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Rep. Alan Grayson Kicks Butt

rougy says...

>> ^rougy:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
Effective at what? What is he accomplishing by making these statements; particularly in session? If he had said this on a news or talk show, that would be different. Why does Congress need to talk about what a moron Giuliani is? It has no bearing on anything Congress ought to be working on.
The only thing this accomplishes, that I can think of, is it gets Grayson back in the news. I can only speculate on whether or not that's his intent, but he's clearly not doing anything productive.
>> ^rougy:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
He may be right but what is the point of making these statements in session? I think he was just getting cold without the spotlight shining on him and decided to make another scene.

Yeah, I guess you're right.
Silence is so much more effective.

Yeah, you're right.
He should just shut up.
You win.

No, really, you win. You're right.

What can be accomplished by speaking the truth?

Especially if your a congressman speaking on the floor of congress?


OnLive - Play Any Game On Any Mac PC With Full Performance

Fade says...

>> ^Psychologic:
The more I think about this, the more that I think it sounds workable, assuming everything on the hub's side is set up very very well.
The main issue, of course, is how noticeable the latency is between you and the hub. Under this system, your computer will be sending much less information than it would be if it were talking directly to the game server (input data rather than positional data). That helps cut down on input latency, assuming the hub's processing is very quick too.
If the turnaround is 10ms, are you really going to notice that? Maybe in a shooter (for the hardcore), but much less likely in other types of games. Ether way, I'd love to see it in action.
Whether or not this works now, this is most likely the future of gaming. Any lag in this system will eventually be unnoticeable as network conditions improve. At that point, why buy a system that can run the latest games when you can pay a much smaller fee and have someone else purchase the processing power?
Imagine playing Crysis at full DX10 detail through a netbook on a 1080p tv. Even if it isn't perfect, the economics of this system will be very attractive to a lot of people.

imagine no more!!

Terry Pratchett on religion

r10k says...

Instead of defending your views of the bible, you spend all your effort and energy defending how it's our fault that you're not willing to reason.

Yeah, funny that. Maybe I just like stirring.

Do you mean the parts in the New Testament that teaches masters how they should beat their slaves? Or the parts that tell slaves that they should obey their masters like they obey Christ?

Since you have such an intimate knowledge of how the bible "was written by men to reflect the traditions and social mores of that time period", I'll let you figure that one out.

Do you selectively ignore these passages when you read the New Testament? Is that how you delude yourself into believing?

Oh yes. I found early on that when I really wanted to delude myself, better than selectively ignoring passages, I'd ignore all of them and just work on second-hand knowledge.

I know, your own words sound pretty terrible when I throw them back at you eh:

No really, I meant it. Well done. It didn't mean anything, and was possibly the worst ownage attempt I've ever read, but it sure sounded spiffy.

Cat Develops Drinking Problem

Cute Kitten Begging for Food...No Really Wait For It

Grimm (Member Profile)

Howard Stern Hates Kirk Cameron

Trancecoach says...

I'm so glad to be a member of audiosift.

No really.

Actually, been awhile since I've listened to Howard. Used to be a loyal listener until he moved to satellite... would be interested in catching up on a few shows, actually.. are they posted online?

Woman Appalled after Discovering 'Swastika' Wrapping paper

MaxWilder says...

^ No, really they don't. There is nothing wrong with the product! There's plenty of Asians here who know exactly what that means and would be happy to wrap their gifts in it. The truth is that the store is having to pull a product because some dumb-ass American doesn't know that there are multiple cultures in the world, or at least doesn't think to ask before getting all offended. And the news station is assisting them in their outrage rather than educating people. It's absurd.


House Minority Leader John Boehner quotes the "Constitution"

Sagemind Sells Han Solo For A Shiny Ruby! (Scifi Talk Post)

rougy says...

Wow. Many words come to mind.

(but I burp and most are forgotten)

So who did you pay to do this?

No really. I mean really.

Oh! So you did it yourself?

No help from your girlfriend(s)?

Well, hay, what's not to like?

Just jivin, Ivan.

You are pretty cool for a demon.

Adam and Eve in the friend zone

jimnms says...

>> ^gwiz665:
Also, he should have totally given up that other rib, so he could reach...
(haha, sorry about that picture..)

I did not just click that link, I did not just click that link, I did not just click that link, I did not just click that link, I did not just click that link, I did not just click that link, I did not just click that link, I did not just click that link, I did not just click that link, I did not just click that link, no really I did not just click that link, I didn't see that, I didn't see that, I didn't see that, I didn't see that, I didn't see that, I didn't see that.

Firemen and Police in Sweden attacked by Immigrant Youth

Sagemind says...

OK, I'm not so knowledgeable on European sources. Point taken

But no, really, educate me. Is there more here than meets the eye because I am truly interested.
I spent time looking for more sources but it seems to be the same information everywhere.
What are the underlying issues here? What are we not being told?

Is this a case of religious profiling and fighting back or is there something going on here.
I don't promote one one-sidedness here so more information if you have it......

Opening up the dialogue...

Doctors implant tooth into eye, restore sight, creep everyon

bcglorf says...

And here I thought getting a tooth stuck in your eye CAUSED blindness.

I'd really like to have heard the first conversation between surgeons who talked about trying this:
Surgeon 1:"So I was thinking about helping my blind patient by inserting her own tooth into her eye."
Surgeon 2:"Yeah, I was just thinking about sewing a second butt onto my lyposuction patient."
Surgeon 1:"No, I'm serious, I think it could work!"
Surgeon 2:"Ha, your too much."
Surgeon 1:"No really."
Surgeon 2:"Sure, I believe you."
forward to today
Surgeon 2:"I can't believe he actually tried it."

[edit]:I may have found the video of the doctors.

Seinfeld Porn Parody Official Trailer

AeroMechanical says...

The difference between 'pornography' and 'erotica' is that pornography involves an imbalance of power between the 'actors.' That's what I was told in a sociology class on sexuality anyways.

Anyways, as I understand it, the reason pornos have the plot parts is because that was necessary for them to be legal (in the past at least). Just sex would have been "pornography" and illegal, but if you work a stupid little story in there, you could argue that it has some sort of artistic value as a work of fiction. I believe that's also why Playboy went out of its way to have some very impressive talent write articles for it. I have indeed actually bought a Playboy before "for the articles." No really. I have.

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