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Team ICO's "Project Trico" leaked early!

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Upon seeing this around when it was sifted, I've since bought/played SotC. As a fairly late-comer I can say the animation is incredibly fluid (for any game let alone a PS2 game that came out in 2005) and the engine uses some neat tricks to really bring out how massive and powerful the colossi are and how insignificant by comparison your own character is. It's the type of game that makes you wish it didn't end or if it did end it had a Hard mode so you'd have a good reason to replay it, *ahermmrm*, right after. . .(?)

Jimmy Carr - "Nothing and Fuck All Are Not The Same"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'charity, animals, make a wish, sick kids, charity' to 'charity, animals, make a wish, sick kids, charity, uh uh uh' - edited by ponceleon

Jimmy Carr - "Nothing and Fuck All Are Not The Same"

Face Melters Mixtape - Wonky Electronics (Blog Entry by volumptuous)

Guy (with nice scarf) couldn't have a worse time on a bus

Muy sensual / USCO's Reggaeton Dance Contest

Great compilation of funny dog videos

Random Observations pertaining to 9/11 by Malcolm Gladwell

kymbos says...

I read somewhere that a study had tracked acts of 'terror' by small groups for many years, and concluded that every one of them related to an occupation of some kind. Every one had a close relationship to an independence movement. It may not be the sole reason, or even necessarily the greatest motivator, but without the occupation the acts of terror would not have taken place. Occupation was the enabling or prerequisite factor.

Makes me wish I had the study handy.

Conspiracy by liberals to ruin Dick Cheney

J-Rova (Member Profile)

Michael Franti: Say Hey!

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

I've actually never had a hangover, for some reason. I guess I'm just lucky so far, but I'm sure that in time I'll start to get them; I know several friends that didn't start getting them until about their third year of college, lol.

That sounds pretty neat! I mean, you are an architect, if I remember right, so that sounds like a relaxed way to put your skills to good use. I'm majoring in East Asian Studies, but realizing that I have to write a bunch of papers and that I have no clue what I'll do for a living when I graduate in another two years kind of makes me wish I had decided to go for Molecular Biology after all, haha.

I could never get TOO into real punk stuff, but every now and then I listen to something on the hard side. Mostly I go for stuff with moving melodies/harmonies. I guess as of late I've been back on a huge Death Cab for Cutie and the Smiths kick, sort of rediscovering how much I love both of those bands.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Lately I've been really into 88 Fingers Louie, and discovered The Casualties. Mostly just reintroducing myself to midwest punk. College eh, what are you studying? My side business is doing a lot of design consultant work. Basically if people need an interior designer, carpenter, blueprints, or would like a remodel, my company is there. They can also hire me to do estimates, teach do-it-yourself classes, and submit construction permits.

It's mostly residential work which is a nice break from a lot of the commercial and institutional work I do with my other job.

Don't party too hard, you gotta remember how much fun you had in the morning.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Nothing new that's been super impressive to me, though there have been a few good ones here and there. One of my favorite bands, Plus-Minus, dropped a new album on October 21st though, and I was very impressed with that. Other than that, I've gotten a bit more into stuff like Braid and Hey Mercedes. Pretty busy with school, but somehow I still make time to party harder than I should each weekend.

What sort of business is it? Doing two jobs sounds pretty exhausting.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Pretty good, how about you? I started my own company a couple months ago but kept my old job so I haven't had a whole lot of time to sift lately. Discover any kickass bands lately?

Republicans attack Kay Hagan for talking with nonbelievers

Republicans attack Kay Hagan for talking with nonbelievers

Muy sensual / USCO's Reggaeton Dance Contest

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