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radx (Member Profile)

Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera

ForgedReality says...

So if you thrust it upwardly whilst holding it, and never let go, simply pull it back down quickly, after a few seconds, it would snap a panorama while it rests in your hands since it doesn't use a gyroscope to tell where it stops accelerating. Right?

This means that if you thrust it upward quickly enough, you could pull it back and hold it there while in amongst a crowd, and when the mechanism reaches the predicted time based upon initial acceleration for predicting its apex, then it will take the photo from within the crowd. Seems like it would make more sense to detect DEceleration, as that would facilitate either an upward OR a downward motion, and it wouldn't be reliant on possible bad guesses at when it would stop moving (dependent on environmental influences such as air viscosity, temperature, wind, obstacles in the path, etc).

Cool idea anyhow. I wonder what it would look like to spin it really fast as you toss it.. Neat psychedelic blurring on MOST of the photosphere, but on the axis, it would be less blurred.

rychan (Member Profile)

luxury_pie says...

I wasn't aware of the explanation on the website while posting my first comment. The first part of my second comment covers that. The second part was to explain what I meant with "vertical forces applied to the ballcamera".
Sorry for the confusion.
Neat concept though, I'd like a bunch of these to create "panorama maps".

In reply to this comment by rychan:
There's no freely movable parts inside the camera. The website makes it pretty clear:
"Our camera contains an accelerometer which we use to measure launch acceleration. Integration lets us predict rise time to the highest point, where we trigger the exposure."

So while your original post implies that it somehow detects the top of the trajectory as it happens, in fact the camera measures launch acceleration to predict the length of time until the top of the trajectory.

>> ^luxury_pie:

>> ^rychan:
>> ^luxury_pie:
^ I think it will take a photo everytime it stands still after being accelerated upwards. Using the fact that there will be no vertical forces applied to the "ballcamera" the moment it reaches maximum height after a throw.

Actually, no. The acceleration on the ball is roughly constant through the entire trajectory. So it's somewhat tricky to estimate when you're at the top of the parabola.

They seem to use an accelerometer to predict the time of max height as seen on
their website.
I wasn't referring to the acceleration rather to the forces, being applied while thrown, to a possible freely movable object inside of the camera, using the same principle as the seatbelt mechanism.
My train of thought leaves in a couple of minutes.

More CSI bullshit: Digital Zoom

shagen454 (Member Profile)

A Walk in the Park -- a walk through East Jerusalem

RvB2: Ryan vs. Brandon 2

AeroMechanical says...

Would definitely have given them more opportunities to showcase their effects, perhaps just replacing one wall with a view of some alien panorama or giant killer robot factory or something. But then again, maybe keeping it simple is better.

My primary complaint is that a lot of the time it looks like their swinging for each other's lightsabers more so than for each other. Also, in the dual lightsaber bits, there are several places where blue shirt guy could easily have got red shirt guy with his left hand saber but instead it just hung limp.

I'm being annoyingly nitpicky because it says its for a video competition, and so I believe is fair game for nit pickery.

>> ^Drax:

I find it odd saying this, but a green screen would have completed the awesomeness (or at least a Star Wars'ey set)

Panoramic Vid of Scenic Uncivilized Coastline

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'northstudio 360, panorama, canadian tenors, hallelujah, scenery' to 'northstudio 360, panorama, canadian tenors, hallelujah, scenery, leonard cohen' - edited by therealblankman

Panoramic Vid of Scenic Uncivilized Coastline

Sarah Palin Doesn't Get It

EMPIRE says...

let's see....

Palin... check
One american flag pin... check
One american flag in the background... check
911 reference in the speech... check
Several religious references in the speech... check

Oh Palin, thank you. Thank you for making me hate the political class in my country just a little less, simply because even though they may be corrupt,incompetent, or simply a bunch of demagogs, there is no one in the political panorama here that can compare to how annoyingly BAD you are.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

WKB says...

>> ^Yogi:
Yeah you know who I've had direct contact with. Genocide victims...rape victims...soldiers with PTSD. And with that context of War and hate and death, I'm suddenly not caring of a little cult that people choose to join, and choose to stay with. If they are not choosing it then call the cops...if they are then it's not an issue I'm interested in. I'm interested in the priest speaking out for the poor who is machine gunned in an alley. I'm interested in the company knowingly spreading deadly chemicals where our children play and not being allowed to prosecute them. I'm worried about those who cannot defend themselves. I'm completely unaware of Scientologists gunning people down in alleys and using the government to take over whatever they want. The day that happens let me know and I'll be beside you. Right now just sounds like they're of less importance than what I'm lobbying the government for and spending my time studying and worrying about.

I don't think anyone is claiming that Scientology is the greatest threat to human existence. That isn't the point at all. Some people are just saying they think it is a serious problem that they care about. I applaud your work with people who have suffered genocide, rape, and PTSD. I really do. I, for one, can't claim anything nearly as noble as that. But consider your attitude here being applied to those victims you have worked with. "Oh, you have PTSD? Well, I don't care because this other person got raped so I can't be bothered with you." "Oh, you got raped? Well, I don't care because this other person was affected by a genocide so I can't be bothered with you." I think you would agree that these statements would be abhorrent and absurd. My only point is that even if something worse exists in the world, a lesser problem can still merit attention and discussion.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

xxovercastxx says...

He certainly had made no such assertion by the time you went nuts and I don't think he has since, but I might have missed something.

Lisa's death was negligent homicide at worst. I'm not saying that's ok, I'm just trying to keep it in perspective. Josephus's death is very strange, but there has been no evidence of foul play, that I'm aware of. It certainly doesn't look good for COS, but the evidence to claim they are responsible is not there either.

