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Muammar Gaddafi Killed in Sirte

bcglorf says...

>> ^cosmovitelli:

So end all tyrants..

I wish that were true. The sad reality is many of the most notorious and terrible of tyrants die of old age, wielding absolute power until the very end.

Stalin, 74 years of age from complications stemming from a stroke.
Mao, 82 years of age from complications following a heart attack.
Kim Il-Sung, 82 years of age, heart attack.

Actually, Kim Il-Sung is an exception, he STILL hangs on to power from beyond the grave as North Korea's constitution holds him as the Eternal President.

Canadian yelling at Chinese train ticket agency

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

quantumushroom says...

A legitimate commentary with unpleasant conclusions.

Does this make Drachen a 'racist' or 'bigot'?


>> ^Drachen_Jager:

I'm sorry, but Chinese (the modern culture, not the race) are horrible people. Flame me all you want. I know first generation Chinese who came over 30-40 years ago who are kind, decent, hardworking people, but the more recent immigrants, who were really brainwashed under communism are mostly self-centred assholes, who would honestly keep eating shark-fin soup if it meant some random person in the third world would be executed for every bowl, because it's a good way to show everyone how rich they are. The Chinese people I know who have been here for over 30 years hate the new generation of Chinese more than anyone else. They represent a perversion of the culture by Mao, who admitted hating Chinese culture and did his best to destroy it.
Obviously this does not apply to all individuals, but the culture as a whole is sick.

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

steroidg says...

You sir, are a racist bigot.

I'm a Chinese immigrant who came to Australia less than 15 years ago, so I guess I fit into your category of Chinese who's culturally sick. Tell you what, none of my friends (of many races) think I'm a communist, self centered or an arsehole, rather I'm very well regarded. I still have relatives in China and most of them are hard working honest people. How dare you judge an entire country of people based on your limited knowledge.

You are what we called a frog at the bottom of a well. Your world is as small as the opening of the well. Go and live in China for a few years if you really want to know them better, rather than hiding behind your monitor spread hate on an internet forum.

You are not worthy of my further responses from now on. Good day to you.

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

I'm sorry, but Chinese (the modern culture, not the race) are horrible people. Flame me all you want. I know first generation Chinese who came over 30-40 years ago who are kind, decent, hardworking people, but the more recent immigrants, who were really brainwashed under communism are mostly self-centred assholes, who would honestly keep eating shark-fin soup if it meant some random person in the third world would be executed for every bowl, because it's a good way to show everyone how rich they are. The Chinese people I know who have been here for over 30 years hate the new generation of Chinese more than anyone else. They represent a perversion of the culture by Mao, who admitted hating Chinese culture and did his best to destroy it.
Obviously this does not apply to all individuals, but the culture as a whole is sick.

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

I'm sorry, but Chinese (the modern culture, not the race) are horrible people. Flame me all you want. I know first generation Chinese who came over 30-40 years ago who are kind, decent, hardworking people, but the more recent immigrants, who were really brainwashed under communism are mostly self-centred assholes, who would honestly keep eating shark-fin soup if it meant some random person in the third world would be executed for every bowl, because it's a good way to show everyone how rich they are. The Chinese people I know who have been here for over 30 years hate the new generation of Chinese more than anyone else. They represent a perversion of the culture by Mao, who admitted hating Chinese culture and did his best to destroy it.
Obviously this does not apply to all individuals, but the culture as a whole is sick.

Ok, speaking as someone who has very recently been to china for an extendad stay, and i've met and had extensive experience with young and middle aged chinese;

How did you get the impression they were horrible people? Every single person i met in china was generous and selfless and went a long way out of their way to make sure i had a good time and to make sure i was completely taken care of. Their culture almost DEMANDS them to be respectful and polite to strangers. Self centred is a word which i could not apply to a single one of the several hundred chinese people that i've met.

