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Thieves clean out Apple Store in 31 Seconds

A Look at Healthcare Around the World - NY Times Op-Ed (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

NetRunner says...

Let's just be clear here that the free market solution to someone being poor and sick is for them to die. If you’re too poor for HBO, you go without watching True Blood. If you’re too poor for a MacBook Pro, you make due without one. And if you’re too poor for statins you get a heart attack. And if you’re too poor to get your heart attack treated you die. That would be what a free market health care system looked like -- like free markets in other things.

(I blatantly plagiarized that rant, but it's one worth repeating.)

Why buying a Mac is simply fucking rediculous. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

blankfist says...

>> ^Kalle:
I have a macbook pro and I am running windows on it and i am using it to edit videos in after effects..
Is that irony??

Me too. Well, technically not "editing" in AE, but that's neither here nor there.

Why buying a Mac is simply fucking rediculous. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Laptop Hunters $1000 - Lauren Gets an HP Pavilion

spoco2 says...

Really... and Apple lawyer complained about THIS?

THIS shows a reality... Macs are way more expensive than PCs, I just bought a Dell Laptop with a 15.6" screen for $AU891 (without my additions, $745 was how much I could have got it for). The cheapest Mac here in Australia is the MacBook at $1600! And, as she says, it has a 13" screen. To get a Mac with a 15" screen you pay.... $2600! That's a huuuuuuuuuuuuge difference in price. And while you get SOME things that are better, and you may think that it's worth that extra money, if all you want is a laptop to surf the web, do your schoolwork and (in my case), use as a portable DVD player for long trips for the kids when we go on holidays... then I think I'll be paying the $700-$900 rather than the $1600-$2600 price range please.

But Apple are allowed to run ads saying that PCs always crash but Macs don't? What a steaming load of crap.

THIS is fact, you can get a PC for a lot less than a Mac.

I'm sure people will now rant and rave about how the quality and features of a mac at that price are comparable to a pc of that price, but you're missing the point.

People want entry level computers

Mac does not make entry level computers

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

budzos says...

Sorry Dag, it's not ringing true to me.

"Oh noes, Windows Media Player* shows me ads when I start it up the first time... NOW I'LL NEVER MAKE THAT DEADLINE!! Quick fire up the MacBook!"

Hhaha, fanboy.

*Windows Media Player can be configured as you like, including not showing you ads when you start up.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

Haha. I've never seen the acid test. My MacBook Air Firefox got 72/100.

[edit] Like I said before, both have their problems. I suppose if I had to pick between iPod and any other music device, the iPod would be the only choice, really. It just ticks me off when you control the production of all Apple products (unlike MS) and, in my experience, there are more technical issues than necessary.

Also, when I launch Apple QuickTime I get adverts. That is if I didn't directly double-click on a mov file. In fact, Apple QT has been showing adverts since version 4 or 5, right? Still, QT is a pretty dope player, or at least used to be.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

My MBP is pretty awesome, though. It works like a charm. My MacBook Air can have the occasional minor hiccup here and there, but it, too, works to be expected: as an overpriced tiny laptop that surfs the web adequately.

On my MBP, I do most of my work as a programmer on the XP partition. I'm sorry, but there are a number of things you can do on a PC operating system you simply cannot do easily on the Mac OS. Even basic shit like... for instance, on a PC open a txt document and past in a YouTube embed code. Now save that txt document as an html file. Now open it in a browser. Alas, the video appears!

Now do the same thing on Mac. WTF!

blankfist (Member Profile)

shuac says...


In reply to this comment by blankfist:
There is a reason no one cared when you got your 100 star.

In reply to this comment by shuac:
Wow, what a poorly-constructed argument. BF, you may have opted out of a few too many essay questions whilst in school. Let me help you out, buddy.

If you make an assertion you should demonstrate it with a preponderance of evidence where possible. You kind of did that with the firmware story (although I'm not sure any rational person would agree that because you had one iPod go wonky on you that Steve Jobs has raped you in the mouth...but whatever). It would have helped this point to have at least one additional story about how an iMac failed you, how your Nano konked out, or how a MacBook Pro had a bunch of dead pixels. You see? Once you establish a pattern of similar experiences, then your claim gains weight.

The customer service complaint wasn't backed up by any story. All you say there is that "as you will notice if you ever buy one of their products, is terrible with not only customer service..." Well, you've got to demonstrate that, m'boy. How is their customer service bad?

A point about structure: your second and third paragraphs basically say the same thing, containing the same points, and one lessens the impact of the other. Each paragraph should argue a single, unique element of the argument. Well-constructed arguments are very economical with their word usage and they rarely repeat themselves other than to sum up.

To sum up: have bucketloads of evidence, back up each assertion presented, and be sure each element of your argument gets its own paragraph.

Here endeth the lesson.

shuac (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

There is a reason no one cared when you got your 100 star.

In reply to this comment by shuac:
Wow, what a poorly-constructed argument. BF, you may have opted out of a few too many essay questions whilst in school. Let me help you out, buddy.

If you make an assertion you should demonstrate it with a preponderance of evidence where possible. You kind of did that with the firmware story (although I'm not sure any rational person would agree that because you had one iPod go wonky on you that Steve Jobs has raped you in the mouth...but whatever). It would have helped this point to have at least one additional story about how an iMac failed you, how your Nano konked out, or how a MacBook Pro had a bunch of dead pixels. You see? Once you establish a pattern of similar experiences, then your claim gains weight.

The customer service complaint wasn't backed up by any story. All you say there is that "as you will notice if you ever buy one of their products, is terrible with not only customer service..." Well, you've got to demonstrate that, m'boy. How is their customer service bad?

A point about structure: your second and third paragraphs basically say the same thing, containing the same points, and one lessens the impact of the other. Each paragraph should argue a single, unique element of the argument. Well-constructed arguments are very economical with their word usage and they rarely repeat themselves other than to sum up.

To sum up: have bucketloads of evidence, back up each assertion presented, and be sure each element of your argument gets its own paragraph.

Here endeth the lesson.

Macbook Transformer

Macbook Transformer

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

shuac says...

Wow, what a poorly-constructed argument. BF, you may have opted out of a few too many essay questions whilst in school. Let me help you out, buddy.

If you make an assertion you should demonstrate it with a preponderance of evidence where possible. You kind of did that with the firmware story (although I'm not sure any rational person would agree that because you had one iPod go wonky on you that Steve Jobs has raped you in the mouth...but whatever). It would have helped this point to have at least one additional story about how an iMac failed you, how your Nano konked out, or how a MacBook Pro had a bunch of dead pixels. You see? Once you establish a pattern of similar experiences, then your claim gains weight.

The customer service complaint wasn't backed up by any story. All you say there is that "as you will notice if you ever buy one of their products, is terrible with not only customer service..." Well, you've got to demonstrate that, m'boy. How is their customer service bad?

A point about structure: your second and third paragraphs basically say the same thing, containing the same points, and one lessens the impact of the other. Each paragraph should argue a single, unique element of the argument. Well-constructed arguments are very economical with their word usage and they rarely repeat themselves other than to sum up.

To sum up: have bucketloads of evidence, back up each assertion presented, and be sure each element of your argument gets its own paragraph.

Here endeth the lesson.

Macbook Transformer

YouTube is slow as shit lately (Wtf Talk Post)

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