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Parkour Cat is Parkour

Parkour Cat is Parkour

Stingray (Member Profile)

Epic Repel Fail

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'repel, cliff, fail, parkour, jump, rappel' to 'cliff, fail, jump, rappelling, deepelling, abseiling' - edited by xxovercastxx

Epic Repel Fail

Brutal Parkour Hazing

Brutal Parkour Hazing

GDGD (Member Profile)


Clever Fence Climbing Dog

eric3579 (Member Profile)

The Great Fan Escape - Astros Game May 13, 2011

Firefighter Olympics

Yogi says...

Dude! It's like Parkour with Props! That's friggin awesome...I'd love to see this kinda stuff in the next Bond Film.

EDIT: Yeah I need more of this shit right here...there's gotta be more videos of this.

Ron Paul Defends Heroin in front of SC audience

dannym3141 says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

I don't believe the government should regulate our personal lives. It's a fine line. Take the heroin example. Heroin is so dangerous, and so deadly. Overdosing is not hard, at all..and I personally know a lot of people who would probably become heroin addicts rather quickly if it was easy as picking it up in the convenience store.
An incontrovertible fact is, if heroin is legalized, people are going to die from it who wouldn't have otherwise. Is it worth lives to make a dangerous and deadly drug available to masses under the pretense of liberty? Why can't we be rational, and reasonable instead..and say, well the cause of liberty should outweigh the harm..but we will collectively decide that some of these are just so dangerous that it is worth impringing on our liberty to keep them illegal.
The bible says that everything is permisable(besides what is explicitly forbidden) but not everything is beneficial. Likewise, though liberty is valuable it is not always beneficial to the whole. Remember, when liberty is taken to the extreme you have anarchy.

Know what else is dangerous? Sky diving, bungee jumping, base jumping, some parkour, motorcycle racing, f1, trick motorcycle jumps, you fucking name it, we do it.

In my own personal opinion, it is not the place of a government to act as my mummy, taking dangerous toys off me, reprimanding me for doing something hazardous to my health. Human kind has lived for many long long years without that kind of omnipresent babysitter.

It is not government's job to say what you can and can't do with or to your own body as long as you are not directly harming anyone else in the act of doing it. Part of being free is having the responsibility for the effects of your actions on yourself and on the people you love.

(inb4 drugs harm others) The only reason drugs harm others right now is because they are illegal.

Whoops i forgot to add - ron paul continues to say things that make absolute perfect undeniable sense! Can he come over here and run a political party please? I want to see/know more.

Hardcore Parkour Fail - "OH I POOPED MYSELF A LITTLE!"

silvercord says...

>> ^deathcow:

Cant believe it! I mean the guy radiates parkour am i right?

That was my initial thought; a little too out of shape for jumping jacks, let alone jumping around on stuff. Still, I think he racked himself up royally.

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