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Off-Air (or so they thought) Conservatives on Palin

imstellar28 says...

>> ^hueco_tanks:
This is off topic, but I started a strand of this discussion so I feel the need to explain myself...
1. Militant Atheism.
As an agnostic, my position is not that I don't know, but that I can't know whether God or gods exist. This includes anything that could be described as a universal power that cannot be understood by man and science and which might conceivably be considered 'God' (I am not professing to believe in such a force, but mere possibility of such a 'higher power'). Friends of mine that I consider militant atheists are those who profess to 'know' that there is no God, and believe that anyone who feels otherwise is an idiot. I do not believe that one can 'know' that there is no God, rejecting even the slightest possibility that there are unknowable powers at work in the universe that could be considered 'God' is a lie on par with those who claim to know God exists (not on par with those who believe Noah built an Ark). Similar to christian evangelists, militant atheists campaign for atheism. I am happy to let people know what I believe, but I don't have much interest in converting lost Christian souls and prefer it when they leave me alone as well.

What you are describing as "militant atheism" is actually just "atheism". You don't have to claim absolute truth on the existence of god to be an atheist, all you need is to evaluate a probability to declare you "know" something doesn't exist. You probably "know" that zeus, unicorns, man-bear-pig, and talking teapots don't exist--and the principle is precisely the same. If so, you are an atheist with regards to these mythical creatures,--so why not take it one god further?

I "know" that if I run into a wall it will hurt. But quantum mechanics shows us that this is not "true"--there exists a finite, albeit infinitesimally small, probability that every particle in my body will "tunnel" through the energy barrier and I will arrive, unharmed, on the other side of the wall. If you think this is impossible, you will have to throw away your ipod, digital camera, and phone because the flash cards inside all these electronic devices perform this very same feat on a daily basis.

Off-Air (or so they thought) Conservatives on Palin

hueco_tanks says...

This is off topic, but I started a strand of this discussion so I feel the need to explain myself...
1. Militant Atheism.
As an agnostic, my position is not that I don't know, but that I can't know whether God or gods exist. This includes anything that could be described as a universal power that cannot be understood by man and science and which might conceivably be considered 'God' (I am not professing to believe in such a force, but mere possibility of such a 'higher power'). Friends of mine that I consider militant atheists are those who profess to 'know' that there is no God, and believe that anyone who feels otherwise is an idiot. I do not believe that one can 'know' that there is no God, rejecting even the slightest possibility that there are unknowable powers at work in the universe that could be considered 'God' is a lie on par with those who claim to know God exists (not on par with those who believe Noah built an Ark). Similar to christian evangelists, militant atheists campaign for atheism. I am happy to let people know what I believe, but I don't have much interest in converting lost Christian souls and prefer it when they leave me alone as well.

2. 3 days.
It is amusing to me that some thought I actually believed Barack promised to accomplish all of what he plans to do in three days. What is most amusing was that the entire passage before was also exaggerated beyond comprehension, and no one seemed to notice. Barack is not going to personally drag Obama from a cave, or turn back a century of global warming. To believe that all of the promises listed could be accomplished in 30 years is a pipe dream, and I thought the exaggeration was apparent.

I will be voting in this election FOR a candidate rather than against a candidate for the first time and I am strong a supporter of Barack as you will find. I have never agreed so strongly on so many issues with a candidate in my lifetime. I speak to lots of very intelligent people, however, who are not as certain about Barack and I can understand many of their reservations. You cannot possibly like everything about a candidate, any candidate! I didn't vote FOR Kerry or Gore, I voted against Bush. I am, however, voting FOR Obama. What I loved most about the convention speech were the lines about finding common ground on gun-control, abortion, immigration, and gay marriage. He took a common-sense stance on each issue. These are not black-and-white issues, but we paint them as such, and there are fools on both sides who would not vote for a candidate on the 'wrong side' of many of these issues for that reason alone. I do wish, however, that he provided a more common-sense view of what can and must be accomplished, and what sacrifices must be made to achieve these things. These sacrifices are not easy to stomach for the common voter, however, and I know that accepting things like religious pandering and over-reaching rhetoric are necessary in an election as important as this one.

wazant (Member Profile)

my15minutes says...

cool! and yeah, great album. we were just discussing classic album covers here, and then i finally 'fixed' this, so i thought it appropriate.

off to rechannel some car sifts.

In reply to this comment by wazant:
Confession: me too!

His 3 albums are some of the most valued treasures of my 90s CD collection, so I couldn't help jumping back on the old 900-foot bandwagon by posting another of his videos. Didn't know he used to have long hair!

P.S. Your avatar is the first album I ever owned! (yes, on vinyl)

In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
cool. just caught another mc900'j tune, from a probie:

my15minutes (Member Profile)

wazant says...

Confession: me too!

His 3 albums are some of the most valued treasures of my 90s CD collection, so I couldn't help jumping back on the old 900-foot bandwagon by posting another of his videos. Didn't know he used to have long hair!

P.S. Your avatar is the first album I ever owned! (yes, on vinyl)

In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
cool. just caught another mc900'j tune, from a probie:

Don't Bully Someone If You Are Rubbish At Fighting.

thinker247 says...

Rough translation:

"You took me out of your top eight on Myspace?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Why would you do that? I thought we were friends!"

"Come on. It's just Myspace."

"It's just MYSPACE? Are you mad? It's only the greatest social networking site ever!"

"Their advertisements are horrendously tacky and obtrusive. Leave me alone, will you?"