Show off their wealth? Do you realise that the chinese people are extremely poor? The government may be fucking rich but the people certainly aren't. They work their fucking arse off in a shit job they get given and they get paid pennies, PENNIES, and they work fucking hard at it and fucking long hours because guess what they'd get if they didn't? Fuck all. I have never met a more humble and polite people, the chinese people seem to me like the british were 60 years ago (of which i am proud and sad we're not like that anymore).

I must remind you, with my limited knowledge, of the Cultural Revolution and other periods in chinese history where the people were so poor and desperate that they would eat more or less anything to survive. I was told that diverse foods were more common in the south (i was in beijing and xian) and that they are also very poor there.

I don't know what modern china is a representation of, but i suspect you know less than you claim to about modern china.

I do not promote the eating of endangered species, and i do not know the ins and outs of the shark fin stuff, but i don't need to for the point i am making, because i address solely your retarded opinion that modern chinese are "horrible people".

If anything, i would probably rate the chinese people as being the nicest i've met. Least proportion of assholes to nice guys; i didn't meet a single asshole in china. No one even rudely bumped into me or in front of me, literally not a single chinese person gave me cause to be offended or upset in any way in the entire time i was having dealings with them. The chinese are amazing, the government isn't, and i hope the chinese will soon notice that.

You're an ass and i think you're quoting some shite that you've heard on some government-funded war-mongering tv show.

Gordon Ramsay Eats Shark Fin Soup for the First Time

Drachen_Jager says...

I'm sorry, but Chinese (the modern culture, not the race) are horrible people. Flame me all you want. I know first generation Chinese who came over 30-40 years ago who are kind, decent, hardworking people, but the more recent immigrants, who were really brainwashed under communism are mostly self-centred assholes, who would honestly keep eating shark-fin soup if it meant some random person in the third world would be executed for every bowl, because it's a good way to show everyone how rich they are. The Chinese people I know who have been here for over 30 years hate the new generation of Chinese more than anyone else. They represent a perversion of the culture by Mao, who admitted hating Chinese culture and did his best to destroy it.

Obviously this does not apply to all individuals, but the culture as a whole is sick.

Japan opens up Ministry of Silly Walks

Yogi says...

The little girl is Strong Machine 2 (Her dad is Strong Machine 1) and the mom is Kasumi.

Thats a vid of Kasumi calling out Strong Machine 2

That's Strong Machine 2 and her father Strong Machine 1

And that is her in the Polysics video "I My Me Mine"

Her name is Mao Murakami

Yeah I've been on this internet thing for a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGG Time.

Tea Party Summer Camp?

criticalthud says...

that's right there QM. our hordes of overpaid commie teachers will have those kids tree-hugging and fucking farm animals in no time flat. they'll be spouting Mao and dosing eachother with patchouli and erecting slightly homo-erotic statues of our Obama GOD (made out of gold with YOUR money). then we're gonna take em all down to the needle exchange while destroying a couple of nativity scenes on the way.

Superman retires (I pity the fool)

An Open Letter to Religious People

hpqp says...

^concerning the above comments, I will concede two points: first, this is obviously an angry rant that is not to be taken too seriously (cf. the comic it is transcribed from). Second, the author clearly has Christianity (and the Abrahamic monotheisms in general) in mind when using the term "religion", causing its use to partially exclude certain religions.

That being said, the sentiment of contempt and disrespect for people's refusal to use their "god-given" brains in the domains of ethics, superstitious beliefs, etc., is perfectly understandable, and does not mean that the bearer of such sentiment has no empathy for the human being, even when considering said human being an idiot.

An extreme example: I have nothing but contempt and not one iota of respect for the WBC gang, and yet I would rush to their guru's aid (as probably any one of you commentators would) if he were to be hit by a truck. Does that mean I think he's not stupid? Or suddenly have respect for him? NO. Only basic human empathy.

