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1st Amendment Protects Military Funeral Protesters (Religion Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^Sarzy:

Where is the line between that which is constitutionally protected, and hate speech? No really, that's not a rhetorical question. How is hate speech defined, and why would the Westboro stuff not fall under that category?

Hate speech is protected. All speech is protected. I bet if you (I mean, someone in the US) fought the federal law that claims you cannot say or joke about killing the POTUS, and took it to the Supreme Court, they'd have to make a judgement favorable with the 1st Amendment.

1st Amendment Protects Military Funeral Protesters (Religion Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

Where is the line between that which is constitutionally protected, and hate speech? No really, that's not a rhetorical question. How is hate speech defined, and why would the Westboro stuff not fall under that category?

Name Something That Gets Passed Around? - Family Feud

kceaton1 says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

" Weed heads " I wanna smack people who use terminology like that.

I hear ya, the same with idiots. Unless it's Steve Harvey or Bill O'Realy?.

No really I was hoping that the resultant at the end would have shutdown Steve Harveys remaining brain functions; it looked so close. But, of course I erred as he has nothing to speak of. He's running of an old neck injury that accidentally re-introduced neurons into the system.

BTW, @Fusionaut I agree with what your saying. It makes me nearly want to punch Republicans when they don't realize where we get our LEGAL drugs (hint: we almost always go to war there or install some shit regime, etc...).

Battle: Los Angeles Trailer HD

shuac says...

^ Yeah, I've heard nothing good about Skyline. War of the Worlds (the newer) comes about as close to Empire's description that I've seen, the first 30 minutes anyway. After that, Spielberg switches to autopilot.

Anyone here ever watched Testament? Lynne Littman, 1983? It's not an alien invasion movie but it is the correct way to make an apocalypse movie: no guns, no explosions, no special effects whatsoever save for a fade to white when the bombs hit. I weep like a little girl with a skinned knee every time I watch that movie. And I'm a manly man. No really. I have a beard and everything.

Seriously, Testament shows what a character-driven apocalypse movie can be. And it has a very dark yet satisfying ending.

**It's Shuac Recommended** /announcer voice

Roast '11: Feelin' Fisky (Parody Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

>> ^Shepppard:
Sorry, but I'm going to have to tap out of this one.
My mom's going in for surgery, so odds of me being on a computer are slim.
Keep me in the loop for the next one, though.

How about you give me your password and I'll log in as you...that way somebody will think you can actually be funny.

ps: Hope your mom is ok, I couldn't hear her safe-word with the ball-gag in her mouth

PPS: No really, I hope your mom's surgery goes well.

2 girls undermine the US border strategy in 18 seconds

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

There's this thing called Rain.. which likes to fill up big empty holes in the earth.

I'll give you a few seconds - well - better make that a few minutes - to wipe the rabid foam from your mouth so you can think again, which you obviously didn't bother doing previously.

Look at the Panama canal. No - really - look at it. Look at the pictures they took while they were building it. There are places they trenched over 20 meters deep and wide in dirt and rock. Dig a huge trench like that, and put a 20ft wall with razor-wire on the other side.

Guardsmen do things called "patrols". I know perhaps you may not have heard of these complex military manuevers - being a neolib and all - but rest assured they happen. They are efficient things, where a single soldier or a small group conducts a "patrol" over a large area and if they find unusual activity they do another brilliant thing called "reporting". At that point the unit can call for an exotic thing called "reinforcements". Again - I know I'm getting really technical, but try to keep up. Oh - and to really blow your mind - there are these other things called "sensors" and "cameras" which make very small numbers of people able to monitor extremely large areas. Really wild stuff.

And there's no need for you to flash your racism against brown skin here. No one was doing that until you started in on it. When will neolibs stop judging people by the color of their skin, and start judging based on the content of character? It's a distant dream - I know - but I still hope for it. Racism is such an ugly thing. It is truly sad to see the neolib left perpetuate it so freely.

WTF Beers Filling Up Through the Bottom!

kceaton1 says...

>> ^harry:

>> ^kceaton1:
...There could be magnetism involved...

That confirms my theory that this is powered by MAGIC.

As long as MAGIC stands for: PHOTON. Ta Da!!!

No really that about covers it. Although in that picture I'm unsure why they plug in "graviton" as it doesn't exist yet nor does the understanding of how the fundamental forces/mass combine (Higgs boson/ Higgs field).

