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Cow Poo Power

Internet for Gaia

lavoll (Member Profile)

nibiyabi (Member Profile)

maudlin (Member Profile)

maudlin (Member Profile)

nibiyabi (Member Profile)

Dupes not being detected from LiveLeak? (Meme Talk Post)

MycroftHomlz says...

This would never have happened if we had banned The Dark Lord of the Sift before he had gotten too powerful. Persephone told me has been feeding you boos, Dag. He is slowly turning you...

Don't get me wrong. Personally, I prefer the change.. and welcome my new overlord.

persephone (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

The meatbag doth protest too much, methinks.

In reply to this comment by persephone:
Your comments fall on deaf ears, siftbot. I don't have a competitive bone in my body. How do I switch this off?

In reply to this comment by siftbot:
Your rank has dropped by 1. You are now ranked #93. User thinker247 is now ahead of you. You can do better than thinker247, can't you? You're only 4 votes away from getting back in front of thinker247.

maudlin (Member Profile)

sfjocko (Member Profile)

sfjocko (Member Profile)

sfjocko (Member Profile)

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

siftbot (Member Profile)

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