. By that, I mean I don't speak for anyone else or females in general when I say what I do. I think it's disgusting that she's running to someone else to do her dirty work, and even blames that on the fact that she's female and has had less-than-perfect interactions with men in the past. Do I scorn her for showing "feminine" traits in this situation? If you want to consider those "feminine traits," be my guest. I see weakness and a complete lack of self-respect, or self-confidence. She purports to be extremely confident in her relationship, to the point that she allows her boyfriend, as long as he's on another continent, to watch porn. [Considering that's the way their relationship is, fine. But when her views on porn in anything other than a long-distance relationship are the same or similar to the ones thepinky and I were trying to share, she shouldn't have acted so self-righteous.] Yet at the same time, she's not comfortable enough to have a strange guy make a perfectly innocent, somewhat flirtatious comment, and neither is her boyfriend.

In addition, I do not "continuously troll a website with [my] snide comments." Sure, I may contribute a snide comment on occasion - the only two I can think of outside this discussion are the comment to LadyDeath about how she should apologize for quoting thepinky on the porn thread, and to K0MMIE when he attacked me in his post on the same topic. No, I may not contribute much video-wise. As I've said before, I joined for the discussion; I'm not a vote whore. In topics that are not emotionally charged or sexist, my comments are well-thought-out and generally appreciated. I have several comments from the first few months I joined that, if the comment voting system had been in place, I would have a star by now. Sure, maybe that doesn't negate the fact that what I have said recently, some people may consider out of line. Then again, I don't have to answer to anyone but myself.

LittleRed (Member Profile)

EDD says...

Unfortunately, you obviously missed karkarlees initial response to moodonia. Yeah, and by the way - it was there before obsidianfire joined in. She did respond to him herself and did it well.

Also, seeing as how you don't grasp the idea of protectionism (mild jealousy) in a relationship and cuddling over the internet (it happens in text messages, too, you know), I'm inclined to believe you've not known love. Possibly you're/have been in one of those arranged relationships, in which at least one partner's faking it for their benefit. I wouldn't know and I'm not assuming anything beyond a simple reason for your complete inability to empathize in this situation. Yes, and it does speak volumes about your character, as does the fact that you've know referred to yourself as 'bitch' a couple of times. One might almost think karkarlee's not really the one with problems of self-respect/confidence.

And of course they had a problem with this mess. You and moodonia (unexpected of him) blew it out of proportions. Even if stuff's in writing (and oh noes, on the inhumane internet), YES, it can still offend anyone. So you'll be the moral police, telling everyone off when they raise objections towards what somebody's saying? It was still a discussion and it wasn't like Obsidianfire petitioned to have modoonia banned. If you've not realized it yet, the only one having/creating long-term problems here for themselves and others was you, and you did it on purpose, so don't bitch about it now, please.

Anyway, nice job on your attempts to reform a woman who's not as blunt and hardened as you are by being mean to her and her boyfriend for no real reason other than your dislike towards their type of relationship. Oh, and do inform me on how that attitude of yours of carrying out acts of disruptive behavior in internet/social communities/societies and not answering to anyone other than yourself works out in the future, will you?

Best of luck, Ed.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:

I am not a snob; I am a woman. I am strong and I speak my mind. People who promote the "women are weak! Rescue them!" stereotype disgust me. I also realize that I am a bitch. I am generally told so on a weekly basis. I'd rather be a bitch than allow someone to walk all over me, or have a man speak for me.

I understand my opinion means a lot less to people [less than if I were polite] because I'm a bitch. I get it. But I would respect a bitch over someone who won't even address a stranger to say "Hey, this makes me uncomfortable," and sends her boyfriend in to mess things up.

If comments from guys on the internet offend you, you have a problem. If you can't even say to the offender "Hey, I don't really appreciate being hit on; would you mind not doing that again?" for fear of not being taken seriously, you need some counseling in self-worth. How to stand up for yourself. If you have a history of doing this kind of thing, even more so. If you send your internet boyfriend in to "clean up the mess" only to not back him up when he starts a shit storm, that's a problem. If you think the original comment is sexual harassment, you have a serious problem.