I don't have any love for COS, but I also see it as a drop in the bucket. It seems to get a disproportionate slice of the rage pie, to me.

The COS may well be insane, but it's neither illegal nor immoral to be insane. [side note: Is it really correct to refer to a mass suicide as a massacre?]

The problem isn't your indignance, it's your off-the-wall outrage at Yogi. Most of the things you're raging over aren't even things he's said; they're things you've put in his mouth. You repeatedly misrepresent his statements and then hulk out over what you yourself said.

Don't talk about Yogi's "weak arguments" when you've so far failed to make any arguments at all.

While this may be insulting, I hope you'll recognize it as a critique rather than an insult. You undercut your own position when you act like this in a debate, at least in the eyes of the people who matter: the opponents. Putting together a convincing argument in the eyes of the people who already agree with you may get you comment upvotes, but it doesn't make any progress when it comes to popularizing your views.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Look, the only reason I said anything was cause Yogi asserts that Scientology is unimportant & is no threat to humanity's well being, which clearly isn't true.
Look at these photos of Lisa McPherson and Josephus Havenith then tell me again that the Church of Scientology is "mostly innocuous".
It's quite evident that CoS's ideology is on par with Jonestown massacre level of insanity.
You're essentially stating that the terrified mothers & husbands clutching there babies willing committed suicide and we shouldn't waste our time with things like that.
Hence, the "sick fuck" comment.
So excuse me for being indignant, it just irritates the fuck out of me to hear a person defend the atrocious behaviors of any religion or abusive organization. Especially with such weak arguments.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

Gallowflak says...

>> ^Yogi:

Well fuck it I might as well admit. I am a practicing member of CoS and I'll have the last laugh when I leave on my spaceship muhahahahaha.
Oh that's my way of saying we're done here.

Bon voyage, brave traveller.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

Gallowflak says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Gallowflak:
Puerile, nonsensical and as absurd as I've ever seen. To dismiss anti-Scientology sentiment as inhabiting the same intellectual ground as 9/11 conspiracies is fucking inane. To deride GenjiKilpatrick as being ineffectual in the world and contributing nothing, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever - and simply because you disagree with his opposition to the CoS - is despicable. I don't understand what's wrong with you. Can nobody debate or discuss ideas anymore, without restorting to flailing and frothing like a toddler?
As an anecdote, my wife participated in a Scientology protest a few years ago. For two weeks straight she was stalked home by a Scientology goon who had memorized her schedule and route from work. It happens to more people than I can count. I don't think Scientology could ever be legitimately described as a non-issue.

You call what I did there flailing and frothing like a toddler? Really am I completely off the deep end saying that this internet argument won't amount to anything? That defeating CoS which you won't succeed in doing will be a boon to everyones existence? I'm not out of line here, this isn't an argument, it's me saying people who believe that CoS is a terrible scourge and deserves everyones attention and must be stopped is wrong. You're wrong if you think that we have to worry about CoS over almost ANY major issue in this country. People are actually dying for things we can fix easily and CoS isn't what's killing them. Grow up.
EDIT: Also if that's true about your wife...why didn't you call the cops? That's something you can do easily, but your story probably isn't true anyways you're just engaging in the same nasty tactics as you accuse CoS of doing...just making shit be right in an argument on the internet. That's just sad.

I call what you did there "flailing and frothing like a toddler" as an expression of some misplaced hyperbole. The rest of your response contains things I've already responded to.

Large issues do not require that small issues be excluded from consideration. That's ridiculous. It's also ridiculous to compare the relative ferocity of problems when they're not related to one another. You can apply the same approach to medicine for a taste of how absurd it is; abandoning Parkinson's research in favour of a treatment for cancer, for example. Well, that's not how it works.

And no, Yogi, this "internet argument" won't amount to anything that's going to end up in the historical record. But I disagree with you. That is important enough to me to warrant an opposition to what you said.

I'm really not sure what you're arguing, though. It seems to be that your position is as I outlined in the second paragraph here, and that Scientology isn't a problem worth investing one's time in. I understand that there are issues in the world that have obscured others in your kaleidoscope of subjectivity, but those that don't concern you aren't unworthy of concern. You come across as a little bit solipsistic, and it makes me uncomfortable.

And don't call me a liar. There's no faster way to disintegrate your own legitimacy in a discussion, and it's a tactic used by those who feel like they're backed up into a corner. Tastes like ad hominem.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

Yogi says...

>> ^Reefie:

>> ^Yogi:
Like I said in the preview of this Documentary, what has Scientology done that we should care about? I see here some people not seeing their relatives through...choices of their own. And a woman committing suicide...again a choice of her own. Really I can't find any proof that Scientology is responsible for any deaths whatsoever. So why should I care? Let them worship whatever they want with their stupid "All psychiatrists are evil" nonsense, it doesn't matter. Now back to my Sammich.

It appears to all who are reading your post that you have not had any direct contact with someone who has been affected by any cult (let alone scientology), and therefore do not care in the slightest.

Yeah you know who I've had direct contact with. Genocide victims...rape victims...soldiers with PTSD. And with that context of War and hate and death, I'm suddenly not caring of a little cult that people choose to join, and choose to stay with. If they are not choosing it then call the cops...if they are then it's not an issue I'm interested in. I'm interested in the priest speaking out for the poor who is machine gunned in an alley. I'm interested in the company knowingly spreading deadly chemicals where our children play and not being allowed to prosecute them. I'm worried about those who cannot defend themselves. I'm completely unaware of Scientologists gunning people down in alleys and using the government to take over whatever they want. The day that happens let me know and I'll be beside you. Right now just sounds like they're of less importance than what I'm lobbying the government for and spending my time studying and worrying about.

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