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I am Second - Brian 'Head' Welch

enoch says...

hey thanks for the response my friend.(though in bullet form..blech)
i now have a clearer picture in what you were trying to convey,and if i have your stance correct: found this video to be a glorification of drug addiction and not the religious aspects.

i disagree and your previous comments do also.i disagree that this was a glorification of any kind but rather ones mans courage to put himself out there and explain where he was and what helped him walk away still breathing.nobody goes around and broadcasts how they are an addict and have lost control of their lives.i feel this video is more of public service for those who may suffer and silence and feel they are alone,which is quite common among addicts.we can disagree on this...our perceptions just for the religious aspects may i just point to your last paragraph.notice anything?

you are free to chastise this man for his conversion to christianity and putting his recovery on giving himself over to jesus.that is not only your choice but your right but please dont say your premise was not influenced by the religious aspects when it obviously said so in your own words. are an atheist and disagree with my use of "redemption" because of its religious connotations and would prefer "recovery".

i can agree that "recovery" is also an apt term to use but it does not convey in a complete sense what "redemption" conveys.
you dont "recover" from guilt and shame.
you are "redeemed" and this does not have to have anything to do with religion but it does has EVERYTHING to do with brutal have the courage to face oneself with eyes wide open and accept the choices...AND consequences.this is a process that needs to happen to start the healing process which can only begin with forgiveness.
to forgive oneself.
this does not,by implication,necessarily mean that jesus has to come in to your life.
or buddha.
or allah.
or the great spirit.
but usually for addicts it is something outside themselves.this could be a person you greatly admire and respect which could help fascillitate a similar outcome.
hence my captain crunch reference.

i would also like to address that your disagreement with me is actually an agreement.
while i agree with your assesment on my over-simplification let me just point out:
my over-simplification was to shave off all the myriad redundancies to reveal the nugget/core. are not some big meanie.

my apologies if i implied that you were in any capacity.i chose my words carefully in order to provoke you into revealing your TRUE motivation and in that context i succeeded but allow me to apologize for the manipulation.
i didnt want to respond in a presumptuous manner,even though i had suspicions to your true dislike of this video.

and here was my general thinking.
why would somebody find a video where a man admits,on VIDEO,how he almost killed himself due to his addictions and lost that which was most dear,and his consequent "recovery",be perceived as a bad thing?
and the only conclusion i could come up with was the "jesus" factor as being the bitter pill.
just look at the views to votes are not exactly alone my friend.

would you feel the same way if this man had started recovery from meeting a distinguished scientist? or philosopher?
who helped him see the world differently and hence gave him the courage to face what he needed to face?
i presume (falsely maybe) that you and many on this site would have cheered this man for his courage but since this man gave his life to jesus and credits jesus for his recovery he is relegated to the silly bin.
my response is:whatever works for it and do it NOW.if that means jesus or the FSM then by all means...have at it.

i AM an ex-junkie.
and i dont mean i had a small "problem" but i was the rip-snorting we-are-going-for-a-fucking-ride kinda junkie.
the wake up across state lines on the beach-how the fuck did i get here kinda junkie.
i assist those who wish to be clean.
i let them stay in my spare room so they can go through detox (worst experience a person can endure imo).
i do not judge.
i do not preach.
i make it ok.
because i am fluent in the language of the broken and forsaken because i was once just like them.
this is mainly where my "nobody can do it alone" comment was inspired.because a junkie cannot get clean by him/herself.their self loathing is too dominant and the desire to numb themselves from their own past too strong an impulse to ignore.

so when you see a junkie you may (rightly so) see a person who has made some bad choices.maybe you hope they will seek treatment and get better but they need to accept responsibility.
i agree with that, but you judge them while not understanding THEY have already judged themselves and their judgment is so much harsher than you could ever imagine.they believe themselves to be less than nothing and execute that verdict with a raging self-hatred everytime they use.which then becomes a never-ending cycle of guilt and shame.

i attempt to break that cycle for those who seek to become healthy and whole again.sometimes i succeed but more often i fail.
so if jesus is a part of somebody finding the strength and courage to face their demons then who are we to judge?

i do hope you take this comment in the spirit it was written.
with honesty and respect.i truly appreciate your contributions to this subject (which is obviously close to home for me) and indulging my curiosity with how an atheist views subjects such as these.
it would be interesting to see how many votes a video similar to this would get if there was no reference to jesus or god.

thank you TSG.