It's obvious to even a blind person that the two are dating. They spread their stickily sweet lovey-dovey relationship on every comment written, every blog post, even their profile. Maybe internet relationships just have to communicate their attachment to everyone in fear the next internet girl or guy will steal their partner away? I don't understand the meaning behind that, and I do find it curious that the only two couples on here who aren't content with making the occasional comfortable relationship comment (i.e. Issykitty and DFT OR laura and DonJuan, OR Dag and Persephone) are long-distance, on another continent couples. Ugh. That aside, it's obvious they're dating. Anyone who makes a comment like "Maybe we should talk" is OBVIOUSLY not intending that as a pick-up line, especially with a militant boyfriend around the corner.

If you want to label me as a feminist, I will proudly accept that label. However, unlike some, I don't want to give a bad name to feminists for my views. By that, I mean I don't speak for anyone else or females in general when I say what I do. I think it's disgusting that she's running to someone else to do her dirty work, and even blames that on the fact that she's female and has had less-than-perfect interactions with men in the past. Do I scorn her for showing "feminine" traits in this situation? If you want to consider those "feminine traits," be my guest. I see weakness and a complete lack of self-respect, or self-confidence. She purports to be extremely confident in her relationship, to the point that she allows her boyfriend, as long as he's on another continent, to watch porn. [Considering that's the way their relationship is, fine. But when her views on porn in anything other than a long-distance relationship are the same or similar to the ones thepinky and I were trying to share, she shouldn't have acted so self-righteous.] Yet at the same time, she's not comfortable enough to have a strange guy make a perfectly innocent, somewhat flirtatious comment, and neither is her boyfriend.

In addition, I do not "continuously troll a website with [my] snide comments." Sure, I may contribute a snide comment on occasion - the only two I can think of outside this discussion are the comment to LadyDeath about how she should apologize for quoting thepinky on the porn thread, and to K0MMIE when he attacked me in his post on the same topic. No, I may not contribute much video-wise. As I've said before, I joined for the discussion; I'm not a vote whore. In topics that are not emotionally charged or sexist, my comments are well-thought-out and generally appreciated. I have several comments from the first few months I joined that, if the comment voting system had been in place, I would have a star by now. Sure, maybe that doesn't negate the fact that what I have said recently, some people may consider out of line. Then again, I don't have to answer to anyone but myself.

EDD (Member Profile)

LittleRed says...

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Your snobbish attitude disgusts me, LittleRed: this feeling trumped over my surprise when I just found out you're a female. I also have a feeling that you deliberately reserved those thinly (at best) veiled insults for the last paragraph-again. This trait of yours is despicable.

I must say I have hell of a lot more respect for a lady who turned to her mate for assistance in a discussion that made her uncomfortable for good reasons than for one who basically continuously trolls a web site with her snide comments and attacks a fellow female for showing.. what, feminine traits in an internet conversation? Her vulnerability? How does that concern/offend you, exactly?

To be fair I am completely at a loss as to why you're being this aggressive (feminism?) when discussing similar topics. I'd like to know why. And yes, I'm not hiding my dislike towards the way you've behaved on this site.

I am not a snob; I am a woman. I am strong and I speak my mind. People who promote the "women are weak! Rescue them!" stereotype disgust me. I also realize that I am a bitch. I am generally told so on a weekly basis. I'd rather be a bitch than allow someone to walk all over me, or have a man speak for me.

I understand my opinion means a lot less to people [less than if I were polite] because I'm a bitch. I get it. But I would respect a bitch over someone who won't even address a stranger to say "Hey, this makes me uncomfortable," and sends her boyfriend in to mess things up.

