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WWII Vet lays down some rhymes. FOUR MORE YEARS!

VoodooV says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Nothing wrong with what this man said.
Obama - Is always the same. Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.

I rather go with a American flip flopper than a Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.

yeah, because that argument is working out so well for the campaign. Why stop there? I think he has a black top hat and a furled mustache too. Damnit Obmaa! quit tying that damsel to the train tracks and cackling maniacally.

So what are you guys going to do when Romney loses? The Republicans have made it their singular goal to get rid of Obama, when that fails, and you know it's going to happen. That really makes the Reps seem impotent, doesn't it.

WWII Vet lays down some rhymes. FOUR MORE YEARS!

bobknight33 says...

Nothing wrong with what this man said.

Obama - Is always the same. Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.

I rather go with a American flip flopper than a Marxist Socialist Muslim loving anti American.

Rush Limbaugh on Late Night with Dave Letterman (1993)

rottenseed says...

Hey's ok that Rush Limbaugh is a drug addict because it is an addictive drug.

Don't forget the part when Bush started an unconstitutional and ongoing war that's mounted our debt so high our children's great great great grandchildren won't even be finished paying it off.

When you want to talk like a big boy, you have to use your big boy brain, ok? Now go play with your Tonka trucks.>> ^quantumushroom:

What happened next?
Filth Clinton--once caught--confessed to screwing one of his interns (while the Red Chinese lifted our missile tech)
Creep Letterman confessed to screwing one of his employees
Marxist Hillary boasted of how she'd seize profits from an oil company
Oh, that's right, Rush got addicted to painkillers more addictive than heroin. He's obviously the worst of the lot.

Major Banks Help Clients Hide Trillions in Tax Havens

bobknight33 says...

If Romney did not pay his taxes you can bet bottom dollar that the IRS would all up on him. He is not hiding anything. Its none of our business. The left just wants to get a hold of them to have field day lambasting Rommey. What about the house and senate? Why don't they show theirs? WE all know there is boatloads of corruption there. Surely this would shed some lite on the subject.

You can say all you want about Romney but there is no whores, Lewinsky, Marxists, Anarchists, or any other skeletons in his closet. All you have to his IRS to pick over.

Remember Timothy Geithner? When he was being selected The IRS issue bubbled up and he had to pay back taxes. If this was an issue it would have bubbled up back in the last election cycle.

Harry Reid lied. Once this settles there will be another whopper to distract true issue facing the election. Be fore this was his wife's horses.

What is facing America is JOBS. Who can deliver JOBS.

If you want to lose your job Vote Obama.
If you want to keep you job Vote Romney.

>> ^charliem:

>> ^bobknight33:
OBAMA only wishes he could be involved. But Obama is still a 1%er.>> ^charliem:
....Mitt Romney involved?

OBAMA isnt the one hiding more than 2 years of his tax returns....

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Hah! But no, seriously.
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 6th, 2010" class="profilelink">lantern53 knows.. that depriving servers of a living wage and forcing them to bust their asses for 5% gratuity on a $130 check.. you know, builds character.
Struggling in quasi-poverty for years of your life is what the American Dream is all about! duh.
That's why Mitt Romney is such a great American and needs to be President.
He knows what it's like.. to force people to struggle. For their own good.
p.s. - Everyone knows that raising the minimum wage is just another Socialist/Marxist scheme by Obama to disenfranchise the Job Creators in this country.

While I completely agree that people should be paid a living wage, I don't really have a problem with tipping. People should bust their asses in their job, especially if your job is customer facing. Customer service in the USA is so much better than almost anywhere else I've been, (it's particularly bad in NZ)

Just a meaningless anecdote (just find it funny that you mention it):

I went to Sydney once (15 years ago) and the very first day, I went to a place called the Juba Cafe. My friend and I were surprised to find porridge on the menu, because all I knew of porridge was from Oliver Twist or Little Orphan Annie. Our server, who's name was Anna, was really surprised to hear it, so she bought us porridge to convince us it was good. It was. Then, after we ate (before we tipped her) she invited us over to her apartment for some wine that night. When we got there, she had invited all her friends over to meet "her new Americans." They gave us wine, we talked for a long time about NZ (where she was from) and they rolled me the first "baseball bat" that I ever smoked, with the the little cardboard filter in it and everything. They also introduced me to Aphex Twin (the "Richard D. James Album") and we bonded over Ween, which I was surprised to hear they knew all about, even in 97'. So, after we were completely blitzed, Anna and her friends took us out to dinner, where we ate and drank and talked for hours and didn't pay a dime while these guys all treated us to a great first night in their city. I'm not even sure how we got home, but they sure didn't let anything bad happen to us.

The reason I mention it, is that I would say it was, easily, the best service I've ever had in my entire life, anywhere. We had to leave town the next day and I never saw or spoke to any of those guys again. I really wish I'd kept in contact with them because I owe them so much more than a night out. I still roll a fat bat and pop in the Aphex Twin on a pretty regular basis.

