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The Big Bang Theory #00x00 - Unaired Test Pilot

Historian1986 says...

I liked the overall look and feel of the unaired pilot. The apartment that Lenard and Sheldon share is an academic's dream in my opinion; dark, cluttered with books and papers, a compact and sparsely furnished social area, a fireplace that adds character to the room and walls adorned with numerous thought structuring white boards. The apartment in the ongoing show struck me as very bright and open; I generally don’t like bright and open, though it does provide more room for physical comedy. The character development was touch and go but in the end I believe Lenard needs no improvement in either the unaired pilot or the ongoing show. I believe that Sheldon's character would benefit from a combination of traits from both the unaired pilot and the current show, most notably the social openness balanced by his high levels of humorous narcissism. I don't believe there is a way to improve on the lead female role, I don't particularly care for either Katie or Penny and find the presence of a female character that is so overly ditzy insulting. What is needed is a smart (PhD level) female character that possesses a keen knowledge of both her field (possibly Anthropology, History or Psychology) and popular culture. This would serve to distinguish her from both the Katie/Penny character and also Amy and Bernadette; both characters that have seemingly no knowledge or an air of condescension concerning popular culture.

My House is on Fire! I'm going to film in instead of fleeing

budzos says...

I'm not talking about rushing to put out the fire, or not rushing out of the house. I'm talking about her tone of voice and the way she continues to sound as if she's casually recording a video to upload to Youtube later*. She's so stuck in narcissist mode that she can't stop considering her presentation, even as she's cognizant of the house burning down.

It doesn't seem like shock and panic to me, so much as rampant narcissism and ironic self-detachment taken to EIA levels. "Witnesses report multiple casualties as a result of wanting to look cool."

*She sounds like one of the Multiple Homosexuals Witnessing a Fire.

What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

i have 330am narcissism. time to necropost.

i usually wake at 6 am, jog 1 or 2 dogs and make breakfast for 2 small people.
at 730am, except in summer, i walk my kids to school 1.1 miles away.
at 8am i shower and then i go yoga. sometimes other people yoga with me. sometimes, it's just me.
if my husband is home that week, i'll come back home at 915 and hang out with him for 20 minutes.
then i ride my bike to my shop and massage some really awesome people. usually from 10am to 3pm.
but some days from 10am to 8pm. at some point i go home and hang out with my kids. dinner is prepared and consumed. then i take the kids to their various activities, kung fu or dance or art or piano. i usually work out while they're doing that. if i'm working late, the nanny or husband will do that part for me.

then we either all go swimming or i make a group of people do yoga with me. we end up back home at 815pm. the kids take showers and we take the dog/dogs for another jog. we usually play a game of blockus or dominos. then i read with my kids and make them go to sleep around 930pm. if my husband is home that week, we hang out until we fall over.
if my husband is not home that week, ill work on marketing for my shop or fuck around on the Internets until i get sleepy. in theory i'm doing businessy things, like accounting and inventory and stats and shit. but. usually i just neurotically plan trips at night. because i'm obsessed with them. we only go on about 1/3 of them. if it's the end of a fiscal quarter, i'm wishing i'd just break down and hiring an accountant.

God Saves Graduation from Evil Atheist

zombieater says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^braindonut:
So you don't mind when governmental bodies show preference or reverence to certain religions. That's cool, but you don't have to distract from the real subject by ranting about PC crap and whiny atheist bitches being offended - since that has absolutely nothing to do with it.
I stand by my previous statement. It's STUPID EASY to keep religion outside of schools and where it belongs.

You want to show me where someone was negatively impacted by this prayer? Or do you want to compare this to something serious?
Just because it's "Stupid easy" to do something, doesn't mean it should be done, they obviously don't want it to. You're basically going somewhere and telling other people what to do, surprise they don't like that.
I had to sit through 30 second long prayers before every high school football game, it didn't bother me I was simply observing something that other people wanted to do. I'm not gonna go to the school and tell them they can't have a basketball team because I don't want to play basketball.
Again you're just narcissistic thinking it's all about you, it isn't so shut up.

