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Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

notarobot says...

Ugh. I want to disagree so much, but in light of the email scandals, breech of trust, bribery, wall street speeches, corporatist super pac, vote suppression, and election fraud, I don't have much to go on.

And on the note of vote suppression and election fraud: there is mounting evidence that those are the two qualities that most enabled Hillary to snare her victory for the 'democratic' nomination.

bobknight33 said:

For all his faults Trump is still the best of the two.

Bernie is not backing down

notarobot says...

@3:50 - Bernie is wrong about support for Trump. There are plenty of American's who will vote for him because of his insulting comments, and plenty more who will hold their nose and vote Kang over Kodos.

"I don't really like him either, but least Kang didn't breach classified information, or take bribes from BigCorp like Kodos did," they might say.

@4:30 - "I will do anything in my power to stop Kang from becoming president" is code for "I'll vote for Kodos, if I have to."

Bernie was our last hope. The only human running. He was unable to defeat the dirty tricks of Hillary's campaign, with her big bank bribes donations, more "donations" from foreign governments, and her endless Super PAC money...

Bernie failed to understand that in America, it's the leaders who become idolized and it's the cheaters who usually lead. Bernie isn't a cheater. He is a man of dignity who stands by his word, and refused to act outside his principles or allow the ends to justify his means.

And that is why he will not be president.

Dear Trump Supporters

Heil Trump!

mentality says...

Paid for by Citizens Super PAC, which is funded by Republicans / Conservatives. Not saying Trump doesn't suck, but damn this attack ad is dirty. This is going to look really bad for them when Trump wins the nomination.

Trump's Thoughts On Women

bobknight33 says...

From the Mitt Romney super pac.

The establishment is going bat shit crazy.

The saddest part of all this is that the establishment created the environment for Trump to be, by not doing what the people wanted them to do and that is stand up and fight the left, but they caved.

Let's Compare ( Classic Pac-Man )

Phreezdryd says...

I had some nostalgia fever recently and ran across these "Let's Compare" videos a day before seeing your Pac-Man homebrew submission, so I had to post this.

Had you not seen that channel before? Between YouTube and emulators it's fun to revisit the old favourites, and the ones you may have missed. Can you guess which company I was a fan of way back when?

Almost forgot to mention I had that Pac-Man table top game they show at the end.

ant said:

I had Pac-Man fever back then.

Also, is rad.

Let's Compare ( Classic Pac-Man )

Homeless Guy Knowledge

JustSaying says...

Dude, you need to chill. Have some weed or a glass of wine or something. The pot legalisation will work itself out over time. Once enough rich people realise how much cash is in it, it'll become an industry with lobbyists. Maybe Snoop should start a super PAC.

dannym3141 said:

lots of words

senator elizabeth warren dropping truthbombs

Januari says...

Its almost impossible to change things at the federal level. Citizen's United MUST be repealed. It is possible. It has to be done at the state level and we need a lot more states to get on board. Outside of Wash D.C. Its almost impossible to find anyone who agrees with Citizen's United, which is why you can get traction with this on the state level.

Corruption is Legal in America

Pixels Trailer

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Pixels, retro, games, arcades, Pac Man, Puck Man, Donkey Kong, trailer, preview, attacks' to 'Pixels, Arcade, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Trailer, Adam Sandler, Peter Dinklage' - edited by Sagemind

Real Time with Bill Maher: 2016 Billionaire Buyers Guide

newtboy says...

What color is the sky in your universe? I'm curious, because we obviously live in different planets or planes of existence.
You really need to stop getting your information from right wing nutjobs. They mislead you at every turn, obvious from your comments. I disagree with every single 'point' you made, and your numbers are silly, because they completely, intentionally ignore super PACs which is what Republicans used for funding, and also claims some people gave $74million directly to the democratic party/candidates, which is completely illegal and didn't happen.

bobknight33 said:


On the democrat side all there is is Warren. Hillery won't run. Her utter failure at the state department and the fact that she is married to pedophile Bill will keep her out.