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Hah! But no, seriously.
@lantern53 knows.. that depriving servers of a living wage and forcing them to bust their asses for 5% gratuity on a $130 check.. you know, builds character.
Struggling in quasi-poverty for years of your life is what the American Dream is all about! duh.
That's why Mitt Romney is such a great American and needs to be President.
He knows what it's like.. to force people to struggle. For their own good.
p.s. - Everyone knows that raising the minimum wage is just another Socialist/Marxist scheme by Obama to disenfranchise the Job Creators in this country.

While I completely agree that people should be paid a living wage, I don't really have a problem with tipping. People should bust their asses in their job, especially if your job is customer facing. Customer service in the USA is so much better than almost anywhere else I've been, (it's particularly bad in NZ)

Have you ever been to Japan? Only country I've been to where shops and restaurants have been consistently friendly and welcoming (with a couple exceptions). Every where else is a mixed bag. You get friendly, you get indifferent. You get surly, you get downright rude. The place where I encountered the friendliest waiting staff was my local cafe back in Melbourne (god i miss it) where I've never been obliged to tip (did occasionally though).

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Hah! But no, seriously.
@lantern53 knows.. that depriving servers of a living wage and forcing them to bust their asses for 5% gratuity on a $130 check.. you know, builds character.
Struggling in quasi-poverty for years of your life is what the American Dream is all about! duh.
That's why Mitt Romney is such a great American and needs to be President.
He knows what it's like.. to force people to struggle. For their own good.
p.s. - Everyone knows that raising the minimum wage is just another Socialist/Marxist scheme by Obama to disenfranchise the Job Creators in this country.

While I completely agree that people should be paid a living wage, I don't really have a problem with tipping. People should bust their asses in their job, especially if your job is customer facing. Customer service in the USA is so much better than almost anywhere else I've been, (it's particularly bad in NZ)

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Hah! But no, seriously.
@lantern53 knows.. that depriving servers of a living wage and forcing them to bust their asses for 5% gratuity on a $130 check.. you know, builds character.
Struggling in quasi-poverty for years of your life is what the American Dream is all about! duh.
That's why Mitt Romney is such a great American and needs to be President.
He knows what it's like.. to force people to struggle. For their own good.
p.s. - Everyone knows that raising the minimum wage is just another Socialist/Marxist scheme by Obama to disenfranchise the Job Creators in this country.

We need a "sardonic" button

things americans dont get-a young aussie girl breaks it down

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Hah! But no, seriously.

@lantern53 knows.. that depriving servers of a living wage and forcing them to bust their asses for 5% gratuity on a $130 check.. you know, builds character.

Struggling in quasi-poverty for years of your life is what the American Dream is all about! duh.

That's why Mitt Romney is such a great American and needs to be President.
He knows what it's like.. to force people to struggle. For their own good.

p.s. - Everyone knows that raising the minimum wage is just another Socialist/Marxist scheme by Obama to disenfranchise the Job Creators in this country.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
>> ^lantern53:
If she worked as a server she would begin to understand 'tipping' quite quickly, I am sure.

No, you see we pay our servers.

A Living wage? That's Communism!!!

enoch (Member Profile)

NetRunner says...

I think the way I'd put it is that I disagree that "Hegelian dialectic" is being appropriately used in the video. Here is a nice concise introduction to the concept. It's an alternative method for reasoning, and therefore is about trying to reach a better understanding of truth -- it has nothing to do with psychology, politics, or trying to control people.

The triadic structure of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis can, if you squint a bit, be re-purposed as a general theory about how political and scientific progress happens. First you have a thesis (e.g. "property is the only right"), then you have an antithesis ("property is theft"), and once people realize that while both positions contain insights, neither absolute position is fully correct, and so we generate a new thesis that combines the valid insights of each -- a synthesis ("a right to property is one of many rights, and without limits can and will infringe on those other rights"). But that's not a Hegelian Dialectic, that's just a slightly stilted way at looking at how "classical" reasoning sometimes plays out in the real world.

All that said, none of this serves to support the thesis that modern conceptions of the political left and right have been invented in order to achieve some sort of nefarious synthesis. Worse, if you think it's a Hegelian Dialectical synthesis we're heading for, then not only is it not a Reichstag fire, it's a giant leap forward in humanity's understanding of itself, because we will have figured out how to simultaneously resolve the left's criticisms of society (not enough equality in wealth and power), and the right's (too many people disputing the rightful distribution of wealth and power that arises from market action), though personally I don't think the resolution of that thesis/antithesis conflict will result in synthesis, just in the right's thesis being discarded. Again.

Long story short, if this is the foundation for a conspiracy theory, it's already gone way out into left field before it's even gotten started.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
The Shock Doctrine and disaster capitalism are a lot more precise concepts than this. The idea behind the Shock Doctrine isn't that all conceptions of left and right are a distraction from the so-called "real" issues, it's where you foment a series of national crises in order to subvert the mechanisms of democracy in order to implement radical policies that would only be acquiesced to when people were in a state of shock.

In the case of disaster capitalism, you actually get a nice feedback loop. Deregulate markets, newly deregulated markets crash and create an economic crisis, and new "reforms" which further deregulate markets are proposed as the solution to the crisis created by the last round of deregulation. See all economic policy proposed by Republicans since the 1980's for examples.

