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PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Actually it’s both. The final forms aren’t stable in the real world, they shed particles that are ingested, vapors inhaled, who knows, they are likely absorbed through the skin from many products.

Assume they aren’t actually toxic, functioning as designed they coat digestive systems and, if the report is to be believed, individual cells in extreme cases, leading to things like digestive issues and vaccinations not working. In developing children, it sounds disastrous…and it’s everywhere and in everyone….often in high levels.

This is akin to a crop that’s mildly toxic, not one adjacent to a pre existing separate toxic weed. You can’t plant this crop without permanently contaminating the field, and adjacent fields, and the local water sources, and to lesser extent anyone who uses the crop. There’s no separate toxic weed here, just a toxic crop we keep planting in new places, making the contamination much much more widespread at constantly increasing levels with no way to clean it up and little knowledge of the long term effects of such contamination. Pretty big gamble to take with the entire planet just so your thin rain coat doesn’t leak, don’t you think? Especially with a non biodegradable easily spread but impossible to remove toxic chemical with relatively unknown cumulative effects and no method whatsoever for removing it from people or the environment….like this one.

bremnet said:

So my contention and the view of many in the end user community is that it's not the final form of some of these compounds that are bad, it's the horrendous messes we leave producing them. We can't unwind our Clock of Dumb, but killing the entire crop just to get rid of the long ago seeded weeds doesn't solve the actual problem, it makes it much, much larger.

Thanks for your comments.

Yikes! Geography lesson time

eric3579 says...

Made me wonder, how many steps (geographically/ scale) can be made starting with the universe and ending at a residential address?

Super Cluster
Local Group
Solar System
(may not apply to everywhere i'd assume)

That's my best stab at it. Do tell if it's not correct in some way.

Undercover: EXPOSING MAGA Hypocrisy on Afghanistan

luxintenebris says...

Hypocrisy is thy name.

Or at least it is widespread in the ranks of the GOP poodles.

Shortlist of their duality...

- Worry about the Afghani women but shut down US women's access to LEGAL medical services.
- Want to bring education to Afghanistan but oppose school curriculum here in the US. (i.e. their head is their Allah)
- Want Small Government (less interference) but use their power as Big Government to override local LEGAL authority.
- As Ayn Rand-ites, say the individual is important, but any difference of opinion brings banishment.
- Say government doesn't work, they get elected, then don't work.
- Say the Unborn deserve the right to live, but health services for ALL Americans go for a premium. (bring them in but take no responsibility for them - and still believe they hold the moral high ground)

...and it goes on and on and on...they say one thing; do another.

Would guess BK33 and TT both are English Only types as one reads their posts, it would only be fitting.

Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

vil says...

So he is trying to be clever. But is he making his point well?

Its much like us trying to convince Bob and friends by calling them names, its not going to work.

Mask mandate is an emergency measure and should be put in place by responsible representatives, not public debate. It should be explained seriously and not by anecdote. It should only be enforced where necessary and for as long as necessary. Local authorities should have that authority, just like for other natural disasters.

If you start a discussion, extremists will take hold of it.

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

luxintenebris jokingly says...


ever see "swing blade"? the main character was undoubtedly very bright but was taught in a very poor school (i.e. alone, abused, and alienated). very little knowledge.

an extreme example but anyone can be intelligent 'tho trapped by their environment. lacking knowledge.

it's kinda like that show on Netflix. the local head of the kkk being exposed to the words and life of that black women. he learned - was shown - that his way wasn't the path he wanted to be on. he wised up.

knowledge leads to higher intelligence. he had the intelligence but lacked any reason to change his views (the Tao of Intolerance). intelligent but terribly influenced.

so these folks might have the ability to learn and adapt, but not the velleity.

intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge, but w/o some basic knowledge, that intelligence can be retard.

that's me. standing up for an ax* murder, a klansman, and goofy GOPers.

how bright am i?

* not an ax really. it was a swing blade but i like to call them a kaiser blade.

newtboy said:

Sorry, but you and @luxintenebris are confusing intelligence with knowledge. IQ measures your problem solving skills and ability to learn and adapt that new knowledge to new and different situations, it does not just test your knowledge in certain areas.

It's the difference between being shown how to do a task VS being able to figure out how to do a task on your own.

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

newtboy says...

Good thing Biden stopped nearly another $10 Billion from being available to them through banking and the IMF, now they’re just left with the enormous piles of cash and weapons Trump shipped to the region for bribing locals to be on our side and other unethical spending he wanted off the books.

@bobknight33 doesn’t seem to know where this cash and weapons came from….it wasn’t Biden, he’s not been sending more weapons and more pallets of cash during the draw down/retreat. These were in the hands of the Afghanistan government, put there by the previous administration, largely as bribe money.

