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Lewis Black Destroys GOP Talking Points on Health Care

metatron says...

>> ^sillybapx:
Also I am paying for the continued welfare of the elderly (social security).

Technically, Social Security is supposed to be paid for by the people who worked before you. You're social security taxes should be paying for your own social security when you retire. Don't blame the general public for that one.

However, you're pretty accurate with the rest of your rant.

Lewis Black Destroys GOP Talking Points on Health Care

sillybapx says...

>> ^conan:
i hope folks aren't so incredibly stupid as to believe that GOP BS. Look around you! Every other industrialized nation has a _working_ healthcare for all their people except the US. Some are better (i.e. the german one as of today but that'll change soon), some could need improvement (i.e. the irish one). But still: They are there, they work. I really wish for US americans that they'll too get a decent healthcare.

I'm a US American, and I have a decent healthcare. Also I pay for it. I don't particularly like the idea of paying for the health care of others. Which is how the people "around me" seem to be doing it.

Lewis Black Destroys GOP Talking Points on Health Care

Back in Black - Louis Black Weighs in on Health Care Debate

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

(Member Profile)

Lewis Black on the Economic Crisis

Lewis Black on the Economic Crisis

Lewis Black on the Economic Crisis

Lewis Black on the Economic Crisis

Lewis Black on the Economic Crisis

thesnipe (Member Profile)

Jerry Springer OPERA: The Klan Entrance

Lewis Black on Conan O'Brien (HILARIOUS!)

ElJardinero says...

>> ^Hominid:
Scientific fact! Putting the word 'hilarious' in your title makes it twice as funny.
Follow up fact! Putting 'hilarious' in all caps makes it doubly so.
... I don't like smilies but I want to express that I don't mean to be an ass and my sarcasm was lighthearted.

: D

Lewis Black Blows His Top With Anderson Cooper

toast says...

>> ^spoco2:
Yeah, let's make EVERYTHING privately run, because they're all so honest and good and have everyones best interest at heart.

Yes obviously not all who run a business is going to be honest, good and have everyone's interests at heart, but not everyone who is in business is heartless and corrupt either.

Do you really think that the majority of those within government who have a say in what's what have all citizens' interests in their heart and are honest and good?? Because that is who you will be putting in charge of the running of businesses and industries.

The point is, it doesn't matter whether you are good or honest. Ultimately, if the business owner has their business's interest at heart, in a free market, market forces and if the business owner didn't want to be put out of business they wouldnt be able to have their evil ways.

>> ^spoco2:
Case in point, your poorly regulated banking system that let the whole sub prime shit happen in the first place etc.

So the fact the the people in government in the past turned their back on the gold standard and started allowing bankers to create money out of thin air has absolutely nothing to do with the problems we are facing today?

And the fact that the banks might have known that the government would bail them out of trouble has also nothing to do with it either?

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