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Ant-Man – Official Trailer

enoch says...

people were whining the same song with guardians of the galaxy.
it's too obscure they cried.
nobody knows the characters they bemoaned.
why can't they make a movie i want to see?
why is marvel doing this to me?????
this movie is going to suck balls!!

holy crap! this movie is awesome!

and then the earth lost a bit in its rotation as the nerd horde back-pedaled in synchronicity.

seems a large chunk of the problem is that most of the nay-sayers had never read the book.
imagine that...
formulating an opinion based on never having read the source material.

out of all the avengers,ant-man has the most complex and nuanced...
and most human.i wish this movie was about hank pym but it appears they are using the timeline from "the irredeemable ant-man" graphic novel.which is cool...antman is kind of a dick in the beginning.

that being said,
where is my goddamn deadpool movie!!?

Why the 'Firefly' Crew Were the Bad Guys

kceaton1 says...

He totally screwed up the part were River gained or had her "powers" naturally (she was only naturally/gifted mentally, that is, she was a genius or prodigy). That came from the experimenting FROM the Alliance... Same with her fighting abilities, that was also an Alliance "gift" (to use her as a "psychic weapon"). But I think Joss already made the point IN the show that Mal was indeed a very shady person, if you didn't get that you are an idiot!

You were supposed to know that the Alliance brought a lot of great things with them, but they also stole your freedom...essentially (in exchange for a world with lots of rules).

But, what the Alliance was up to "behind the scenes" is what was really everyone's main concern--which they covered in Serenity a bit... In Serenity we found out that they had been up to a LOT more terrible things than just taking individuals like River--they were in the business of thinking they knew how to make all people "better" people...and one day they would try to institute it in force, en masse...

It seemed like the show was more a story about the civil war had the wrong side won--to some degree; I think you could make an argument for both. But it was obvious from watching that "Mal's side" was the "Confederacy", but they didn't stand for the same things, it was just that the history of things were playing out the same in many ways...and that was the point.

If The Union had been lying about a huge amount of things and started to institute policies that you went into action then they'd seem so very much like the Alliance in the show (BUT, some actions are exactly like what The Union did to Confederate "states" after the war; which DID leave them in states of welfare were citizens were left to fend for the most basic of necessities on their own--the Wild Wild West didn't just appear from comic books... Even the citizens had to fight off Indian attacks here and there and most of these attacks were born from the legacy of military campaigns and other actions via The Union (or before the States went to war--but, it's easy to see what the "Reavers" were based on, at least I assume that is what he had in mind).

Ironically, right now in our government it's doing the things that Mal was so concerned over that many that HAD lived in the Alliance regions hadn't been as worried about: slowly eroding our civil liberties, our regular freedoms are being taken away or one-by-one being hamstrung, and regulation is being destroyed allowing the corrupt to make this circle all that much worse (of course one day this cycle will just feedback on itself and create a revolution--as it always has). That is what The Alliance was doing, especially to the planets that didn't join it does have a lot in common with our history. As The Union did do some pretty annoying and considering all of the people that needed help and were not getting anything, they actually directly killed a large amount of completely innocent people...just to punish some wealthy land owners and other people that had something to do with the Civil War. They should have taken the matter directly into their hands, but there is a lot on that as well (just like the show...why the Alliance never intervenes in the outer planets...).

God how I miss that show. I can only imagine what Joss could have accomplished in 7 or 8 seasons (maybe more). He could have made a show that could easily be written about in a college setting, about the civil war and the topics related to it. How grand the adventure could have been, except for one dickhead producer at Fox...

(*I take no responsibility for the parts of my comment I messed up on...* )

*nerd rant*

star wars prequel-nostalgia critic gets owned by Mr plinkett

Truckchase says...

I had never heard of "thatguywithglasses" (and thank fucking goodness) before this, but after seeing this guy utter absolute bullshit while wearing my traditional nerd uniform I finally understand why idiots like "The Big Bang Theory".

This guy isn't a nerd, he's a awkward apologist who is stuck in his own, entirely unproductive world featuring whatever pop culture spectacle coupled with his shallow thoughts.

On the other hand, despite being a psycho hooker murderer, Mr. Plinkett is one of us.

Now I'm worried that when I'm in my 60s I'll want to murder a hooker. Ugh, pop culture confuses me.

star wars prequel-nostalgia critic gets owned by Mr plinkett

00Scud00 says...

I must be the only one who found both of these people to be kind of annoying, in one corner we have Cynical Nerd and in the other we have Upbeat Nerd, what better pairing for a YouTube deathmatch.
I thought the lightsaber fights in both trilogies were fine, they were just following different models, I thought the acrobatics of the newer films was fun to watch. And why bother making everyone pretend that they're swinging around claymores when both the film makers and the audience know those energy blades probably weigh next to nothing?
I always kind of assumed the wooden acting (especially with the Jedi) came from Luca's directing, I imagine he was shooting for a kind of Zen sense of cool but didn't manage to find the right balance.
And I'll never understand why some people hate CG so much, it's a tool that can be used well or poorly, just like models and miniatures and fully built sets. But from the way some people talk about it you'd think life before CG was all some kind of golden age where everything was perfect.

