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French Crosswalk PSA

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Science Denial

Where's the Smoke, Comey's Fired

We Told You So: Russian Hacking | Full Frontal -Samantha Bee

iaui says...

OMG! Our very own famous Russian troll is made famous yet again! Congrats, @bobknight33 on your _second_ tv debut.

Last time bob said:
"Christ you made me listen to this bitch. What a waste of time.

But is does how that even Russians see Clinton for the criminal skank she is."

Let's see what he has to say now.


The basics of BASIC, the programming language of the 1980s.

Digital Hygiene: How We Might've Fucked Our Attention Spans

Jinx says...

But then aren't you using the internet as a tool? Learning guitar, even with the internet, is hardly instant gratification. You still have to sit there developing a loathing for your FUCKING STUPID FINGERS OMG WHY CANT YOU JUST GO WHERE I WANT. I'M LOOKING AT YOU ESPECIALLY RING FINGER...ahem.

I read an article a little while ago about a guy who gave up the internet entirely for a year. He found that at least to begin with his mood improved, he felt more fulfilled etc...but by the end of the year he'd simply found non-internet based unfulfilling activities. I think humans just like to be comfortable, but comfortable is rarely (if ever) fulfilling. You have to be careful not to fall into the trap of "learning" that one song you can play well over and over because its more gratifying than swearing at your fingers.

But hey. Its lent. I'm not religious but maybe it isn't such a bad thing to give up some comforts for a little while.

dannym3141 said:

I hate to pluck holes in what might be something intended in jest, but I have found the opposite to a lot of what he is saying. Just one example - i would never have learned to play the guitar without the internet.

The Cluster Fuck At The Oscars For Best Picture

greatgooglymoogly says...

I see no reason they can't have somebody with PWC read the envelope contents immediately before handing it to the presenter before they enter the stage to verify and prevent something like this. And also print the winner in OMG HUGE font so somebody can't mix up the actor/movie.

Bullets of Justice - Trailer

Ex-GF Vandalises Car

Not Here for Your Entertainment

newtboy says...

OMG that was AWFUL! I mean astoundingly bad.
Something hilariously unaware about an entertainer singing "I'm not here for your entertainment" and other phrases meant to indicate she's not just a sex object while wearing skin tight spandex and group pelvic thrusting, though, so there was an ironic redeeming quality in there somewhere.

Snore Shaming Your Dog

Up In Teh Asshole Of Timo

Aftermath November 2016

transmorpher says...

Voting for Trump is not a protest vote.

You don't protest against something bad, by voting for something even worse.

That's not a protest, that's a temper tantrum.

A protest vote would have been anything other than Clinton or Trump.

Unrelated to your post but, I just realised:
.....Trump is tanned: tan + trump = tantrum? OMG 9/11 aliens confirmed!!!11

enoch said:


i would like to say a few things.

Apple Ad Is Touching

President Trump: How & Why...

Asmo says...

I've been watching a lot of anti-SJW stuff lately, mostly because I am a rabid supporter of freedom of speech and I don't like the authoritarian direction a lot of the most vocal (and yes, it's a minority) of SJW's seem to be calling for.

And you know the really hilarious thing? Gays like Milo Yiannopoulous (who has to be the most conflicted gay guy on the planet), or trans like Blaire White? They are accepted. Milo drinks the kool aid a little (okay, he bought the company and consumes their entire output), but Blaire seems fairly centered, and they are accepted by fucking right wing college guys who you would think would be the first ones to yell "OMG get away faggot" or some such shit.

People are still bigoted and I have a sneaking suspicion they always will be in certain aspects, but sometimes tolerance comes from the most unlikely of places. Maybe it's acceptance due to ideological alignment, or perhaps the current generation has the exposure such that gay/trans etc isn't really that big a thing anymore, I don't know.

ps. I think Trump cashed in on riding the Bernie wave of discontent with the establishment, mostly tantrums just make you look like a dumb cunt. ; )

pps. I think my greatest disappointment with the post Trump tantrums is that the total electoral turnout is somewhere around 30-40% of eligible voters in the US? So it's not even a quorum picking the leader of what is still pretty much the biggest and most dangerous nation in the world. There's tonnes of blame to go around here unfortunately, and part of that goes to people who don't give a shit either way, something the DNC really has to own. I think Bernie would have seen record voter turnouts, whereas Clint-bot... /facepalm

Jinx said:

Hi. SJW twat here.

I think we are tired of fighting. My sister is trans. She has to "engage" with bigotry every week. I don't agree with CE, and I don't particularly disagree with you but I just want to point out that for some people it is a constant battle, and this notion that we haven't been engaging, that we've been shutting out dissenting voices... for my sister those voices might be on the street, or in a bar, or on the train. Her supposed "liberal" allies are just as likely to be seen apologising for her as supporting her. So yah, I guess expect a certain degree of exasperation because it looks like the bigots won the other night.

ps. maybe you are onto something with the tantrum thing. I know you were joking and all...but it did work, so....if you can't beat em...

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