TED Talks, Amy Purdy: Living Beyond Limits

Patriotic Millionaires Debate Grover Norquist

SDGundamX (Member Profile)

Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim, Anti-Liberal version of The View

Underworld Born Slippy Nuxx [HD] - Live at Pinkpop 1999

BoneRemake says...

Drive boy dog boy
Dirty numb angel boy
In the doorway boy
She was a-lipstick boy
She was a-beautiful boy
And tears boy
And all in your inner space boy
You had hands girls boy
And steel boy
You had chemicals boy
I've grown so close to you boy
And you just groan boy
She said come over come over
She smiled at you boy

Let your feelings slip boy
But never your mask boy
Random blonde boy
High density random
blonde boy
Blonde country
Blonde high density
You are my drug boy
You're real boy
Dog dirty dumb cracking boy
You're getting wet boy
Big big time boy
Acid bears boy
Babes and babes
And babes and babes
and babes
And remembering nothing boy
Do you like my tin horn boy
It gets wet like at Angel

You got a velvet mouth
You're so succelent and beautiful
Shimmering and dirty
Wonderful and hot time
On your telephone line
And God and everything
On your telephone
And in walks an angel

Look at me mum
Squatting pissed in the tube hole
At Tottenham Court Road
I just come out of the Ship
Talking to the most blonde
I ever met
Shouting lager lager lager lager
Shouting lager lager lager lager
Shouting lager lager lager lager
Shouting lager lager lager
Shouting mega mega
White thing
Mega mega white thing
Mega mega white thing
Mega mega
Shouting lager lager lager lager
Mega mega white thing
Mega mega white thing
So many things to see and do
in the tube hole
The blonde going back
to Romford
Mega mega mega going back
to Romford
Hi mum are you having fun
On your way
To a new age tension headache

Chris Hedges Lays Into Obama

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^Fletch:
>> ^NetRunner:
But of late Obama appears to have decided to fight back...

Election year approaching fast. Coincedence? I want him to succeed, but he's such a pussy. Dare I say Uncle T__? It's like he meant everything he said during the campaign, and then he got into the White House and "they" told him how things really operate on orientation day. Or they threatened his family, or had incriminating pictures of him, or... something turned him into a huge wimp. I'm naturally pessimistic though.

I guess I don't really care why he's fighting, so long as he's out in public giving voice to liberal ideas.
I don't know why we saw such a radical shift from the lofty rhetoric of campaign Obama to the mind-numbing centrism and bipartisanship of President Obama. Personally I don't think it's anything nearly so grandiose as blackmail. He always, even during the campaign, was talking about wanting to unite red and blue America. I think he really thought that it was possible to get Republicans to support health care reform, by proposing to do what the Republicans offered as an alternative to the Clinton plan in the 90's. I think he really thought Republicans would pass Cap & trade, since it was their alternative to more stringent policies like a carbon tax.
Basically, I think he was naive enough to believe that Republicans honestly care about the people in this country, and not just how best to whore this country out to corporate plutocrats.
I think he also thought that at least some corporate plutocrats honestly cared about the country, and weren't just in this to rape and pillage the country.
Personally I expected both groups to make their true colors known pretty early, and disabuse Obama of the idea that they wanted anything less than his utter destruction. I was right, but I think Obama got bamboozled into thinking it was just some sort of empty political posturing, because those people were still being personally gracious with him. I think he's starting to realize that their public personas are who they really are, and the personal courtesy is the partisan posturing.
Which is a long way of saying, I think before you go into the "Obama is a willing tool of corporations" or "Obama is being blackmailed" theories, I think the "Obama is a centrist who wants to end partisan bickering and promote compromise" needs a full and fair airing.

Obama needs to take a leaf out of FDRs book.

"I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made."

Chris Hedges Lays Into Obama

NetRunner says...

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^NetRunner:
But of late Obama appears to have decided to fight back...

