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Two Thousand and Fifty Four Nuclear Explosions (1945-1998)

Nuclear Explosion Map 1945-1998

Video of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Explosion

Opening scene of the post-apocalyptic thriller "The Divide"

krelokk says...

She would also be completely blind. People are blinded even with their eyes closed when looking in the direction of nuclear explosions. Yet she calmly looks the explosion, not even a hint of emotional or physical pain. Not to mention the glass window not exploding in her face. Let alone the whole building. They could be outside the blast zone, but the glass out probably shatter, even if the building didn't. Amazing... 20 years after the nuke scene in Terminator 2, we have this.

blankfist (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I think things will get worse before they get better. Some of the poorer countries in South America and now the middle east are starting to reject the influence of the US and its puppets. I think this will spread to Europe and when it hits critical mass, we will be forced to change our ways. If some huge crisis (economic collapse, nuclear explosion, resource shortage, global warming related crisis) comes along before that, I think it will go one of two ways. 1) The people will take back their government 2) The powers that be will use the crisis to transform our country into a fascist nightmare, like 911 on steroids.

You and I taking a stand for what we believe in is important, despite the fact that it will probably have little or no effect on the big picture. There are very few in our society willing to speak up about the things we speak up about, and a comment or video on this site might get a few hundred views, which isn't too shabby. If a couple of those hundred people find wisdom in something we say and pass it along, then I think we've done something worthwhile. Also, I don't know about you, but my conscience forces me to speak out. My rants on this site serve as a pressure release valve, keeping me from going insane.

It's also important that we balance positive and happy experiences with our political frustrations. Living in mental misery all of the time is no way to live, but a little sturm and drang is healthy and human, if only because they make the happy days happier by contrast.

As far as our back and forth, we'd probably be better off just stating our position once and then moving on. You are never going to convince me that unfettered markets will self regulate, and I'm never going to convince you that democracy is a force for good. Then again, arguing with you is fun and challenging. It's probably good for the brain. We could also probably stand to be more intellectual and less insulting. We've both grown up in a country where we've been taught by the media that proper political discourse involves shouting and name calling. I'm trying to take a more zen approach to argument. More substance, less ego.

Chris Hedges says there is great virtue in fighting a fight you know you can't win. I agree.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Sometimes I think we're arguing different sides to an argument that cannot pan out in either of our favors. If energy is a finite resource, which it has to be, and oil is passing or has passed its peak, then we could be facing the most amazing transformation in human civilization, and all this talk of who builds the roads will be pointless.

Why did the Bush Administration take us into Iraq? Could it be because the neocons know that the world's oil reserve is entering a decline, which means the supply will not meet demand of the industrialized world.
What'll happen when the decline is truly known and felt and understood and accepted? For sure oil prices will skyrocket. $5 a gal. $10 a gal. $150 a gal. More? Maybe way more? Then what happens? Less energy will need to be used, so planes will stop flying, and maintenance will stop, and infrastructure will fail, and soon nations will go bankrupt, including the US.

Then what? Riots. People frustrated with the collapse of the system, and they'll riot. The world will turn dangerous. Peaceful neighborhoods will be places of despair and destruction. A great many people will die around the world. We'll no longer be 7 billion. Then what? Will it matter that I'm arguing against statism? Will socialism still work? Will captialism work? Of course not. Maybe all of this energy we spend arguing and debating will be lost as well.

Sarah Palin Doesn't Get It

campionidelmondo says...

"Our exceptional country. So vibrant with ideas and passionate exchange and debate of ideas...It's a light to the rest of the world."

Yeah the USA sure is a bright light. Wait a minute... That's not a light. It's a nuclear explosion! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

WikiLeaks' Bottom-Line Revelation


Austin Bay

Julian Assange, the man behind the WikiLeaks dump of secret US State Department cables, has been frank about his reasons for releasing thousands of classified -and stolen -- documents.

Assange says he wants to seriously damage the United States.
If this damage forwards America's ultimate destruction, so be it. The son of leftist America-haters, Assange was born and weaned during the Cold War. Then the wrong side won. What the superpower Soviet Union failed to do with its armies, he, a super-empowered individual, will accomplish via the information anarchy of the Internet.

If Assange's history-shaping goal seems grandiose and detached from reality, indeed it is. However, once you understand the man's religion, his megalomania and solipsism become a bit more comprehensible if even more reprehensible.

Like other anti-American cranks on the planet, Assange holds firm in his warped faith that the U.S. is the leading source of global evil. The roots of this religion run deep, beginning with 18th century European aristocrats who despised the American Revolution. The anti-Americanism of Nazis, communists, tribalists, anarchists and now militant Islamists all rehash the same tropes, with their semi-schizoid baseline being the U.S. is simultaneously a vast authoritarian conspiracy and a heterogeneous menagerie of infidel-cowboy-capitalist idiots who dogmatically resist enlightened social policies.