I think the point is being missed here. It's not just about atheism or Christianity or one person's narcissism or feelings of being imposed upon. Regardless if you happen to feel that it's "PC shit" or too minor for one's feelings to be impacted, that's not your right to judge. Legally it's a no-brainer: if it's not an equal practice in the social sphere, it shouldn't be (meaning it's illegal to be) supported by a public institution - this includes religious doctrine.

Legally, since the state cannot support all religions, it is bound to support none. Relating that to the matter at hand, this means no prayer, whether you think it's hurtful, offensive, meaningless, or not - that's not the issue. Constitutionality is the issue, and this is unconstitutional. If you're wondering about precedent, there are many, many cases that side against the school board on this.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Ten Ways Progressive Policies Harm Society's Moral Character
By Dennis Prager

While liberals are certain about the moral superiority of liberal policies, the truth is that those policies actually diminish a society's moral character. Many individual liberals are fine people, but the policies they advocate tend to make a people worse. Here are 10 reasons:

1. The bigger the government, the less the citizens do for one another. If the state will take care of me and my neighbors, why should I? This is why Western Europeans, people who have lived in welfare states far longer than Americans have, give less to charity and volunteer less time to others than do Americans of the same socioeconomic status.

The greatest description of American civilization was written in the early 19th century by the Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville. One of the differences distinguishing Americans from Europeans that he most marveled at was how much Americans -- through myriad associations -- took care of one another. Until President Franklin Roosevelt began the seemingly inexorable movement of America toward the European welfare state -- vastly expanded later by other Democratic presidents -- Americans took responsibility for one another and for themselves far more than they do today. Churches, Rotary Clubs, free-loan societies and other voluntary associations were ubiquitous. As the state grew, however, all these associations declined. In Western Europe, they have virtually all disappeared.

2. The welfare state, though often well intended, is nevertheless a Ponzi scheme. Conservatives have known this for generations. But now, any honest person must acknowledge it. The welfare state is predicated on collecting money from today's workers in order to pay for those who paid in before them. But today's workers don't have enough money to sustain the scheme, and there are too few of them to do so. As a result, virtually every welfare state in Europe, and many American states, like California, are going broke.

3. Citizens of liberal welfare states become increasingly narcissistic. The great preoccupations of vast numbers of Brits, Frenchmen, Germans and other Western Europeans are how much vacation time they will have and how early they can retire and be supported by the state.

4. The liberal welfare state makes people disdain work. Americans work considerably harder than Western Europeans, and contrary to liberal thought since Karl Marx, work builds character.

5. Nothing more guarantees the erosion of character than getting something for nothing. In the liberal welfare state, one develops an entitlement mentality -- another expression of narcissism. And the rhetoric of liberalism -- labeling each new entitlement a "right" -- reinforces this sense of entitlement.

6. The bigger the government, the more the corruption. As the famous truism goes, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Of course, big businesses are also often corrupt. But they are eventually caught or go out of business. The government cannot go out of business. And unlike corrupt governments, corrupt businesses cannot print money and thereby devalue a nation's currency, and they cannot arrest you.

7. The welfare state corrupts family life. Even many Democrats have acknowledged the destructive consequences of the welfare state on the underclass. It has rendered vast numbers of males unnecessary to females, who have looked to the state to support them and their children (and the more children, the more state support) rather than to husbands. In effect, these women took the state as their husband.

8. The welfare state inhibits the maturation of its young citizens into responsible adults. As regards men specifically, I was raised, as were all generations of American men before me, to aspire to work hard in order to marry and support a wife and children. No more. One of the reasons many single women lament the prevalence of boy-men -- men who have not grown up -- is that the liberal state has told men they don't have to support anybody. They are free to remain boys for as long as they want.

And here is an example regarding both sexes. The loudest and most sustained applause I ever heard was that of college students responding to a speech by President Barack Obama informing them that they would now be covered by their parents' health insurance policies until age 26.