Election year approaching fast. Coincedence? I want him to succeed, but he's such a pussy. Dare I say Uncle T__? It's like he meant everything he said during the campaign, and then he got into the White House and "they" told him how things really operate on orientation day. Or they threatened his family, or had incriminating pictures of him, or... something turned him into a huge wimp. I'm naturally pessimistic though.

I guess I don't really care why he's fighting, so long as he's out in public giving voice to liberal ideas.

I don't know why we saw such a radical shift from the lofty rhetoric of campaign Obama to the mind-numbing centrism and bipartisanship of President Obama. Personally I don't think it's anything nearly so grandiose as blackmail. He always, even during the campaign, was talking about wanting to unite red and blue America. I think he really thought that it was possible to get Republicans to support health care reform, by proposing to do what the Republicans offered as an alternative to the Clinton plan in the 90's. I think he really thought Republicans would pass Cap & trade, since it was their alternative to more stringent policies like a carbon tax.

Basically, I think he was naive enough to believe that Republicans honestly care about the people in this country, and not just how best to whore this country out to corporate plutocrats.

I think he also thought that at least some corporate plutocrats honestly cared about the country, and weren't just in this to rape and pillage the country.

Personally I expected both groups to make their true colors known pretty early, and disabuse Obama of the idea that they wanted anything less than his utter destruction. I was right, but I think Obama got bamboozled into thinking it was just some sort of empty political posturing, because those people were still being personally gracious with him. I think he's starting to realize that their public personas are who they really are, and the personal courtesy is the partisan posturing.

Which is a long way of saying, I think before you go into the "Obama is a willing tool of corporations" or "Obama is being blackmailed" theories, I think the "Obama is a centrist who wants to end partisan bickering and promote compromise" needs a full and fair airing.

"You need a Holy Ghost Enema"

A10anis says...

Looks like Elizabeth Taylor on crack (my apologies Elizabeth). To jump from Richard Dawkins giving an award to the great Christopher Hitchens, to this mind numbing gibberish, is to go from the enlightenment to the dark ages. These "people" are an insult to our species and deserve nothing but utter contempt, ridicule, and isolation.

Louis CK - Do Your Job!

spoco2 says...

Ok, I upvote even though I really have seen this bit a number of times

He gets a little harsh towards 20 year old in this, but his great truth, which anyone should take away from it is: DO YOUR FUCKING JOB, and do it well.

If you don't like your current job then spend time looking for one you'd prefer to do, but still do your current job WELL.

I know people who are just like this and it shits me so much, because it's exactly the thing that stops them getting anywhere in life. They don't climb the ladder of success because they never have a good reference, they never show how damn good they can be at the shitty jobs so they get noticed, or come away with a great reference, to move on to the next, bigger, better job and so on.

Being shit at the shit jobs means you'll always do the the shit jobs. Be great at the shit jobs and people Fucking NOTICE. They DO...

My first real job (not counting delivery medicine by bike or working in Pizza Hut) was answering ALL the email an ISP got.. ALL of it, just me handling all complaints, queries, support requests... pretty mind numbing really... but you know what, when I left that company I was a lead client software developer, creating code to run on AT&T's customer's computers nation wide... and then when that company closed up I was recommended on to another company where I work today.


It's a HUGE truth that is really important for doing well in this world, and as Louis points out, there are those who don't get it.

What you ought to know about oxymorons

What you ought to know about oxymorons

shagen454 says...

If he doesn't believe in "numb feeling" then he certainly hasn't had his wisdom teeth removed without going under. I felt something through the numbness, not that it hurt but it was a strange numb feeling.

And whatever they say Icy Hot is icy hot.

Philosophy File: The Philosophy of Sports Fans

westy says...


everything this guy said can be summed up in 10 seconds

1) people like to test ablity of there bodies

2) sports are a means to do that

3) modern sports are designed to be a spectical as much as a test on the athaleets ablity.

what anoys me about this is the way this guy talks making what are mind numbingly simple concepts come across as complicated and deep , a good comunicator should be doing the opasite making complex concepts and ideas seem simple and easy to understand.

also he should have given/exsplaind a scientific reason as to why people enjoy watching sports such as mirror nuroins and how the act of watching people do a sport triggers responses in spectators as if they were playing themselfs.

Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution

Olbermann Special Comment: The Four Great Hypocrisies

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