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Arsenault185 (Member Profile)

LadyDeath says...

Thank You so much for Fix it I appreciate this,is very nice from you:)
In reply to this comment by arsenault185:
Hello again. Your sift, is dead. I didn't want to invoke it because I don't want you to loose a star point. Ill look for a fix for you, and pm you with it. Great new picture, BTW.

[edit] Ok heres a fix for you. I think its the same thing.

LadyDeath (Member Profile)

deedub81 (Member Profile)

Dita Von Teese- Striptease Martini Glass Performance

Zonbie says...

No, if she was having sex (simulating or pretending or any sex act) in the martini glass - it'd be porn - this is art. It's a performance.

oh and shes not naked

Dita Von Teese- Striptease Martini Glass Performance

deedub81 says...

A video of a lady removing her clothing and dancing around in a giant martini glass is porn. To me, erotica and porn are the same thing. They both have the same purpose: to make money by turning you on.

P.S. I wouldn't let any of you babysit my children.

deedub81 (Member Profile)

Dita Von Teese- Striptease Martini Glass Performance

Zonbie says...

>> ^dag:
There is definitely a difference between this and porn - it's hard to pin down but I know it when I see it.
It has to do with exploitation, production for sexual gratification, the will of the person performing and artistic merit.
The Wii girl was closer to porn than this.

Exactly - Pornography is done purely for sexual pleasure, often very graphic and sexually explicit. Erotica on the otherhand, often protrays sexuality and human anatomy often to high art aspirations (such as this performance)
Human anatomy is not porn, and it shouldn't be "indescent"

I refer back to my sifttalk
about twisted sense of morals

Dita Von Teese- Striptease Martini Glass Performance

Dita Von Teese- Striptease Martini Glass Performance

dag (Member Profile)

deedub81 says...

What? You all don't think this is porn?

It may not be hardcore, but it's a woman stripping. I call that porn.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Stimulating, artistic but not quite arousing in that way, at least for me. I vote not porn - but it's nearing that invisible gray line.

My nerdy side wants to point out that this a courtship display. The magpies out my window do the same thing.

Watermelon Hack

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Watermelon, Hack, Girl, Surprise, Secret' to 'Watermelon, Hack, martini melon, drunken fruit' - edited by arsenault185

Promo Vid: How Not To Sell Microcontrollers :)

doogle says...

Texas Instruments has a policy against drinking Martinis?
Wow, I can't wait to work there.
Sounds like a place with lots of fun. Like a preppy high school.

Teleportation finally here!

White People, get over yourselves

choggie says...

"America is run by an under-educated white majority?" Fuck that, It's run by the majority of her citizenry being kept in the dark as to the true workings of this machine, all her peoples kept slaves-Race is simply another diversion by the powerful elite, who use the predictability of humans to their advantage...who use drugs, politics, professional sports, a convoluted legal system, sold-out and privately owned print and broadcast media, and a propaganda machine that made Joe Goebbel's look like a high-school newspaper.

Is it not obvious to all, that equality, racism, and bigotry are simply meaningless words with regard to the real issues on this planet, that effect every person equally to varying degrees? More diversion, more diversion, more diversion......Obama is as black as a Rockefeller through these dark glasses-the system is not able to be effectively repaired at this point.....
Fuck it, I need some cornbread, baked chicken and collard greens, and a thermos of dirty martinis'.....

Dancin' Dawgfighters (Blog Entry by dotdude)

dotdude says...

I should mention some of the other targets featured in Krewe d’Etat: Army Corps of Engineers,: the Pop Tarts (i.e., Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears . . . ), Hillary Clinton, sitting ducks (Bush, Cheney . . .), melting polar caps, Louisiana Road Home program, golden boy Bobby Jindal, David Vitter’s side dish, Rosie O’Donnell vs. Donald Trump (and the other folks from “The View”), NASA’s martini hour, the New Orleans assessors vote and Mayor Ray Nagin.

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