There's also a burden of proof fallacy at work here. 3 cherry-picked quotes from Bush and Kerry on Iraq does not a conspiracy make. The political divide in the country in 2004 over Iraq clearly had the "stay forever" and "get out now" poles to it. That the Democratic candidate was moderate and said merely "don't stay forever", is more a sign of there being a right-wing conspiracy rigging elections and corrupting the Democratic party, not that the very idea of left and right having policy disagreements is some sort of elaborate distraction.

The thing I'm sensing in a lot of liberals these days is the sense that even when we win elections, we're still pretty much getting Republican policies rammed down our throats. We're even doing this thing where we Occupy places in protest of the 1% corrupting our political process and subverting the will of the people...

hey man,
i cant tell if you are agreeing with the video or not.
i am going to guess on the negative.
which kind of confuses me because the video is really just laying out what the hegelian dialectic is and how it can be used to be a lever of control.(sans the ron paul filler at the end).
i found it a pretty short but succinct in its intended goal to educate.

your descriptions of "shock doctrine" and "disaster capitalism" are correct but your premise seems to ignore that both utilize the hegelian dialectic to execute properly in to a society.

problem (thesis)<------------------> reaction (antithesis)

but what if the institution meant to execute the reaction is the very same institution which created the problem,and hence is in the position to offer a solution? a solution which may have been the very thing they were after in the first place?

see where i am going with this?
so while in one scenario the problem is a creation,a facade, (shock doctrine) and the other (disaster capitalism) is an opportunistic leap for control,BOTH utilize the hegelian dialectic to accomplish their goals.

i am not a huge admirer of hegel (ok,i think he is a cunt) but he did understand human beings and the societies they live in because his predictions have played out quite accurately,when placed in the right context.

my thinking behind posting that video was to help people become aware of those levers of control.the philosophy behind those who wish to dominate and control the masses.
the more you know and all that jazz.

once you understand the hegelian dialectic and HOW it is used,you will see it in places and used in ways that prior you would have thought impossible.
it is used by those in power often and extremely well.

anyways.i just wanted to drop a note to you because either i misunderstood your comment or i am just a tad retarded.
in either case my friend,know that i love your commentary and i especially love your optimism.
really..keep up the cynicism needs a dose every now and then.
peace brother.

Allen West: 78-81 Democrats are in Communist Party

kceaton1 jokingly says...

>> ^Kofi:

I wonder if they know what the difference is between a Marxist, a socialist and a communist.

They start with different letters. Come on give us a harder one!!?!?!

/This really is a joke. It sickens me to watch this drivel.

//Sometimes I truly wonder if these people REALLY deservedly GOT their GED or if they were just on a sports team or active in the schools activities and their parents were also part of the PTA and helped in almost all of the student activities causing many teachers to feel slightly pressured into giving them higher grades. Or like some teachers I knew, if you were popular in school or active--much like politics--these kids would get a pass even though I could SWEAR there was no way they could pass that class...

///Of course if they did get their GED, they most likely couldn't pass the same tests to get one again by the next year... This, I know I'm right about. These type of politicians just seem to have that *glaze* over their eyes, if you know what I mean.

Allen West: 78-81 Democrats are in Communist Party

Allen West: 78-81 Democrats are in Communist Party

Santorum: Obama a Snob: He Wants Your Kids to go to College

quantumushroom says...

Criticizing any candidate seems a slam dunk...until you remember the marxist clown in the White House RIGHT NOW.

Are you enjoying the higher gas prices, higher food prices? Double digit unemployment? More wasteful and impotent spending? Crony capitalism AND crony socialism? (redundant)

Speaking of kollij, when will His Earness be releasing HIS grades and kollij papers? I mean, he's a GENIUS, riiiiiiight?

Fight Club Philosophies

criticalthud says...

Yes, I guess my point is, while i agree with most of what someone named jesus christ supposedly said, calling me a "Christian" wouldn't be terribly accurate, and would have a tendency to associate me with something more than just ideas.

and Karl Marx wasn't the first, present, or last person to think rationally.

perhaps Marx should sue for copyright infringement. ?

>> ^NetRunner:

The main premise of the movie was the alienation inherent in capitalist societies.
The quote isn't "we are not our labels", it's:

You are not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

That's Marxism in a nutshell.
I'm always confused by the people who worry about "labels." They seem to think that if any label applies to them accurately, it's something bad. Well, being smart, kind, human, attractive, etc. are all labels too. For that matter, every aspect of who you are that could be conveyed in spoken or written language is by definition a label.
But fair enough, I'm mostly just trying to be provocative. People demonize "Marxism" in America so much it's silly. Nobody even knows what it is, because it's a taboo topic. Technically you aren't a "Marxist" unless you buy into the Marxian alternatives to capitalism (I don't), but it leaves you with some understanding that Karl Marx wasn't the anti-Christ, either.
After all, the philosophy of Tyler Durden is almost entirely based on Marxist critiques of capitalist society, and a lotta people dig Tyler Durden.
>> ^criticalthud:
So if we agree with a main premise of the movie that "we are not our labels" then we are necessarily labeled marxists?

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