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Williams X Jet

Williams X Jet

visionep says...

Nice dramatic music.

The thing was way too loud for recreational use. It also wasn't stable in wind and never had a safety system implemented so when there was a failure you just fell out of the sky from 100 feet up.

The 45 minute running time is very optimistic. The amount of thrust for fuel burned ( 0.683 lb/lbf/h) is not efficient. The engine also only provided 600lbs of thrust where the entire system weighed just over 400 lbs without fuel or a pilot.

No conspiracy, just not financially and technically useful enough to garner further development.

The Wikipedia article give a lot of good technical details, you can also look up the patent. A little data and common sense can easily overcome the drama created by overly dramatic music.

Williams X Jet

Williams X Jet

Quincat No 2 in G (Snickers)

Subaru Rally Team USA at Rally America Engine Swap Timelapse

Subaru Rally Team USA at Rally America Engine Swap Timelapse

Boyz II Men sing a new traditional Valentine favorite

Boyz II Men sing a new traditional Valentine favorite

The song that changed pop history forever and how it became.

Fuck Shit Stack - Reggie Watts

Lawyer dies after gun triggered by hospital MRI scanner

Lawyer dies after gun triggered by hospital MRI scanner

This Baby is loving it..


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