Reminds me of when Bush sent $12 billion in cash to Iraq with similar intentions and $9 billion of it went missing.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had fled the country with four cars and a helicopter full of cash and had to leave huge piles of cash behind on the tarmac as it would not all fit in, the RIA news agency reported.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

DOPESICK Official Trailer (2021)

newtboy says...

How long before Hulu makes a movie about insane anti vax cultists who don’t believe COVID is dangerous but when they get COVID are over running the medical systems in red states where vaccinations are falling behind to the point that no other illnesses or emergencies can be dealt with and even responsible vaccinated people are dying from lack of medical care, dying from non life threatening injuries and illnesses that minimal care would have prevented, but hospitals are full and clinics closed because their personnel were needed at local hospitals?

Can we please create a policy that, without a vaccine “passport”, no patient is allowed in any hospital that takes a dime in public funding? Let the right wing denier cultists die from the disease they deny exists, they said they gladly would, but in the quarantine cages set up in parking lots, not at home, not in hospital beds, but under freeway overpasses and lower level subterranean parking lots. No responsible vaccinated citizen should be turned away to serve the deniers like is happening in red states today, but they can’t be allowed back in public for weeks at a minimum.

Boston Cop Brags About Driving Through Crowd

moonsammy says...

Here's the thing: if average citizens didn't have guns, I'd be right pissed if the cops carried them.

I can't speak for the whole of whatever the fuck you think "liberals" encompasses, but here's my take on guns & cops: the constitution allows for guns within well-regulated militias. It was just worded really, really poorly. I mean, read 2A - it's practically authentic frontier gibberish. But the words "well-regulated militia" are definitely in there. And it makes sense - they were trying to secure a bold new type of governance. They needed to be able to defend that, and there was no immediate plan for a standing army. So local, reasonably well-supplied militias, which weren't a bunch of bumblefucks shooting at whatever whenever, were a pretty real need. Where we're at *now* with guns is so fucking far from what the founders could've possibly conceived, that to think they'd approve of it is absurd. I mean, maybe a few of them (they were quite the diverse bunch of white male landowners, in all sincerity), but those with solid military experience likely would've been horrified.

Having said that, it's fantasy-land nonsense to think the prospect of completely eliminating recreational guns in the US in the near term is viable. Hunting armaments will (and perhaps should) remain common for a long while, so be it. I see handguns and non-hunting long arms (or those that are excessive for it) as of significant negative value to society, they can all fuck right off into a metal recycling center or the armory of a well-regulated militia. Perhaps keep some at firing ranges for recreational target practice, with competent professional supervision, and with reasonable regulations in place.

Cops should have firearms in their armory, up until such time as we're living in a Star Trek-like utopia of blissful peace. Humans are largely cool, but some of us are dangerous fucksticks. Have cops pull guns for calls that seem like they'll be needed, and rely on less-lethal options as much as possible. Oh, and stop using the less-lethal options as fucking compliance-obtaining shortcuts. Don't fucking tase or use chemical spray when it isn't needed, they're not for the cops' convenience but to avoid more severe harms from occurring. Officer Friendly should be the order of the day, and any substantial deviation from that should be met with termination and arrest, with consequences no less severe than a non-police citizen would see. No more bad apples, no spoiled bunch.

Hey, thanks for the rant opportunity! Us liberals need to practice our high horsing from time to time. And just like God, we all love you. You specifically, you goddamn sexy hater.

TangledThorns said:

Yet liberals believe only the police should have guns.

How Police Protect And Serve

newtboy says...

“This family”?
This isn’t one case, Bob. It’s department policy and has been for a long time.

Agreed, it SHOULD be a big payday for these families… unfortunately that’s at taxpayer, not the police’s pension fund’s, expense….but so far in the years of this practice if the victims got anything it doesn’t seem to have payed enough to get the local government to stop it, or enough to excuse blatant and rampant abusive harassment of law abiding citizens as standard policy, even a revenue generator.

How much is the daily harassment of your children, wife, co workers, family, friends, and business contacts at their work and in their homes late at night for years by dozens of aggressive armed men trespassing and peeping in windows and threatening arrest and continued harassment if they can’t come inside to “talk” at 3 am, all because they know you….without you ever being convicted of a crime….worth?….guaranteed none of the victims of this policy have been paid that much.

It is nice to know you at least say you don’t support DeSantis style policing…so I guess you don’t support his candidacy?

Also interesting you love to dismiss constant violent civil rights violations like this by just claiming the victims will get a huge settlement and that makes it ok (most don’t, police have immunity from all but the absolute worst illegal violations, they don’t even pay to repair the doors they destroy breaking in homes with no warrant or the pets they kill while trespassing and spying on citizens….not even for the innocent people they murder when breaking into their homes at 3 am, and when they are brought to account, they often fight cases for decades first, forcing the victims to sue them over and over and over and over....expensive lawsuits against city hall that most victims can't afford to start)….but when it’s a public health issue where they’re considering forcing you to not become a biological viral lab, stopping you from mutating new viruses to release in America, suddenly your rights to be dangerously idiotic and anti science are sacrosanct, no amount of money could make up for a little ouchie, fuck those other people you kill and disable.
Anti vaxers should not only be denied insurance, but also be forced to pay for treatment of their victims.

bobknight33 said:

Looks like a big fucking pay day for this family.

