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Radical Cyclists Take to Freeways to Say Bikes Are Better

He runs to save his mother

He runs to save his mother

Ethan Bortnick - Cut My Fingers Off

newtboy says...

Classical piano prodigy Ethan Bortnick who quit classical music to create his own style of classical pop music. When he was around 5 he toured late night talk shows showing off his classical chops and his ability to learn or write a new song in seconds. Now he creates music in his home studio and shares it on tic tok and YouTube.

Trump Supporter: If He Loses in 2024 I Hope I Die

BSR says...

I can remember when I ounce wanted to die back in my second year of high school. I was attracted to a girl that was in my math class. Then I caught her picking her nose after a quick glance her way. That was the day the music died and my boner left me.

Offensive AI (Fake) Pixar Movies

Buttle (Member Profile)

What does the speed of light look like on earth?

What does the speed of light look like on earth?

James Brown - It's A Man's Man's Man's World -11 July 1981

Subliminal Official GAMEPLAY Trailer (Part 1)

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

What a diverse crowd of middle age white fat Christian people he attracts.
I bet they think taxes should pay for their church events, not feeding the poor.
Look close, I see nothing else in that crowd but dumb overweight drunken white people. This is what you want America to be, it makes you so happy seeing all those beaming angry white faces together without any disgusting minorities dirtying it up, doesn’t it?

No surprise a racist drunk singing about how (too far left) Jebus is good and government/taxes are bad picked up by the extreme right at the top (who themselves are all rich men north of Richmond) and fed to you as an anthem gets lots of views. It doesn’t make it good music or a decent message, it’s just more MAGA whining that everything doesn’t go your way….waaah! A good whine attracts MAGA like moths to a flame by the millions.

BTW- BTS got 108 MILLION views in 24 hours since you think 27m views in 11 days is outstanding….for a right wing “artist” it is, for normal pop singers, it’s a fail.


bobknight33 said:

His vid has 27 M views in 11 days - outstanding

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | Musical Episode Preview

newtboy says...

Absofuckinglutely not.
I considered checking this series out, now I’m glad I didn’t and I never will.
Star Trek is a drama, not a musical comedy. They’re raping my friend.
Way to jump the space shark.
Deserves a * terrible but there are no more assignments available

Aqua - Barbie Girl

Jain - Dynabeat

moonsammy says...

That one had a LOT less Sony product placement too. Good lord...

I do like the song and video though, outside that element. And I can barely fault her for taking the $ if it helps her keep making cool music...

newtboy said:

Groovy, but I preferred the energy of *related=

I love how her videos splice together.

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Beggar's Canyon