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Disney A.N.T. Farm meets R2D2 and C3PO

jcf79 says...

Riiiight, ruining your childhood, like George Lucas didn't already do that with the prequels... Or the infamous Holiday Special... I really don't see why anyone cares by this point what is done with the Star Wars franchise (which is exactly what it has been even before the prequels, a franchise, a way to get your money for products of sometimes dubious quality) I really liked the original trilogy, but I'm also pretty content to just ignore everything else or at the very least shrug my shoulders and say "meh, whatever"

Extra Slave Princess Leia Footage

spoco2 says...

>> ^Fusionaut:

You mean like Lucas did for the last trilogy? I can only imagine Disney doing a better job!>> ^RFlagg:
Just hope the House of Mouse doesn't mess up the next 3 movies...

Hopefully they'll be awesome and we can just pretend it's a series of six movies starting at Episode 4. Pretend 1, 2 and 3 never existed.

Extra Slave Princess Leia Footage

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 in 2015.

schlub says...

The only thing that'd be good for Star Wars now is a bullet. Let it die already!
>> ^arekin:

Really Marvel has done well since Disney took over, I'd imagine that Disney will be better for star wars than lucas will.

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 in 2015.

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 for 2015 (Cinema Talk Post)

Stormsinger says...

I don't get what's to be excited lying hack* gets bought out by a pack of thieving hacks**. Why should I give a shit either way?

* Check out how Lucas's answer about "Is Star Wars based on Campbell's Hero's Journey?" First it wasn't, then it was...apparently based either on how much Lucas knew of the topic, or how afraid he was of being sued, or whether he was trying to hitch a ride on the hype train.

** Disney's biggest selling features, like Mickey Mouse and the Lion King, were clearly stolen from other artist's work.

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 in 2015.

probie says...

After buying countless, differing versions of the original trilogy over the years, surviving the prequels, and seeing what a mess the entire franchise has become, Star Wars has long since been dead to me. After Indy 4, Lucas deserves to have his arms torn off by the proverbial Wookie.

I'm just glad he didn't have any hand in the Back to the Future movies.

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 for 2015 (Cinema Talk Post)

Hybrid says...

Disney's Bob Iger and George Lucas discuss the deal...

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 for 2015 (Cinema Talk Post)

Camille Paglia on the Arts and Genius George Lucas

Camille Paglia on the Arts and Genius George Lucas

silvercord says...

Haven't seen her interviewed until now, but my guess is that she is just naturally frenetic. I have some friends like her. Gotta be patient . . .
>> ^Stormsinger:

Horrible interview and interviewee. She may well just feel she has so much to get across that she has to rush through it, but she'd do better to pare it down to something that fits in the time she has.

Camille Paglia on the Arts and Genius George Lucas

silvercord says...

It would if you had grown up in the 60's. I have come to the conclusion that there are a majority of people across the entire political spectrum in such tremendous denial that they could never accept criticism of their own partisan stance. I said elsewhere regarding this video that Paglia would be made the problem for pointing out the problem. I'm certain that is true.

Since she speaks so rapidly, I think it good to get a nice cup of tea and slooow down and absorb what she it saying. This feminist, liberal, atheist, lesbian, author, teacher has an indictment on our culture worth hearing. >> ^kir_mokum:

there is not enough glue in the world to make that make sense.

Red Letter Media Talks About Prometheus on DVD

MonkeySpank says...

I never thought I'd say this as I am a big proponent of technology, but I think CGI has ruined most movies because acting and story-line suspense too the backseat. I can't believe that after Alien, the best sci-fi movie in my book, we got this??!!! I stopped watching Prometheus after the staple scene; I just couldn't bear myself to finish this garbage. I think Ridley Scott has gone down the mediocre path of George Lucas.

Rejected Pitches: Home Alone

How Jaws was Restored on Blu-Ray

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