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Electron Boy saves Seattle Sounders

fjules says...

I always wondered how far will people go to make your wish come true. If I was on the death bed I would say something "My only wish is for Halle Berry to come and have sex with me" and then look at their faces. Then when they would say that she can't come, I'd say "Okay, then get me at least 10 high class escorts to make a huge orgy". This being a more reasonable request, I guess they would probably go with it.

Tarantino vs. Coen Brothers

Gwiz665 Ben Folds Cover on Guitar

Deano says...

Fantastic! I loved that rendition. But yes, you might smile at the end, perhaps an OT crazy grin to freak us all out

Makes me wish I had some sort of talent as well...Excel doesn't count does it?

Right Wing Attacks 11 Year-old

John Constantine Goes To Hell

Croccydile says...

I was disappointed when the movie had lukewarm reception, reassuring there would not have been a follow up. I had not heard of the Hellblazer comic before the movie but because of it, I started to look into the series. Quite a shame such a nice concept got put out on a cafeteria tray and forgotten.

Tilda Swinton was a good Gabriel, but Peter Stormare was a GREAT Satan. Seeing this clip makes me wish there was another movie.

Oh and by the way it is 5C in Florida today. So

Sammy Davis Jr. - impressions while singing One for my Baby

How to Spot a Fake Diamond

HaricotVert says...

Prove to me that the site is sponsored and I will happily redact the link in my above post. Also, while you're at it, prove to me that any of the statements the author makes about diamonds vs. moissanite are untrue.

The links are there as a resource to reputable moissanite dealers. That's all. The section heading even SAYS "links to reputable dealers." Those dealers are competing with one another. Maybe you should also check the author's personal site at the bottom of the page? His actual profession is entirely separate from the moissanite page.

Don't be such an asshole as to automatically assume that this is the only moissanite resource out there that I've read, or assume that I'm some sheep that will eat up whatever is presented before me. I just linked one that is concise and well-presented. If you need corroboration there is shitloads of that available as well. Libraries-fucking-indeed.

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^HaricotVert:
Completely agreed. A more in-depth analysis of this and other reasons why diamonds are a very shitty investment (even as an engagement band!) is available at

Um... you're going to use a site that's only purpose in life is to make money off referrals to Moissanite sellers as a source of reliable information?
F ck people have become absolutely shit at looking at the source of their information... any site they find they treat as gospel... bloody hell. It makes me wish for the days of libraries again sometimes.

How to Spot a Fake Diamond

spoco2 says...

>> ^HaricotVert:
Completely agreed. A more in-depth analysis of this and other reasons why diamonds are a very shitty investment (even as an engagement band!) is available at

Um... you're going to use a site that's only purpose in life is to make money off referrals to Moissanite sellers as a source of reliable information?

F*ck people have become absolutely shit at looking at the source of their information... any site they find they treat as gospel... bloody hell. It makes me wish for the days of libraries again sometimes.

Dan Savage on What Marriage Means

Stormsinger says...

The more I see of Savage, the more impressed I am. Articulate, clear, and with a completely uncommon degree of common sense...he's interesting enough to make me wish I was gay (much like Melissa Etheridge makes me wish I was lesbian).

Louis CK Reacts to 2 Girls 1 Cup

How to make your own wind turbine

Jimmy Carr - "Nothing and Fuck All Are Not The Same"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'charity, animals, make a wish, sick kids, charity, uh uh uh' to 'charity, animals, make a wish, sick kids, charity, uh uh uh, heartbreaking story, tits' - edited by calvados

How Media Would Cover the Moon Landing If It Happened Today

WaPo Links to the Sift (Cinema Talk Post)

Cosmo the Talking Cat

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Beggar's Canyon