9. As a result of the left's sympathetic views of pacifism and because almost no welfare state can afford a strong military, European countries rely on America to fight the world's evils and even to defend them.

10. The leftist (SET ITAL) weltanschauung (END ITAL) sees society's and the world's great battle as between rich and poor rather than between good and evil. Equality therefore trumps morality. This is what produces the morally confused liberal elites that can venerate a Cuban tyranny with its egalitarian society over a free and decent America that has greater inequality.

None of this matters to progressives. Against all this destructiveness, they will respond not with arguments to refute these consequences of the liberal welfare state, but by citing the terms "social justice" and "compassion," and by labeling their opponents "selfish" and worse.

If you want to feel good, liberalism is awesome. If you want to do good, it is largely awful.

Wheelchair Accessible Mosh-Pit

Payback says...

I've found metal heads to be, on the whole, much better people than hip-hop/rap fans. I think it's the collective force of the music rather than the narcissism inherent in hip-hop/rap. If this was a rap concert, there would be 9 people talking shit at him, 12 waiting to beat him up, and 42 pulling out their iPhones to "get that shit on YouTube" when the second group finally starts.

Obama at 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner

newtboy says...

Didn't anyone notice that his "official birth video" showed him being born in Africa? Hey QM and WP, where's the conspiracy theories and claims of forgery on the long form? You now have "proof" he is an African.
Also to answer QM, I guess you're technically correct, he's made sure at least ONE of America's enemies won't be kept awake at night, or at any other time.
And again QM you are asked, exactly how did Trump 'earn his narcissism'? Is it by inheriting a fortune and losing a large part of it, bankrupting businesses the world over (including at least one casino), being a ridiculous never ending blowhard, or is it by making the retardicans look like the insane crybabies they have become and showing clearly the racist, blatantly un-American and unpatriotic ideals they now stand for (for instance, attempting to publicly delegitimize their current president by any means)?

Obama at 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Glad he's proven he's an American who can spout zingers written by somebody else, cause he won't do a fucking thing about high unemployment, high inflation, high gas prices and keeping our many enemies awake at night. Hey, America needed to be taken down a few notches from greatness, so the rest of the world wouldn't feel bad.
At least Trump EARNED his narcissism.

This is how Trolls react when they get trolled...suddenly it's not all jokey plays on words, suddenly it's serious and should be taken seriously. You got trolled bud, deal with it.

Obama at 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner

Obama at 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner

quantumushroom says...

Glad he's proven he's an American who can spout zingers written by somebody else, cause he won't do a fucking thing about high unemployment, high inflation, high gas prices and keeping our many enemies awake at night. Hey, America needed to be taken down a few notches from greatness, so the rest of the world wouldn't feel bad.

At least Trump EARNED his narcissism.

Trump, "Obama May Be Greatest Scam In American History"

ObsidianStorm says...

He's NOT going to run.

This guy would never subject himself to the kind of scrutiny/criticism that comes with a run for the presidency. No fucking way.

This is TOTALLY a ploy to garner ratings for his show. Period.

I don't think the guy is anything above average with respect to intelligence/talent. But he is off the charts with respect to his narcissism and delusions of grandeur.

Yet another hit piece by Fox News on Julian Assange

quantumushroom says...

Among the laws apparently broken by Assange is 18 U.S.C. 793(e), which provides:

"Whoever having unauthorized possession of, access to, or control over any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, (etc. etc.) relating to the national defense, ... (which) the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates (etc. etc) the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same (etc) ...

"Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both."


18 USC 641: any person who "receives" or "retains" a "thing of value of the United States" knowing "it to have been embezzled, stolen, purloined or converted" is also guilty of a felony, punishable by up to ten years in prison.

Pro-tip: Classified information is valuable government property.