As for the Weinberg quote, yes, I am aware of the Stanford and Milgram experiments, which show the effect of authority on human behaviour. Weinberg's quote implicitly integrates those experiments; indeed, what greater and more unquestionable authority is there than God(s)? How many disgusting, unethical and barbaric actions and wordlviews are continually sanctioned by religious authority (and the weight of the sheeple's adherence thereto), that no self-respecting ethical and empathetic person would otherwise accept?

As for Communism, it is nothing but a state religion, with the Party replacing God. I won't bother addressing the moronic argument of "Hitler, Mao, Stalin, etc...", which has been thoroughly debunked by many speakers far more eloquent than myself (e.g. Hitchens).

Finally, @quantumushroom, your answer about atheists being delusional not only makes no sense (unless you're teetering into solipsism), but quoting the Bible does not help your case in the least. Benjamin Frankin's comment seems to be a cynical criticism of the masses' stupidity and immorality, not a sanction of religion's merit.

"In the affairs of the world, men are saved, not by faith, but by the want of it." Benjamin Franklin

"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin

An Open Letter to Religious People

oscarillo says...

Wow, where do I start...
Point 1).- Of course he is an idiot, why? I bet it takes a "Smart" person to judge other by they difference, ohh yea is very "smart" to keep an argument when you know the other part is stupid, yea very "smart"

Point 2).- Ok, lets keep the word game "If you dont belive as I, your an Idiot" (and before you start whining, I know those are not the exact words, but he is saying "If you belive in a religion you are and Idiot" so he is implying that "If you dont belive as I" youre an Idiot) and where do I have heard those word...Ohh I know I know RELIGION!

Point 3).- Stalin, Mussolini, Lenin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot, Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il, Slobodan Milosevic, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, sure were/are some very nice atheist

as a personal note about the "smart atheist" I have 2 very close frieds of my one, is a Mechanical engineer and the other one barely finished High School, can you guess who's the religious one and who's the atheist?

What do you call some one that does not belive in religion but strongly disagrees with what the atheist are trying to shove it down our throats
Well may be Im the idiot...

peggedbea (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

Well, I'll have to disagree with you here. God isn't a myth. At the very least, God is an idea, and a philosophical conception. Let me ask you this, since you're science minded..Is the postulate of a creation really that irrational? Why is it so unlikely that it was? You may not agree with a particular account of creation, but just the basic question of how the Universe got here..why does creation seem unlikely to you?

I mean, for a species that hasn't even left its backyard, don't you think its a bit premature to rule that out? That in itself is bad well as the fact that there is absolutely no evidence to support that view. Only a lack of evidence is pointed to, but as William Lane Craig says, an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Yes, religion has been misused. Evil people can abuse anything, especially Gods authority. Personally, I don't agree with anything the catholic church has done. If they are Christians, it's only by the skin of their teeth. There have also been evil atheists, like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot..and others who slaughtered tens of millions of their own people. It's human nature that is the problem here.

I know you don't believe in a spiritual reality, so you just don't get this video at all. It's not about the mans insight, he is describing an experience. This video is kind of chopped up..if you really want to evaluate it, watch's an interview which is much more indepth and makes some things clear which are not apparent.

For instance, when he goes to hell..he experiences being there for an eternity..not just a few minutes like it seems in the video..he describes being there for a vast amount of time, being self-aware the entire time and vividly recounting the thoughts that he had. He also goes into supreme detail of the experience he had with Jesus in going over his entire life, and secrets God revealed to him..not only that but he spends perhaps months with Jesus learning from Him and the angels in a question and answer session.

