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Even Bill Gates thinks Vista sucks !

dannym3141 says...

lol buzz

in a lot of ways you're right mink.. if i had infinite money, i could give away infinity-x money without losing too much sleep.. great, he did it, but i don't give out brownie points for someone doing something that i consider bog standard humanity.. good job, you're human, no cookie though

seriously.. he's gonna go home, sip on some martini type drink that probably costs 80 dollars to make.. made by a professional who is payed 80 dollars an hour to mix martinis.. slouch back in his leather recliner that cost about 5 thousand, or take a shower in his multi-jet-pwn-shower-system.. take a swim in his pool, go for a fly in his jet, do what-the-fuck-ever he wants to do, anytime, all the time..

then he'll write a cheque for a charity for 700 million dollars... fuck it, who cares? he can still afford to refuel his jet

get off the charity thing, in his situation it's either give something he won't miss and not look like an asshole, or keep something he doesn't need and look like an asshole

Women on Pick Up Lines

Rancho Obi-Wan Star Wars Collection Tour

Peroxide says...

Hee he, Great vid, highlights include,

-3:58 pouring a blue martini,
-end of vid talking to a bantha puppet.

the biggest problem with this video is that thousands of nerds are going to be on Google earth drawing up plans to steal his collection.

Avatar Story (Blog Entry by dotdude)

Conical Glass Illusion

Conical Glass Illusion

Conical Glass Illusion

Grimm says...

rougy wrote:

But conical glasses are basically champagne glasses, and they're supposed to be deceptively sized to keep people from over-drinking and not feeling like they're getting gypped.
Aren't these more like cocktail glasses...martini's, manhattan's, etc...? I don't think it has anything to do with protecting people from "over-drinking". Look at all the other alcohol beverages with as much or more alcohol that are not served in these glasses. I do agree that it has to do with the customer not feeling like they are getting gypped as it's obviously easier to over charge for a drink when it looks like you are getting more then you actually are.

What do you think the customers response would be for any other drink (alcohol or non) if it was brought to them half empty?

CN Tower - Lighting Canada's National Tower with LEDs

Krupo says...

A negative review of the new lights, when they were being tested - this is the text from the "second story" in the summary.

If you like Honda Civics modded with blue neon, enormous spoilers and V-Tech stickers, you're gonna love what's happening to Toronto's most iconic structure.

Management of Canada's National Tower (formerly the Canadian National Tower) have begun testing the unfortunate new animated LEDs that were recently installed, dramatically transforming a brilliant exercise in modernist subtlety into a cheap, plastic martini spear. The "intelligent LED" colour effects will permanently go live after a launch event at sunset on June 28.

Environmentally, the new lighting system uses 10% less energy than conventional illumination (and 60% less than the previous dimly-lit setup, which was dismantled in 1996). The 1,330 LED panels are each about the size of a shoebox and the system is designed by Color Kinetics of Boston. The panels are located up the central shaft windows, at the base of each tier of the upper mast, and around the "bubble" beneath the Sky Pod.

The lighting effects are microprocessor controlled and can be animated in psychedelic patterns and in virtually any combination of colours. Last night's gaudy, rapidly-changing colours alarmed many Torontonians, though CN Tower management claims the lighting will be more subtle and won't be shifting as rapidly as it has been during testing.

We'll see about that. We think that whatever happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas.

Since installation I've found them to look really cool, giving new 'visual life' to the venerable tower.

Rebuilding the world! This is real!

Farhad2000 says...

Actually Xgerbx, pho3n1x, LadyBug and others there is no problem with nature stomping around and ruining our Vodka Martinis with those cute lil' umberallas.

Basically this is going to be in the Gulf Coast, which doesn't really have tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes. The worst thing that can happen is high tide, however all the buildings are legally made to be built for this. This has been proven with the Bajr Al-Arab.

Dean Martin and Jimmy Stewart - Phone Booth Skit

dag says...

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Ring-a-ding-ding, Dean Martin couldn't act his way out of a martini glass. This is good though.

Also, if I could do any voice impression, I would like to be able to do Jimmy Stewart - he has an amazingly identifiable character voice.

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