Baby Monster on Board (Blog Post)
Crowd at Lee Circle waits for Saints Parade last Tuesday (Blog Post)
Here are some photos I took of the crowd gathered for the Saints Parade at Lee Circle last Tuesday evening. The parade took a while to arrive. See photos of the parade here.
Mark Lorando Letter on Behalf of the Who Dat Nation (Blog Post)
This "Letter to the NFL", by Mark Lorando, ran in today's The Times-Picayune:
To the NFL: New Orleans Saints victory means we're no longer league doormat
Super Bowl Drinking Game for Who Dat Nation (New Orleans Saints' Fans) (Blog Post)
I received this in e-mail. Enjoy.
1. Every time they mention hurricane Katrina, drink 1.
2. If they show pictures of the City of New Orleans right after Katrina, drink 1.
3. Every time they say how much the Saints mean to the City of New Orleans , drink 1.
4. Every time the words "tragedy", "flood", or "devastation" are used, drink 1.
5. Every time they talk about how good Reggie Bush was in college, drink 3.
6. If they show Kim Kardashian in the stands, drink 5.
7. Every time they show a picture of Reggie Bush with a bat or say "bringing the wood" drink for 5 seconds.
8. Every time Reggie Bush gets negative yardage trying to run around in the backfield a bunch and outrun the defense, drink 1 and turn to the person next to you and say "I told you Vince Young should have won the Heisman."
9. Every time Reggie Bush gets up and flexes his arms in that pose he likes to do, drink 1.
10. If they mention Tim Tebow for any reason, funnel a beer.
11. Every time they say that "it's destiny for the Saints to win" drink 1.
12. If they show footage of Katrina survivors at the Superdome, take a shot of cheap liquor.
13. If they call Saints fans the most passionate fans in football, drink 1.
14. If they say that the Saints, Saints fans, or the City of New Orleans "deserve" a Superbowl victory, drink 1.
15. Every time they say how good of a story the Saints are, drink 1.
16. If Jeremy Shockey pretends to be hurt after dropping a pass, drink 2.
17. If they mention the Saints beating the Falcons in 2006 in the first game after Katrina in the Superdome, drink 5 and remember that we are still a better football team with better fans.
18. Every time they compare hurricane Katrina to the Haiti earthquake, funnel a beer and yell "bullshit!"
19. Every time they mention Drew Brees as the Mardi Gras king, drink 1.
20. Every time they show Archie Manning, drink 1, and mention how bad he sucked. If they show old footage of him on the Saints, drink 5. If they mention how tough of a decision it was for him as for whom to cheer for, drink 10.
21. Every time they show a saints fan yelling "Who dat!" or a sign/shirt saying the same, drink 1.
22. If they show Chris Paul at the game, drink 1 and mention to someone how much better he is than Devon Williams.
23. If they show former Mayor Ray Nagin, drink 5 and then punch someone in the face.
Lightning in My Backyard! (Blog Post)
Yesterday afternoon I drove home during a thunderstorm that included lots of lightning. When I got inside my answering machine was dead, florescent bulb in the bathroom was dead and my modem had trouble finding the Internet. I had to replace all three.
This morning my neighbor called to let me know lightning struck the tree behind my house and that bark went flying. And so, without further ado, I give you a couple of photos.

Looks lke a feline made the tree a scratching post.
Circle the Cat (Blog Post)
A friend sent this to me this morning. He thought of me because of the dots involved in the game. I thought of you sifters because of the cat in the game. Can you circle the cat?!?
Mayor Ray Nagin Quarantined in China! (Blog Post)
Where's George? (Blog Post)
This is the third time I've found a $1 dollar bill (portrait of George Washington) stamped by the site When I find one, I just go to the site and enter identification information. Then I can see where the dollar bill has been and keep track of where it going when it leaves my hands. Here's the map for the dollar bill I have now.
There is a sister site for Canadians called The FAQ had this in case you wondered who "Willy" was:
'"Willy" is Sir Wilfrid Laurier - The first French Canadian Prime Minister. He held office from 1896 to 1911. His portrait is on the Canadian $5 bill.'
Hurricane Season 2009 (Blog Post)
June 1st marks the beginning of the 2009 Hurrricane Season. There's already a tropical wave in the Gulf of Mexico. Have a look here. Well, the storms don't always abide by the dates that begin and end the season. Anyway, here are this year's list of names. Do you see your name?
We're Alive - Chapter 1 "It Begins" Part 1 of 3 (Blog Post)
A friend of mine shared a link for a zombie radio play. He plays one of the roles.
NSFW for Language.
The kid can dance! (Blog Post)
Yesterday I attended the Old Algiers Riverfest in New Orleans. This kid was dancing up a storm in front of the stage. Here are links to two other videos I filmed.