When he finally gets back, it turns out he was only unconscious for a all that time that had passed only equaled a moments time here. Plenty about this experience is unique, and intriguing. I would humbly submit that it is your lack of curiousity about the subject, mixed with the judgements you already have, that prevent you from seeing that.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
there is a bias, all communities have a common ground. i just don't think the bias is against people of faith as much as it is a bias in favor of empirical evidence and against perpetuating bad science and myths. all myths, not just ones of a religious nature. and all bad science, not just creationism. i generally don't upvote atheist videos either. because they're often loaded with self righteousness and bad arguments. i do however, upvote good science and i do upvote thoughtful insight. i just didn't find this mans insight particularly insightful or original. people often have religious experiences when facing death, i have absolutely nothing against that. and i can understand the need to believe in an afterlife. i think spirituality is deeply personal and deeply powerful and deeply beautiful and fascinating. i think religion, however, is a massive power game and i think power breeds massive corruption... see the history of the catholic church and the influence of the christian right on todays political landscape.

Judge Judy - How Dumb Can You Be?

dgandhi (Member Profile)

vaire2ube says...

Hey ghandi, remember me, the crazy guy with the crazy idea? I switched majors to biology but I keep on keeping on with the dreaming. Chemistry is a lot more interesting than a state university's current idea of computer science. My wait-and-see attitude, coupled with my tendency to only do things i enjoy, lets me stick to projects where I can make personally satisfactory progress. Other people will have to complete the LDP as I sort of always knew.

Check these out regarding logical discourse:

"This seems like the perfect question to pose to Slashdotters: how would you foster more dynamic spaces for online news discussion? How would you preserve the context of online discussions and stamp out trolls? " Sound familiar?

Truthy is a research project that helps you understand how memes spread online. With our images and statistics, you can help identify misuse of Twitter. Our first application was the study of astroturf campaigns in elections. Now we're extending our focus to the diffusion of all types of information in social media.

United States Patent 7,805,291 Berkowitz Appl. No.: 11/137,594
Filed: May 25, 2005
September 28, 2010

Method of identifying topic of text using nouns

A method of identifying a topic of a text. Text is received. Then, the nouns in the text are identified. The singular form of each identified noun is determined. Combinations are created of the singular form of the identified nouns, where the number of singular forms of the nouns in the combinations is user-definable. The frequency of occurrence in the text of each noun that corresponds to its singular form is determined. Each frequency of occurrence is assigned as a score to its corresponding singular form noun. Each combination of singular form nouns is assigned a score that is equal to the sum of the scores of its constituent singular form nouns. The user-definable number of top scoring singular form nouns and combinations of singular form nouns are selected as the topic of the text.

Inventors: Berkowitz; Sidney (Baltimore, MD)
Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Director National Security Agency (Washington, DC)
This paper was coming out about the time I started to get interested in the possibility of analyzing for semantics and stuff. Good thing someone smarter figured it out.

Modeling public mood and emotion: Twitter sentiment and socio-economic phenomena
Authors: Johan Bollen, Alberto Pepe, Huina Mao
(Submitted on 9 Nov 2009)

Abstract: Microblogging is a form of online communication by which users broadcast brief text updates, also known as tweets, to the public or a selected circle of contacts. A variegated mosaic of microblogging uses has emerged since the launch of Twitter in 2006: daily chatter, conversation, information sharing, and news commentary, among others. Regardless of their content and intended use, tweets often convey pertinent information about their author's mood status. As such, tweets can be regarded as temporally-authentic microscopic instantiations of public mood state. In this article, we perform a sentiment analysis of all public tweets broadcasted by Twitter users between August 1 and December 20, 2008. For every day in the timeline, we extract six dimensions of mood (tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, confusion) using an extended version of the Profile of Mood States (POMS), a well-established psychometric instrument. We compare our results to fluctuations recorded by stock market and crude oil price indices and major events in media and popular culture, such as the U.S. Presidential Election of November 4, 2008 and Thanksgiving Day. We find that events in the social, political, cultural and economic sphere do have a significant, immediate and highly specific effect on the various dimensions of public mood. We speculate that large scale analyses of mood can provide a solid platform to model collective emotive trends in terms of their predictive value with regards to existing social as well as economic indicators.




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