Assange argues his revelations will force this conglomerate American monster to become more secretive and authoritarian. Limiting access to information, in order to stop future leaks, will reduce the monster's secretive and authoritarian effectiveness. The monster's "security state" will dumb down, and --here's the moment of religious rapture in Assange's prophecy -- this will increase global justice.

Assange also links this shackling of America to creating peace. Don't snicker too long. There are a lot of tenured gray-haired profs with ponytails who teach this dreck at notable universities and get paid for it.

Assange understands media grandstanding, but he doesn't understand people and certainly doesn't understand how American diplomats contribute to maintaining peace.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates understands people and diplomacy, and his assessment of Assange's info dump is as clear as it is historically and psychologically informed. At the Pentagon last week, Gates said: "The fact is, governments deal with the United States because it's in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us and not because they believe we can keep secrets. Many governments -- some governments -- deal with us because they fear us, some because they respect us, most because they need us. We are still essentially, as has been said before, the indispensable nation."

Gates added that the cables were "embarrassing" and "awkward," but the ultimate effects on policy would be "modest."

Pray that Gates is right about modest impact, but right now and for at least the next six months, the world confronts the possibility of a nuclear war in East Asia ignited by North Korean aggression. This is a time period when the world absolutely needs close -- and trustworthy -- cooperation between the U.S. and China. A big war in Korea could kill millions but will guarantee a global economic depression. Leaked cables discuss corruption in China's Communist Party and names hypocritical party elites.

Even if the information is accurate, this is a case where revealed candor damages personal relationships among key U.S. diplomatic personnel and Chinese leaders. China is a face culture, and the leaders have lost face. A mature appreciation of the common danger should override personal anger, but another leak revealed that China sees North Korea as a "spoiled child" and that it believes Korea will ultimately be reunited with South Korea absorbing the North. This revelation weakens China's political leverage with North Korea at a moment when any leverage is precious.

Assange, of course, did not consider how he increased the threat to the lives of millions of Korean, Japanese and Chinese when he dumped his filched documents. His faith-based narrative of American evil excludes the possibility that American diplomats are collaborating with China to avoid war and eventually put an end to North Korea's armed brinksmanship without a nuclear explosion.

Here's WikiLeaks' bottom-line revelation: Assange and ideologues like him promote an ignorant and destructive solipsism that has nothing to do with peace and justice but a lot to do with sociopathic narcissism.

Two Thousand and Fifty Four Nuclear Explosions (1945-1998)

Two Thousand and Fifty Four Nuclear Explosions (1945-1998)

kronosposeidon says...

Those were actual nuclear explosions, both in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. They were both underground detonations. I found this: Nuclear Tests In Mississippi? The Consequences of Corporate Controlled Media (it even includes one functioning YouTube video, if someone wants to post it). I too knew none of this, not at all, until I googled it.

I could only find these scant mentions in Wikipedia (though I admit, I didn't dig very deeply):

- Vela Uniform/Project Dribble Nuclear Tests
- Vela Uniform>> ^jimnms:

Are these nuclear weapon tests or or does it include nuclear reactor tests as well? At the end when it overlaid all the tests there was one somewhere around Louisiana or Mississippi, and I don't recall a nuclear weapon test in that area.

Two Thousand and Fifty Four Nuclear Explosions (1945-1998)

Two Thousand and Fifty Four Nuclear Explosions (1945-1998)

MilkmanDan says...

To me it is incredible that out of the 2,000+ explosions, only 2 were fired "in anger", and those were the 2nd and 3rd events.

There is absolutely no arguing that a full-on nuclear war would be terrible, devastating, and horrendous. However, I think it would be pretty difficult for it to be end-of-humanity apocalyptic. From some quick googling, it looks like a high yield modern nuclear warhead has a blast radius of 6-7 miles, so probably under 150 square miles of area (not counting fallout, lesser blast damage outside of the center, etc.)

So, if every nuclear explosion in history was from an extremely high-yield modern bomb, and they had all been fired at once with the targets spread out to destroy the largest possible total area, they could have utterly destroyed an area a bit bigger than Texas.

I guess that is a pretty grim way to look on the bright side...

Why use dynamite when you can use an atomic bomb!?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'atomic, bomb, gas well, fire, peaceful, nuclear, explosion, ussr, russia, cold war' to 'atomic, bomb, gas well, leak, fire, peaceful, nuclear, explosion, ussr, russia, cold war' - edited by calvados

calvados (Member Profile)

cybrbeast (Member Profile)

REAALLY DUMB Indiana Jones "nuclear explosion fridge" scene!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'dumbfoundingly silly, indiana jones, indy, nuclear explosion, fridge, harrison ford' to 'dumbfoundingly silly, indy, nuclear explosion, test, doorstep, fridge, harrison ford' - edited by calvados

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