To see more photos of the Fest:
dailybooth (Blog Post)
Dailybooth is a social networking site built around taking one's photo everyday. It's set up so that folks can follow others and others can follow folks. And folks can comment on one another's photos.
Well that's probably more than I want to take on, but it is an interesting twist on the current social networking trends.
Here is an example profile.
Using Twitter (Blog Post)
Back in July of 2007 I signed up for a Twitter account. Someone mentioned it in an article and I thought I’d check it out. It wasn’t until February 2008 when a group of bloggers on BlogCatalog decided to follow one another that I began to participate. Still, I wondered about the value of using the site.
Last summer I noticed some local screen names that had regular conversations about local topics. Then there was a lunch meet-up invite. Well, I went and ate lunch with a group of local bloggers. After that I added more screen names of folks I met that day.
After Gustav, several of them posted information about the conditions back in the New Orleans. I was still up in Memphis trying to decide when to drive back home. Also, a local weekly newspaper, that I follow, was giving updates via Twitter.
During the past year, I’ve enjoyed checking out articles, photos and videos that others link in their messages. Some folks are very witty with their messages.
Before leaving my house Thursday afternoon I was skimming through tweets. I then went to the newest tweets that came in while I was reading older messages. Many of them had to do with the plane that went into the Hudson River. One tweet even mentioned seeing the plane go by his apartment as it descended. It's a different way to read about events taking place.
Recently Mashable posted a couple of articles to help users choose “who to follow” and “how to get followed.”
The 10 Users You’ll Meet on Twitter
FOLLOW FAIL: The Top 10 Reasons I Will Not Follow You in Return on Twitter
On Thursday Twitter launched this "follow" suggestion tool: Find people. Follow them. There is also a site called TwitterGroups that may be useful for finding like-minded users. If it helps you to see whom I am following and the messages they are posting, you are welcome to do so.
Search for Twitter has returned. It's useful for finding specific topics among users.
Previously I posted a list of my bookmarks.
Already there are two books available on Twitter:
Twitter Revolution: How Social Media and Marketing is Changing the Way We Do Business and Market Online by Deborah Micek & Warren Whitlock (foreword by Robert Scoble)
Twitter Means Business: How Microblogging Can Help or Hurt Your Company by Julio Ojeda-Zapata
Folks who want to trade follows are welcome to post them in comments here. On Twitter I am dotartdude. Keep in mind that this phenomenon is still evolving
One last thing . . . For the experience to be worthwhile, a user should follow others that interest her/him. It may mean pruning a follow list at regular intervals.
Prospect.1 New Orleans (Blog Post)
Mark Bradford, "Mithra"
Friday afternoon I traveled to the Lower Ninth Ward, in New Orleans, to see artworks that are part of the biennial, Prospect.1 New Orleans. The New Orleans Contemporary Art Center has organized biennials before, but this one, curated by Dan Cameron, is much larger. It includes 81 artists whose works are scattered across 17 New Orleans locations. If it were called an “art world’s fair,” it might be clearer to folks just what it is.
A couple of weeks ago I started visiting the sites on the official biennial map. The majority of the works I saw today were located outside, which gave me an opportunity to shoot some photos. Above is a photo of artist Mark Bradford’s piece “Mithra.”
His works usually are made from what he finds on the street. His other works, that I’ve seen, include a lot more painting. This one was more of a constructed piece – an ark in fact. You may have guessed that Bradford does have a sense of humor about the site location for his artwork. There are old posters that are falling apart on the sides of this structure. The Lower Ninth Ward was flooded when a barge hit a floodwall during Hurricane Katrina. Much of the neighborhood close to the wall was destroyed. There are large areas of empty lots now – including this one.
In addition to the biennial there are exhibits referred to as satellite shows. There are also gallery shows and other events in connection with the biennial. The biennial started November 1st and will end on January 18th. Already there is talk about the next biennial Prospect.2, which would be in 2010.
Snow! (Blog Post)
When I went to bed last night it was cold and raining outside. I woke up to this. My car is somewhere under there. My lawn is covered and the sidewalk has slush on it.
The last time it snowed was Christmas Day 2004. We don't have snow very often in Metairie, Louisiana. When it does snow, it doesn't last very long.
Great Pumpkin Sighting! (Blog Post)
On Halloween I managed to photograph the Great Pumpkin in Uptown New Orleans. So yes, the Great Pumpkin does exist. Here's the proof in living color.
Palin as President (Blog Post)
Just click on the link and you'll see an interactive picture of President Palin at her desk in the Oval Office.
Oh, and whatever you do, don't touch the RED PHONE, mkay?!?