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Afroman - Will You Help Me Repair My Door

newtboy says...

These whining crybabies are suing Afroman for using the video of the illegal raid in his music videos and images of the obese pound cake lusting pigs on merchandise, clearly not understanding the ruling that civil servants have zero expectation of privacy when performing their duties, in public, or on private property that’s not owned by the police and clearly posted as secure and actually physically secured with a clearly posted prohibition from videoing the area.

Ignorance is no excuse, slim.

WONKA (2023 Movie) Trailer | Timothée Chalamet, Hugh Grant

newtboy says...

Who asked for this?

Can Hollywood either write or at least read some new stories, for adults, and not keep rehashing or prequelling classics…please? There’s plenty of excellent, unique books out there to draw from, and tons of history that seems more fantastical than the silliest fiction. Read some mythology, or old school fairy tales. Ancient religions are more interesting, action packed, gory, and full of unexpected twists than the best action movie ever…and done well you could teach people while entertaining them.
This looks like a bastardization of every feel good sugar sweet musical period piece in the last 20+ years. Not gonna downvote, but no thanks.

Dragon Boat Show with 1500 drones in Shenzhen, China

Dragon Boat Show with 1500 drones in Shenzhen, China

ant (Member Profile)

John Cleese introduces Tina Turner

John Cleese introduces Tina Turner

VLDL: Betraying the sacred crouch oath

BSR says...

A very sad tale. I think the background music made it seem worse than it was. Remember, save often. Trust nobody.

Missing (5 Second Films)

Missing (5 Second Films)

Avalanche caught by FPV drone

Avalanche caught by FPV drone

Beautiful Photography: 30 Days of Earth Shots

How to "Game of Thrones" your office

How to "Game of Thrones" your office

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Beggar's Canyon