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Fight Club Philosophies

NetRunner says...

@dystopianfuturetoday I guess the word Marxist still scares the bejeezus out of people.

Yes, it's more complex than an anti-commercialist screed, but then so is Marx's critique of capitalism.

Yes, by the end it's clear that this philosophy has led a band of proletariat men to wage a violent revolution against the hierarchy that enslaves them...again, just like Marx said they should.

To a younger me, the way I would have described the theme of the movie is freedom. We're not talking about bogus libertarian freedom, but that left-wing style freedom, the kind borne from the insight that "things you own end up owning you."

To a decade older me, it's not just a vague philosophy without a name anymore, it's the Marxist critique of capitalism. And the stuff at the end about violent revolution led by a charismatic (and fake!) dictator seems like a screenwriter's critique of the rest of Marxism.

It's been a while since I've seen Fight Club, but I kinda remember that Eddie Norton looked horrified at the very end, not triumphant. I think he'd finally had his dreams shattered, by the very act of realizing them.

Fight Club Philosophies

NetRunner says...

The main premise of the movie was the alienation inherent in capitalist societies.

The quote isn't "we are not our labels", it's:

You are not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

That's Marxism in a nutshell.

I'm always confused by the people who worry about "labels." They seem to think that if any label applies to them accurately, it's something bad. Well, being smart, kind, human, attractive, etc. are all labels too. For that matter, every aspect of who you are that could be conveyed in spoken or written language is by definition a label.

But fair enough, I'm mostly just trying to be provocative. People demonize "Marxism" in America so much it's silly. Nobody even knows what it is, because it's a taboo topic. Technically you aren't a "Marxist" unless you buy into the Marxian alternatives to capitalism (I don't), but it leaves you with some understanding that Karl Marx wasn't the anti-Christ, either.

After all, the philosophy of Tyler Durden is almost entirely based on Marxist critiques of capitalist society, and a lotta people dig Tyler Durden.

>> ^criticalthud:

So if we agree with a main premise of the movie that "we are not our labels" then we are necessarily labeled marxists?

Fight Club Philosophies

criticalthud says...

>> ^NetRunner:

Anyone who likes the philosophy of Fight Club is a Marxist.
No, really. I'm not kidding.
If you think Karl Marx and all his associated works were some sort of Satanic verse, perhaps your affinity for Fight Club should make you rethink that assessment, because it's essentially one and the same.

So if we agree with a main premise of the movie that "we are not our labels" then we are necessarily labeled marxists?

Fight Club Philosophies

NetRunner says...

Anyone who likes the philosophy of Fight Club is a Marxist.

No, really. I'm not kidding.

If you think Karl Marx and all his associated works were some sort of Satanic verse, perhaps your affinity for Fight Club should make you rethink that assessment, because it's essentially one and the same.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...


So what you're saying is.. you're a cowardly white privileged bigot who's too afraid to leave the safety of his software & champagne fortress and confront the real problems of the world?

Cause we all know that Silicon Valley has nothing to do with "societal decay".

I mean, sure companies like Apple deny hard-working Americans high-paying jobs/careers in the Technology Sector by exploiting cheap labor in Socialist countries like China. But that's just want any good cold and calculating capitalist would do.

OH OH! I got the perfect bumper sticker for you "I Hate Socialism.. but I Loove my Ipad. Vote Yes on Apples for Americans"

Then you could pass around a petition demanding that Apple build a new factory in Oakland.

You know, to stop all the societal decay and give those dirty niggers and spics something to do with their lives.

In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Why don't you fuckin' move then.
Oh wait, then you couldn't complain about how shitty your life is under this oppressive Marxist regime.

I live in Silicon Valley, so I'm insulated from the societal decay.

I hardly ever interact with people who aren't techies, so the only way I know that California's been turned into the dumbest state in the country is from the news.

Never half-ass a robbery in the Netherlands.

Never half-ass a robbery in the Netherlands.

Never half-ass a robbery in the Netherlands.

Never half-ass a robbery in the Netherlands.

bookface says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Why don't you fuckin' move then.
Oh wait, then you couldn't complain about how shitty your life is under this oppressive Marxist regime.
>> ^chilaxe:

>> ^bookface:
>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^bookface:
This is why the socialists win.

Socialists has been winning for 30 years here in California, but despite some of the highest taxes in the country, where I live you can get shot/stabbed just for taking public transit.

There's public transit in CA?

Public transit's very developed here. It looks like this.

Yeah, I think those guys manage the Burbank transit authority. LOL!!

Never half-ass a robbery in the Netherlands.