The Lord of the Rings Mythology Explained - CGP Grey

modulous says...

Ah, this video would have been nice twenty years ago when I had a week long nerd argument with someone about the nature of wizards. I insisted they were like the Olympians and were basically the demi-gods of Middle Earth while my opponent was convinced they were men, citing Gandalf's apparent focus on men and hobbits. I had to trawl through a bunch of JRR and Christopher's material to win that argument - a 4 minute video may have saved me some stress!

Like JRR, I haven't been able to finish the Silmarillion (managed the first two parts only), though I did enjoy The Music of the Ainur as one of the coolest creation stories I've come across.

Batman vs. Darth Vader

poolcleaner says...

Cool video. But, as a Batman fan I downvote this on principle alone. Detective Comics, FEATURING Batman. Not, Batman sometimes -- Batman ALL of the time. You just don't ki... -- SPOILER ALERT --

Batman is a detective above all other things. This is Hollywood brute force shallow understanding Batman. He has the intuition to study his enemies physical weapon, yet not to understand the power of the dark side? Not the Batman I know. He would likely have not placed himself in that situation in the first place, or would have hunted down a relic or a friend with powers to combat Vadar's force powers.

Also, no reference to "fear" leading to anger... Batman's use of fear has even made him a candidate for Sinestro Corps' yellow power ring. Batman IS fear. If this series is against Batman's frequent use of other heroes, he would have gone out of his way to study the force himself, embrace the dark side for which he already serves, and THEN fucking force crush Vadar into submission. Pitiful.

Good video, poor writing based on an inferior understanding of the Batman. This is a video supposedly based on nerd cred, so wtf I have to put my nerd rage somewhere.

I shudder at the future of Batman. Ben Affleck, nooooooooooo... Daredevil... Batman... WHAT NEXT! And, yes, I despise all of the movie Batmen. None are the equal of the actual Batman.

Mr. Plinkett Reacts to the Star Wars: Force Awakens Trailer

Star Wars the Force awakens official teaser

00Scud00 says...

I don't know, I'm still trying to figure out what possible use they could be in combat. So my initial response is WTF!?
Other than that the whole thing gave me a nerd boner, but then, so did the prequel trailers

brycewi19 said:

I'm sorry, but that sith lightsaber was killer awesome!

Schlieren Optics - Making the invisible visible

Stormsinger says...

This may well be the coolest nerd video of the year. I want to build one so badly, but it sounds like the mounting equipment and mirror might run a rather high price.

Apple Fanboy Since 1983 (Blog Entry by dag)

newtboy says...

Excellent Dag. Love me some good old noisy floppy disk noises!
I had a 128 mac my parents bought me for Xmas in 84. I ended up trading it to my brother for his Apple 2 (bought for him when it first came out in the 70's) because he had tons of games for it, and I had little on the mac.
I also learned programming on Apple 2's in 7th elective summer school class. Does that earn me double nerd points?

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Nice. I do fire-up the Apple II emulator every once in a while. Mainly to hear the sound of the disk drives. A sweet, sweet sound.>> ^ant:

>> ^dag:
^I am known for luscious lips - and not just swollen from sucking off Steve Jobs.

Like Angelina Jolie's? has my cool stuff.

Sousaphone Lightsaber Battle

Bad Lip Reading: "CARL POPPA" - Music Video (Full Song)

Elite: Dangerous - Beta 3

AeroMechanical says...

My recommendation, from cheaper to more expensive:

Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS, Saitek X-52 or Pro, CH Fighterstick + Throttle, Warthog.

Only the Thrustmaster (but not the Warthog) and Saitek stuff will have a twist rudder axis, which is a convenience for space sims. I hear good things about the HOTAS-X, and in the States it's only about $50 or so, so it's cheapest by far but wants a bit for buttons and HAT switches.

Personally, I'd go cheaper on the control setup if it meant you could also afford a head tracking setup like a TrackIR (ideally) or an ED Tracker.

I have a bunch of this stuff because I'm a flight sim nerd, but for Elite Dangerous I use the throttle from a Saitek X-65 and a Logitech Extreme 3D stick.

Elite: Dangerous - Beta 3

Retroboy says...

Reading this comment section, I have discovered that videosift is chock full of gaming nerds that throw massive scads of their money away on weird single-purpose user interface devices and appliances, massively overpriced consoles, and horribly over-upgraded personal computer versions. And this solely for the purpose of further enmeshing themselves in virtual forms of time-wasting entertainment at a slightly higher framerate.

*cries a little tear*


The most epic airline safety video ever made

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