I do agree that the republican party is filled with losers. Mit has the best chance. But leave it to Republican leadership to loose the election.

As far as Billionairs buying / swaying / influencing elections and all the left is bash the Koch brothers. - When will the medial look at truth?

The left are buying the elections, not the right.

For the 2014 election
Thomas Steryer gave $74M to the democrats
Koch brothers gave $2.4M to the Republicans.
Even George Soros ($3.8M) gave more to Democrats than Koch.


enoch (Member Profile)

Russell Brand debates Nigel Farage on immigration

RedSky says...


Broadly speaking, I tend to subscribe to the view that capitalism is the worst economic system anyone ever invented, except for all the others. There are plenty of problems with it but also practical solutions that could be implemented. Pining for a better system is great, but this quasi-vague revolution that Brand is espousing is as almost guaranteed to be as direction-less and short lived as the Occupy movement.

Take campaign finance reform, of what I'm familiar the Mayday PAC in the US is proposing a voucher system where either (1) each voter is given and limited to a set amount tax refund they can spend on campaign contributions or alternatively (2) there is public finance for something like a 10 to 1 matching system for smaller donations. That seems like a good solution to the problem. It's not perfect though, as speech via the media (TV, internet) would still be wielded disproportionately by those with power. But it's a start. More transparency on where donations are coming from would also help.

I'm no fan of inequality either, but it's a far more difficult issue to grapple with. If you approach it with taxes, the problem is you need global coordination. A single country raising taxes will just see incomes shift elsewhere particular the highest percent who are the most mobile. There needs to be some kind of standard on taxation globally as to whether it is incurred where it is earned or where the company is registered, otherwise you have companies like Apple paying next to nothing because they avoid it in both countries (known as the double Irish, although this has now been eliminated it's a good example).

Should investment income be taxed higher? Probably, I'm not too well informed on this subject but it certainly entrenches established wealth. Should there be an estate-like tax of sorts that limits wealth passed on through generations? Perhaps, but it seems like a band-aid of sorts and a double dipping on what should really be collected through income tax in the first place.

I'm all for public services where it makes sense to provide them publicly. I don't like political cronyism either. But solutions need to be practical. Eliminating tax avoidance by multinationals is good policy because otherwise these companies paying virtually no tax intrinsically sets up barriers to entry to smaller competitors which is terrible economically and leads to monopolistic behaviour and higher prices. Targeting finance with a specific tax probably isn't. Business will just shift globally and countries like the UK will lose out more than they gain.

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

SDGundamX says...

There are serious problems with Sommers video. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, watch it here.

Basically, her argument is "I looked at some literature (I'm not going to tell you what though) and I concluded there is no misogyny in gaming. You can trust me because I call myself a Feminist."

That's called "appeal to authority" and it's a logical fallacy.

The hugely ironic thing is that anti-Sarkeesian people are constantly going on about Sarkeesian is not qualified to critique games because she only played some of the games she talks about in the videos and watched YouTube game footage of the rest. Yet Sommers admits in the start of this video that she hasn't played video games since Pac Man in the 80s! By anti-Sarkeesian standards, she's even less qualified to talk about games than Sarkeesian is.

But that doesn't stop people who don't like Sarkeesian from trotting out this video as some supposedly magical proof that Sarkeesian's arguments have been debunked.

Mordhaus said:

Christina Hoff Sommers alluded to Sarkeesian as part of an "army of critics, gender activists and... hipsters with degrees in cultural studies", who she said have unfairly attacked masculine video game culture.

Just in case anyone wants to hear what a real, level-headed feminist thinks about Sarkeesian and the current wave of Neo-Femmes that seem to not want only equal rights, but greater ones then men. Feminism today is not about equality, even though Sarkeesian paid brief lip service to it in this interview, it's about knocking men down a peg or two below women.

I'm all for equality. I love games with the option for a male or female protagonist. What I don't love, and will never support with my money by purchasing it, are the games that shoehorn a female character in with no regard to story or content.

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