Who else but @newtboy to post this.

Brian Stelter Gets HUMILIATED by His Own Guest

robdot says...

On Tuesday, the Cape Cod Times reported that Linda Zuern, a former member of the Bourne, Massachusetts Board of Selectmen and a Trump-supporting figure in the local Republican Party, had died of COVID-19.
Zuern died at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston of severe complications caused by COVID-19, according to the report. She was 70 years old and had not been vaccinated.
For months, Zuern, a member of the pro-Trump group the United Cape Patriots, had promoted conspiracy theories about the pandemic on Facebook. She has shared articles accusing the World Health Organization of a coverup of the "Wuhan Virus" and claiming COVID-19 is cover for "globalists" to usher in "U.N. Agenda 2030" — a sustainable development initiative right-wing conspiracy theorists assert is a plot to create a one world government.

West Coast Cherry Crops Destroyed By Heatwave

newtboy says...

And now the swarms of locusts (ok, really grasshoppers) begin.

Utah farmers, already struggling with drought and extreme heat, are being plagued by grasshoppers destroying what little crops they managed to grow. Early heat caused an early hatch, leading to swarms. Many farmers abandoned their crops rather than go through the expense of spraying a crop they have no water for, allowing a bad situation to get exponentially worse. Hay may soon be in short supply along with produce.

If it's a mild winter, expect worse next year when their eggs hatch. Without improvement in the weather, colder in winter wetter in spring and cooler in summer, farmers nationwide expect next year to be far worse than this year's disastrous growing season. Nevada and Arizona are due to lose their main water source soon, and California expects more water shortages statewide as reservoirs near empty and aquifers go dry.

Sure sounds like the climatologists were correct, if anything minimizing the effects and rate of change from climate change; heat, drought, plagues, swarms, fires. They were not exaggerating them @bobknight33. These are exactly what they predicted, just a decade early, and exactly what you denied would happen. All time high local temperatures were reached worldwide in the last month including ground temperatures of 118 F in arctic Siberia and 130 F last weekend in Death Valley, the hottest atmospheric air temperature ever seen on the planet since humans existed.

But nope, climate change is a liberal hoax, they just have the entire planet lying to support it, destroying their own crops and cooking their citizens to keep the lie going. 🤦‍♂️

I hope you live long enough for your children to accept that their disastrous future was caused by you and your ilk and abandon you to the baking streets in your old age to starve and bake. You ignorant and dishonest deniers deserve worse for decimating the only planet we have. Your children will come to that conclusion, the only question is when.

White people are dumb and need to be less white

vil says...

It is a legitimate thing to ask of white people, to be less "white" and more "people". We tend to not acknowledge that we do have an advantage in our part of the world.

Why this is only asked of white people is what beats me. No one is asking the Japanese in Japan or the Chinese in China or the Koreans in South Korea or the Saudis in Saudialand to be more inclusive or care at all about the sad fate of non-locally sourced humans. Granted the Japanese get a bye because they are quietly polite about the whole "no foreigners welcome" thing.

Could it be that white people are not more or less racist than other local majorities, it just so happens that (admittedly some) white people are willing to acknowledge our own racism might be a problem?

Actually what really gets me is how North Koreans manage to be racial supremacists in the face of their everyday reality.

Miami Beach condo collapse

cloudballoon says...

My initial suspicion would be underground sinkholes instead. These massive sinkholes happen so often that I imagined one day it'd occure underneath a building instead of a road/parking lot. If so, the responsibility is mostly on the local government's lack of infrastructure maintenance funding.

Miami Beach condo collapse

Mordhaus says...

They do have codes, Florida actually has some of the strictest building codes in the country. The building was actually being worked on and updated to meet additional local hurricane codes at the time of the collapse.

Every state has to meet the codes established by the ICC or one of the organizations that existed separately before they merged. The only city to ignore these codes and go completely by their own code is Chicago.

At the municipal level, the city can add more building codes to meet specific local hazards or weather. Miami/Dade has very strict hurricane codes that need to be met.

I suspect that we will find that the fault in this lies with the building owner failing to meet code or maintenance updates in a timely manner, as well as the fact that the building experienced subsidence in the amount of 12 cm between 1993 and 1999. This is not that unusual in structures built on barrier islands and it ceased sinking in 1999.

newtboy said:

Good thing they don't have those pesky liberal building regulations and code enforcement there in Florida.

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