ASSange may be the only White Guy NOT to be labeled a racist by the left, even though he has endangered people of all races to satisfy his hate-America narcissism.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

WikiLeaks' Bottom-Line Revelation


Austin Bay

Julian Assange, the man behind the WikiLeaks dump of secret US State Department cables, has been frank about his reasons for releasing thousands of classified -and stolen -- documents.

Assange says he wants to seriously damage the United States.
If this damage forwards America's ultimate destruction, so be it. The son of leftist America-haters, Assange was born and weaned during the Cold War. Then the wrong side won. What the superpower Soviet Union failed to do with its armies, he, a super-empowered individual, will accomplish via the information anarchy of the Internet.

If Assange's history-shaping goal seems grandiose and detached from reality, indeed it is. However, once you understand the man's religion, his megalomania and solipsism become a bit more comprehensible if even more reprehensible.

Like other anti-American cranks on the planet, Assange holds firm in his warped faith that the U.S. is the leading source of global evil. The roots of this religion run deep, beginning with 18th century European aristocrats who despised the American Revolution. The anti-Americanism of Nazis, communists, tribalists, anarchists and now militant Islamists all rehash the same tropes, with their semi-schizoid baseline being the U.S. is simultaneously a vast authoritarian conspiracy and a heterogeneous menagerie of infidel-cowboy-capitalist idiots who dogmatically resist enlightened social policies.

Assange argues his revelations will force this conglomerate American monster to become more secretive and authoritarian. Limiting access to information, in order to stop future leaks, will reduce the monster's secretive and authoritarian effectiveness. The monster's "security state" will dumb down, and --here's the moment of religious rapture in Assange's prophecy -- this will increase global justice.

Assange also links this shackling of America to creating peace. Don't snicker too long. There are a lot of tenured gray-haired profs with ponytails who teach this dreck at notable universities and get paid for it.

Assange understands media grandstanding, but he doesn't understand people and certainly doesn't understand how American diplomats contribute to maintaining peace.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates understands people and diplomacy, and his assessment of Assange's info dump is as clear as it is historically and psychologically informed. At the Pentagon last week, Gates said: "The fact is, governments deal with the United States because it's in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us and not because they believe we can keep secrets. Many governments -- some governments -- deal with us because they fear us, some because they respect us, most because they need us. We are still essentially, as has been said before, the indispensable nation."

Gates added that the cables were "embarrassing" and "awkward," but the ultimate effects on policy would be "modest."

Pray that Gates is right about modest impact, but right now and for at least the next six months, the world confronts the possibility of a nuclear war in East Asia ignited by North Korean aggression. This is a time period when the world absolutely needs close -- and trustworthy -- cooperation between the U.S. and China. A big war in Korea could kill millions but will guarantee a global economic depression. Leaked cables discuss corruption in China's Communist Party and names hypocritical party elites.

Even if the information is accurate, this is a case where revealed candor damages personal relationships among key U.S. diplomatic personnel and Chinese leaders. China is a face culture, and the leaders have lost face. A mature appreciation of the common danger should override personal anger, but another leak revealed that China sees North Korea as a "spoiled child" and that it believes Korea will ultimately be reunited with South Korea absorbing the North. This revelation weakens China's political leverage with North Korea at a moment when any leverage is precious.

Assange, of course, did not consider how he increased the threat to the lives of millions of Korean, Japanese and Chinese when he dumped his filched documents. His faith-based narrative of American evil excludes the possibility that American diplomats are collaborating with China to avoid war and eventually put an end to North Korea's armed brinksmanship without a nuclear explosion.

Here's WikiLeaks' bottom-line revelation: Assange and ideologues like him promote an ignorant and destructive solipsism that has nothing to do with peace and justice but a lot to do with sociopathic narcissism.

A sensible priest speaking

quantumushroom says...

Religion stops people from drowning in their own narcissism, and taking others with them. The only places an atheistic society has a chance in hell (ha ha) of functioning is where cultural traditions are strong...and yet much of cultural traditions...are based on religion.

TheFreak (Member Profile)

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