Then just figure out dark matter (which could be gravitons for all we know)... Then dark energy... Etc...

/I know it's a joke You magnificent Juggalo/ette.

Zero Punctuation: Call of Duty: Black Ops

entr0py says...

>> ^solecist:

bought it for the mp only...not sure why he didn't cover that aspect!

It seems he doesn't like playing with strangers. No really, he'll play coop games with a few friends, but really seems to hate competitive online play. Maybe too many bad experiences on xbox live.

Is Obama A Keynesian?

Heartwarming story of a guy who lost 120lbs... and got happy

Heartwarming story of a guy who lost 120lbs... and got happy

Islam: A black hole of progress.

bamdrew says...

BOOSH! ... you just got rembar'ed

>> ^rembar:

There are a few good comments here with a bunch of crap floating around them. Having just watched the video and browsed the article, I am going to boot this the fuck out of Science for shittiness.
As no-really pointed out, looking at the scientific output for nations where Islam is the state religion does not say much about the scientific output of Muslims in general. If we looked at the output for nations where some form of Christianity is the state religion, what do you think you'd see?
England + Costa Rica + Liechtenstein + Malta + Monaco + Vatican City + Cyprus + Greece + Finland + Denmark + Iceland + Norway + Tuvalu = England + meh.
England is the only real heavy hitter in there.
At very best, a reasonable argument could be made that there is a correlation between low scientific output of nations with state religions, but I'll eat a dick or two if you can dig through the confounding factors to make a solid case for that.
Point being, this video sucks, the article linked sucked too, and don't make broad generalizations about Islam and science without being able to back it up with scientific proof.
Fuck this, I'm out.

Islam: A black hole of progress.

rembar says...

There are a few good comments here with a bunch of crap floating around them. Having just watched the video and browsed the article, I am going to boot this the fuck out of Science for shittiness.

As no-really pointed out, looking at the scientific output for nations where Islam is the state religion does not say much about the scientific output of Muslims in general. If we looked at the output for nations where some form of Christianity is the state religion, what do you think you'd see?

England + Costa Rica + Liechtenstein + Malta + Monaco + Vatican City + Cyprus + Greece + Finland + Denmark + Iceland + Norway + Tuvalu = England + meh.

England is the only real heavy hitter in there.

At very best, a reasonable argument could be made that there is a correlation between low scientific output of nations with state religions, but I'll eat a dick or two if you can dig through the confounding factors to make a solid case for that.

Point being, this video sucks, the article linked sucked too, and don't make broad generalizations about Islam and science without being able to back it up with scientific proof.

Fuck this, I'm out.


no-really (Member Profile)

rembar says...

Thank you for an intelligent reply. I'm booting this video out of Science. I too work with people with a range of religious beliefs, and agree that the distinction between scientific output by Muslim nations compared to Muslims in general is important to make.

In reply to this comment by no-really:
I like this guy normally, but this train of thought was so retarded that I actually registered in order to derail it. 'Muslim World' is predominantly third world, so not surprisingly, few research papers are published in countries in which there is little money for food, never mind access to journals, infrastructure for equipment, travel grants or salaries for academics.

That academic productivity is linked to resources, rather than philosophy, is supported by the observation that the rate of publication has increased at four times the global average in the middle east in the last 30 years (, ten-fold in Iran. This is due to resource prioritisation by the administrations of those countries, not the religiosity of the scientists.

A better way of thinking about it would be to look at the number of muslims actually publishing scientific papers globally - loads of muslims live and work in the first world conducting great research that is unbiased by any secret fantasies they (or their theist colleagues) may harbour. I actually work in a lab headed by a Jew and staffed by a few atheists, a hindu, 2 christians, 2 muslims and a few shintos, and there is no correlation between how often anybody prays and their success at work.

Islam: A black hole of progress.

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^no-really:

'Muslim World' is predominantly third world, so not surprisingly, few research papers are published in countries in which there is little money for food, never mind access to journals, infrastructure for equipment, travel grants or salaries for academics.

By that presumption, one could argue that Islam is a factor that contributes to a bad economy, which then leads to the stifling of academic progress.

Your argument is interesting and well put, but the anecdotal evidence presented takes away the credibility of your statement that religion does not affect this process.

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