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Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) humbles Hudson Institute dilettante

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) humbles Hudson Institute dilettante

Lewis Black rants about cancer

Psychologic says...

>> ^Drax:
Even ONE doctor not sharing research on this disease justifies this video, one that is far less venomous then I believe you're interpreting it as.

I wouldn't call it venomous, just misinformed. He acts like cancer research is something people simply don't do because they're too lazy or uninterested, when in fact it is one of the most active areas of medical research out there these days. There are multiple massive conferences on these areas every year, but apparently no one there is sharing their research? That's laughable.

Louis is trying to be funny with misinformation, but it just makes him look like he has no idea what he is talking about.

Lewis Black rants about cancer

Drax says...

Even ONE doctor not sharing research on this disease justifies this video, one that is far less venomous then I believe you're interpreting it as.

I didn't walk away from this with any less respect for doctors, that's nuts. Everyone realizes it takes quite a bit of work and integrity to be a doctor. The video reasserts the seriousness of a very serious disease. I would be very surprised to find anyone who walks away from this thinking doctors are lazy a-holes sitting around doing nothing about cancer.

What I wouldn't be surprised to find is that it might help nudge someone thinking about the medical career into pursuing it and doing so in a way that's less corporate and more open.

And I realize not everyone might know Lewis Black's personality well, but the whole iPhone part is him making fun of himself in a way. He's kind of a grumpy jewish uncle, who's not particularly technical in any way so he finds an iPhone fascinating. Like mentioning it's using what must be alien technology ...see what I mean?
(I think the part about him not buying one, it was given to him is him poking fun at his jewish'ness)

--Edit: I'll just agree to respectfully disagree on the message being conveyed here. I didn't take it as a 'boo doctors!', more like 'cancer sucks lets do all we can to fix it'. I have no incite as to how much research is suppressed due to private interests, so I don't know how much that end of his message applies, but that I believe to be of importance if it's in any way true.

Lewis Black rants about cancer

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^Drax:
>> ^Tymbrwulf:
The only truth that can be gained from this video is that it is indeed a problem that SOME doctors do not share their reseach towards finding a cure for cancer

And there you have all the reason in the world for this video to exist. yes, he's a comedian. He's doing what he does, and he's quite good at it (one of my favorites actually). Just like I'm sure he has plenty of actual respect for doctors.
If you think anyone's gonna sit here thinking, "AMG, ALL DOCTORS DO ARE SIT AROUND DOIN NOTHING ABOUT CANCER WHEN THEY COULD GET FREE MEALS 4 LIFE??!", then I think you need a study break.

Even ONE person thinking that is one too many. Why propagate something that does more damage than good?

If you have a problem with medicine, you should find a way how to fix it, not just place blame and rant about it.

I'm all for progress and CONSTRUCTIVE critcism. This video contains neither and if anything can only hurt.

Lewis Black rants about cancer

Drax says...

>> ^Tymbrwulf:
The only truth that can be gained from this video is that it is indeed a problem that SOME doctors do not share their reseach towards finding a cure for cancer

And there you have all the reason in the world for this video to exist. yes, he's a comedian. He's doing what he does, and he's quite good at it (one of my favorites actually). Just like I'm sure he has plenty of actual respect for doctors.

If you think anyone's gonna sit here thinking, "AMG, ALL DOCTORS DO ARE SIT AROUND DOIN NOTHING ABOUT CANCER WHEN THEY COULD GET FREE MEALS 4 LIFE??!", then I think you could use a study break.

Lewis Black rants about cancer

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^enoch:
thanks tymberwulf,
because i get all my medical information from jewish comedians.
i almost fell for his delicious comedy.

It's not about where you get your medical information from. This just gives pointless talking points to people who will repeat what they heard without citing sources. To me this is an unnecessary propagation of a pointless untruth that demeans the medical profession.

Lewis Black rants about cancer

Tymbrwulf says...

As much as I wished this was a funny video that tells doctors to get off their ass and research a cure for cancer I must say that I, being one year away from getting my medical degree, am completely against this kind of video.

The only truth that can be gained from this video is that it is indeed a problem that SOME doctors do not share their reseach towards finding a cure for cancer due to the fact that the doctor who finds this cure will be forever remembered in history as being the first one to do so.


Everything else in this video to me is a lame attempt at trying to get a reaction out of the general public while attacking every other aspect of the medical profession. Medicine is NOT as simple as he stated. The amount of unknown variables that affect how a normal cell can progress into a cancerous cell is IMMENSE.

We may know which cells are the cancerous cells, and we may have a preliminary understanding of how a normal cell becomes a cancerous cell, but the pathomechanisms of this transformation is currently at only an elementary level.

Blaming doctors for not finding a cure fast enough is just not right because, believe me, there are many, MANY doctors out there who would LOVE to be the first to find a cure and are working their ASSES off in order to do so.

I feel like I can rant forever about the pitfalls of taking this video for face value because the underlying reasons (except for competition-driven hiding of research) are completely BULLSHIT.

I pray that the layman who do not have the information available to them to research this do not take this video as fact, and only as a pitiful attempt at comedy(and I think Lewis Black is a great comedian, but he's way off on this one).

Enough of me. DOWNVOTE

SNL F Bomb.

Parents charged with sexual abuse for bathing kids

radx says...

That reminds me of Lewis Black's demand for his own esteemed ball-washer, the only accessory a truly accomplished man needs.

Now to get the pictures out of my head again ... *narf*

Airman stands fast for EXTREMELY low flyby

Bill Maher Criticizes The Torah

Penn Jillette, John Stossel Debate Health Care on Glenn Beck

vairetube says...

If you haven't seen it, here is the obvious answer to the (R) claim about what Healthcare Reform will look like --- it is a nifty little flow chart showing how the CURRENT healthcare system works .. as of July 2009. Suck it in?

Dueling Health Care Flow Charts Reality vs. GOP Propaganda

Unfortunately, to rebuke the point being made by a flow chart, you have to produce an equally useless yet revealing piece of on the level of the attack.

Luckily, this is one of the few times you don't have to sink too low to fight moron-fire with brain-fire. Those old assholes in congress are really pissing me off with their fucking chart (ie confusion) as the evidence to support a false claim. Yay, lies supported by confusion. Great progressive thinking that STILL grabs a near majority. Sickening. (which is unfortunate since i dont have insurance)

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