If comments from guys on the internet offend you, you have a problem. If you can't even say to the offender "Hey, I don't really appreciate being hit on; would you mind not doing that again?" for fear of not being taken seriously, you need some counseling in self-worth. How to stand up for yourself. If you have a history of doing this kind of thing, even more so. If you send your internet boyfriend in to "clean up the mess" only to not back him up when he starts a shit storm, that's a problem. If you think the original comment is sexual harassment, you have a serious problem.

It's obvious to even a blind person that the two are dating. They spread their stickily sweet lovey-dovey relationship on every comment written, every blog post, even their profile. Maybe internet relationships just have to communicate their attachment to everyone in fear the next internet girl or guy will steal their partner away? I don't understand the meaning behind that, and I do find it curious that the only two couples on here who aren't content with making the occasional comfortable relationship comment (i.e. Issykitty and DFT OR laura and DonJuan, OR Dag and Persephone) are long-distance, on another continent couples. Ugh. That aside, it's obvious they're dating. Anyone who makes a comment like "Maybe we should talk" is OBVIOUSLY not intending that as a pick-up line, especially with a militant boyfriend around the corner.

If you want to label me as a feminist, I will proudly accept that label. However, unlike some, I don't want to give a bad name to feminists for my views. By that, I mean I don't speak for anyone else or females in general when I say what I do. I think it's disgusting that she's running to someone else to do her dirty work, and even blames that on the fact that she's female and has had less-than-perfect interactions with men in the past. Do I scorn her for showing "feminine" traits in this situation? If you want to consider those "feminine traits," be my guest. I see weakness and a complete lack of self-respect, or self-confidence. She purports to be extremely confident in her relationship, to the point that she allows her boyfriend, as long as he's on another continent, to watch porn. [Considering that's the way their relationship is, fine. But when her views on porn in anything other than a long-distance relationship are the same or similar to the ones thepinky and I were trying to share, she shouldn't have acted so self-righteous.] Yet at the same time, she's not comfortable enough to have a strange guy make a perfectly innocent, somewhat flirtatious comment, and neither is her boyfriend.

In addition, I do not "continuously troll a website with [my] snide comments." Sure, I may contribute a snide comment on occasion - the only two I can think of outside this discussion are the comment to LadyDeath about how she should apologize for quoting thepinky on the porn thread, and to K0MMIE when he attacked me in his post on the same topic. No, I may not contribute much video-wise. As I've said before, I joined for the discussion; I'm not a vote whore. In topics that are not emotionally charged or sexist, my comments are well-thought-out and generally appreciated. I have several comments from the first few months I joined that, if the comment voting system had been in place, I would have a star by now. Sure, maybe that doesn't negate the fact that what I have said recently, some people may consider out of line. Then again, I don't have to answer to anyone but myself.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

How To Creep Out Your Hairdresser

Goofy Goober Rock

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

choggie says...

"I noticed with interest kronos, too, that in your recent post about bad jokes, when you asked that racist jokes be left out, people followed your request. I wonder if you thought it would sound too draconian to include sexist jokes in your list of ones to avoid? I kinda wish you had, because it seemed that some members took that omission as a green light to try and out-do each other with the worst sexist jokes they could manage."

Said it before, and don't care who understands it, or how they process it:
Sexism, is to true, actual, Racism, as fish is to bi-Sikkle.

Apples and oranges, they are not, no matter what fantasy world you would like to create, with your particular, Idyllic, paradigm-

And kronos was right to ask for it to be excluded, but I doubt the entreaty was needed....but gays need more atttteeeeeention for their, "plight" than (insert ethnic orientation here) do folks who have a better grip.......

Sorry folks, I ain't a homophobe either, whatever the fuck that convenient label means.....

Nice pulpit-shot persephone.....

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

I assure you that my failure to specifically mention that sexist jokes should also be excluded was an accident, persephone. I never wanted to see any sexist jokes either, and I assumed by my list of prohibitions that people would "catch my drift." Guess I was wrong.