Anonymous Exposes Ron Paul

quantumushroom says...

Ron Paul is implicated to be a neo-nazzy because he shares the same planet they do, but His Earness, who:

* sought out marxist and communist professors in kollij
* has writings that are hidden from the public (gee, wonder why?)
* has a kollij record hidden from the public
* attended the Church of Hate Whitey, was married by it and gave it 20 grand
* had these and other points downplayed or ignored by his protective mainstream media sycophants

was considered Worthy by the left.

I'll see your "Ron Paul is secretly Hitler II" and raise one "Obama is a marxist radical."

Newt: Bringing Up My Affair 'Despicable'

quantumushroom says...

I had to read the entire Starr Report - yes, all of it (for a class) - and nowhere is it remotely suggested that Lewinsky was coerced into doing what she did (emphasis in your quote below). In fact, quite the opposite: she had very strong feelings for Clinton, who reciprocated much of them.

>>> I could've saved you the trouble. Just google Paula Jones and follow the trail backwards. BTW, no one here has much to say about how Slick Willie used and tossed Monica. You almost can't fault him, like all textbook sociopaths he has no depth, no real emotions. "I feel your pain." Ha ha ha ha.

But that minor detail aside, it sounds like you and I are in agreement on the point of marital infidelity not outright disqualifying someone for the office of the Presidency.

>>> Even if a President had a spouse who approved of open marriage, they'd be out on their asses. That's just the way the American people are, and vote. Marital infidelity the American people will not abide. Historically speaking, there is no evidence that being a philanderer affects political performance. In other words, when the red chinese stole our missile guidance technology during Clintoon's watch, putting the entire nation in further danger, that had nothing to do with whether he visited Monica that week. That was just being a POS excuse of a president.

>>> Bozo was impeached--and fined $90,000-for lying under oath. If you or I did it we'd still be in prison. He should've stepped down.

>>> Considering the Republic is hanging by a thread with a narcissistic marxist presently at the helm--and a false media which defends, protects and shills for him--the people are ready for someone who will get the job done. It might be Newt, it might be Romney, it might be a talking Chia Pet, but we DO know it ain't gonna be His Earness, unless you've enjoyed the chaos of the last 4 years.

Romney: Anyone Who Questions Millionaires Is 'Envious'

Ryjkyj says...

In most cases, the racism is incidental. Race has nothing to do with your argument that the "job creators" are being taxed to death and their wealth is being given to people who don't deserve it, and yet you still insist on throwing it in there. I don't judge people for being racist, everyone has issues, some more frustrating then others. But when you focus on things like the "skin in the game" phrase, whatever you're implying (even if it's legitimate) most people are only going to ignore you. (except racists that is)

Unfortunately, when you include things like that, it distracts people from your main point, which is the bullshit mentioned above about how the job creators are being ruined by the government.

It's crap.

Time and again the myth has been proven wrong. And on top of that, there are huge companies here in America that pay absolutely no taxes at all. Corporations that would be providing in some cases billions of dollars are given a free ticket because they own a few lobbyists. Meanwhile, anyone who has ever worked for any corporation can clearly see that the main principal behind corporate success is the elimination of jobs wherever possible. Sure every once in a while a new position is created. Usually it's for the sole purpose of eliminating others. These days it's practically the first rule of business.
>> ^quantumushroom:

Btw well done QM he's black and has big ears!
Liberals have only two responses to every problem: Cry "Racism!" and Raise Taxes. I'm not making this up, it's proven here all the time. This sift is about the latter and you've proven the point with the former.
But since you want to bring race into it, the only reason this marxist goofus has gotten away with so much failure is the cowards who are supposed to be standing up to his baloney won't because he's Black.

Romney: Anyone Who Questions Millionaires Is 'Envious'

quantumushroom says...

Btw well done QM he's black and has big ears!

Liberals have only two responses to every problem: Cry "Racism!" and Raise Taxes. I'm not making this up, it's proven here all the time. This sift is about the latter and you've proven the point with the former.

But since you want to bring race into it, the only reason this marxist goofus has gotten away with so much failure is the cowards who are supposed to be standing up to his baloney won't because he's Black.

Mitt Romney - I Like Firing People

notarobot says...

Do you think Romneyomics will be better? >> ^quantumushroom:

In order for one to be fired, one first must have a job. obamanomics brilliantly skips the middleman. No one hired = no one fired!
Two trillion dollars. Two trillion dollars in the hands of American consumers, patiently waiting for the Supreme Court obamacare verdict and the marxist buffoon to be kicked out.

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