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Hardcore Parkour Fail - "OH I POOPED MYSELF A LITTLE!"

Hardcore Parkour Fail - "OH I POOPED MYSELF A LITTLE!"

Penguin Leap of Faith

Penguin Leap of Faith

radx (Member Profile)

WKB (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

My bad. I was confusing *quality with *promote. Quality moves to the top of the queue, promote puts it in the box.

It worked, though. Twelve votes and counting!

In reply to this comment by WKB:
>> ^WKB:

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
Well, crap.
I thought that I could get your insane football parkour back on the front page. But I guess since it has been pqueued, it won't go there.
I wasted a power point, dagnab it. Learned a lesson though. Won't do that again....

It is on the front page. I saw it there and that is why I posted on your profile before I saw that you had posted on mine. Oh well. Thanks either way. tips hat

Odd. I always assumed that the front page was the same for everyone. Maybe not. Who knows.

WKB (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Mysteries are compounding... it isn't on my front page. Weird.

Well, as long as everyone else can see it.... well, I hope everyone can see it!

It really is a super cool vid. I'm shocked it didn't even get promoted....

In reply to this comment by WKB:
In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
Well, crap.

I thought that I could get your insane football parkour back on the front page. But I guess since it has been pqueued, it won't go there.

I wasted a power point, dagnab it. Learned a lesson though. Won't do that again....

It is on the front page. I saw it there and that is why I posted on your profile before I saw that you had posted on mine. Oh well. Thanks either way. *tips hat*

WKB (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Well, crap.

I thought that I could get your insane football parkour back on the front page. But I guess since it has been pqueued, it won't go there.

I wasted a power point, dagnab it. Learned a lesson though. Won't do that again....

Storm Freerun - Volume 1

Storm Freerun - Volume 1

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

1930s stuntman -- Parkour is not new!

Early Parkour by Arnim Dahl

Parkour - The Office

The Office Parkour. "HARDCORE!"

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