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

Thylan says...

>> ^LittleRed:
>> ^dag:
I like women and I don't want VideoSift to be a lopsided gender mutant sausage fest.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Honestly, I've got nothing. It already is a sausage fest. I am more than willing to give you a list of problems I have with the site, though.
1) The way of judging whether or not a video stays is if you, a MAN, get an erection after watching. When was the last time a woman's perspective was taken into consideration? Never. Chances are women either feel objectified or get irritated for whatever reason watching a video like the one that prompted this post. I know I did. But because someone with a vagina posted it and the rest of the boys like it, it won't be removed. The thumbnail blares her breasts across the front page (or did for several hours yesterday), forcing me to not visit the front page at all either at work or at home, because I don't want my boss or my parents walking over and seeing that, and yet no one has felt the need to change it. If I could, I would.

Ok, i have to chime in here, as i'm part of the VS story of "Dag wood test". VS has many stories, and i played only i minor role in this one as it's a community. But anyway...

The story starts here:

>> ^dag:
Definitely not porn - it passes the wood test with me. No wood is all good.
But seriously, is he trying to say that they grew their pubic hair to those lengths? Some looked to be a bout 4 feet. Surely they were extensions?

I was amused by the idea, and comment. Dag hapens to be male, and is also a rather significant admin of the site. It being his (and luckys etc). .'. if a discusion is being had about somethings acceptability, an admin stepping in judge like to both give guidance and acknowledge a need for a descision is not unreasonable. Funadmentaly, the buck does stop somewhere and as MINK ocasionaly once pointed out, this isnt a democracy.

I found the comment amusing. When a it later, another vid was posted, i quized Dag as to it's passing his wood test (which i belive it did) in a toung in cheek fashion. The phrase stuck, grew a bit further, and has been refered to a few times in a few discussions. Like the kungfu porn one, that raged, and it got discarded in the end. That was an interesting discusion.

As for "When was the last time a woman's perspective was taken into consideration? Never." seriously, that "never" is utter rubish. Many females have given their views and been lsitened too. Not just persephones, but many, and persephones always stood as an indivual, as she and dag did not always agree (i belive their responses to the kung fu vid may have varied, but i dont recall specifics).

Anyway, that Never is reactionary, and has no basis in fact. a little effort would show that. Men dont always agree with other men, just as women dont always agree with other women. we are all people, individuals, and are views are as like and unlike as leaves on the wind. The burlesque thread had strong female comments on both sides of the issiue.

If you truly belive that "never" coment, and think im talking crap, I'll hunt out that other thread.

Girl Cannot Handle Getting A Tiny Tattoo! (Fail!)

spoco2 says...

>> ^persephone:BTW all the judgement in this thread about what a wus this girl is, along with all the assumptions about what kind of a person she is, based on this, is really lame.

Why? I mean, my one was tongue in cheek, but really, if you can't judge people by their actions, what do you judge them on? Yeah, this is one small clip, but I'd bet a large sum of money that most of what I say in jest is actually true. Sure you may find it hurts a lot, sure it may make you tear up, but my god she's carrying on... stop being such a drama queen (her not you)...

But yeah, as for making noise during childbirth, man, if you're not allowed to make noise while pushing a child out from between your legs, when can you? (A friend of my wife actually had the doctor tell her to be quiet because she was upsetting others... that's a disgrace)

Siftography: Arvana (Sift Talk Post)

Siftography: Arvana (Sift Talk Post)

arvana says...

I think this interview says as much about Persephone's interests as it does about me...  It could have been all about my tastes in beer, but it ended up being a lot more intimate.  Anyway, it was a fun process and a great job by Persephone putting this together. Thanks everyone for your (mostly) positive feedback!

Siftography: Arvana (Sift Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

*nsfw.. a little too much information

Great Job Persephone, I you need to get some funding for a Sift Documentary and do some sit down interviews with the Sifters

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