"I'm going to kick your ass, you backstabber!"

"Be careful. I know kung-fu."

"No you don't! We just watched The Chinese Connection together and all of a sudden you think you're hot shit?"

"I'm putting away my iPod earbuds, jerk. Let's go!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt your Hannah Montana playlist?" (first push by guy in white)

"You pushed me! That's it. You're off my Myspace entirely! And my Facebook. And my hi5..."

The Fate of Threads lost (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

choggie says...

ok up a notch....
If someone "creates" a play list on youtube, which is not necessarily a sum of like parts, meaning it is created to convey another altogether, for instance, any number of the players I have made here which carry a this one>

or any other number of similar ones I have flown and crashed or landed, why would this not be similar to a "self link"..?

To all you folks who are dead set on "refining" the sift by adding new rules....
As certain users hold hostage the freedom here to be and do as one pleases within' the framework(these idiots bug the fuck outta me-still love ya, welcome back, now sit down and shut the fuck up) the "quality" of this place as it grows, becomes appealing only to those who need little more than some beer-bongs, a chorus of flatulence, or a window overlooking the basest of the human experience.....or you have some holier than thou agenda to teach the world of which you don't know a goddamn thing about!! (DUMBASS!!!)-esp. you political tire-kickers and fans, and ya goddamn, blessed atheists.....(But we here at VS are working to keep your personal take on what you think the world should be doing according to your programming, in a tiny little box. At least that guy choggie is.....
a better "put to all", is how much time is there in the world, before this place and her users, take this place to the next level, and make dag and lucky, and all of us rich and famous????Hmmmmm?

You whiners need to shut the fuck up....and leave me alone to tweak this place as I see fit-

oh, forgot to say please.
please, there.Peace....

flexing the downvote
flexing the discard
flexing whatever power I choose in my arsenal, when and how I see fit, for the edification of all, to the sorrow of but a passing few-

The Fate of Threads Lost (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

choggie says...

ok up a notch....
If someone "creates" a play list on youtube, which is not necessarily a sum of like parts, meaning it is created to convey another altogether, for instance, any number of the players I have made here which carry a this one>

or any other number of similar ones I have flown and crashed or landed, why would this not be similar to a "self link"..?

To all you folks who are dead set on "refining" the sift by adding new rules....
As certain users hold hostage the freedom here to be and do as one pleases within' the framework(these idiots bug the fuck outta me-still love ya, welcome back, now sit down and shut the fuck up) the "quality" of this place as it grows, becomes appealing only to those who need little more than some beer-bongs, a chorus of flatulence, or a window overlooking the basest of the human experience.....or you have some holier than thou agenda to teach the world of which you don'y know a goddamn thing-esp. you political tire-kickers and fans, and ya goddamn, blessed atheists.....(But we here at VS are working to keep your personal take on what you think the world should be doing according to your programming, in a tiny little box. At least that guy choggie is.....
a better "put to all", is how much time is there in the world, before this place and her users, take this place to the next level, and make dag and lucky, and all of us rich and famous????Hmmmmm?

You whiners need to shut the fuck up....and leave me alone to tweak this place as I see fit-

oh, forgot to say please.
please, there.Peace....

flexing the downvote
flexing the discard
flexing whatever power I choose in my arsenal, when and how I see fit, for the edification of all, to the sorrow of but a passing few-

Transplanting the Human Head

snoozedoctor says...

Is there a "will" involved anywhere along this path. What compels DNA to replicate. Sometimes it seems inadequate to reduce it to chance chemical bonding. Though, it does appear the entire earthly biomass heaves and churns at the command of the double helix. Ultimately, I make the decision whether mine is perpetuated or not. Right now the DNA is saying, "perpetuate, perpetuate," Damn stuff won't leave me alone.

blankfist (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I cannot be clearer. Don't mess with my videos. You're abusing your powers. If you don't like my videos, you will need to act like every other person on here and downvote them. Do not discard my videos when they're not in violation of any sift rules.

If you dislike the cat fart video, then downvote it. You do not have the right to choose solely what is best for the community by discarding what you think is unfunny. If you think it is a selflink, then discuss it - you are not a one man siftquisition.

Furthermore, how about you leave me alone, and I'll do the same for you from this point on.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
dude, dude, chill baby-I hold no ill-will t'ward you, and everything, i mean EVERYTHING I say or do, I would say or do to myself-
I simply hate toilet humor for the most part, and you my son, like I once did, gravitate towards it-One of my personal peaves, like when you used to bite yer fingernails but don't now, and want everyone to keep their goddamn hands outta their mouths??? I have never come right out and said this, not my way-subtle suggestions are my modus.....unless you are simply a fuckstick, dare I say-JAPR, who cocksucker that he is, and I knew he was from the moment he began commenting inanely on a lot of serious shiet voted up here-I confronted him, but not like this(way less subtle a message for him, of course, he showed his ass and began a rant of passive-aggresive jibber jabber that simply proved I was at least partially right about him(he never stopped blindly hating after that point) A real asshole-

I am happy you have made it up there, believe me, more power to ya, I like the dynamic of active members mouths waggin', hell, I talk way too much to be so misunderstood-I have had quite enough tributes here, thank you, and suffice it to say, that because you now know EXACTLY what I dislike about anal-expulsion-I'd thank you to not cultivate the panty-knot you have concerning a cat fart video, with my handle onnit....M'kay duuuuude???The fucking search engines tell a lot to idiots, about other idiots.

I have NEVER discarded a diamond's post before-yer a first-I'll promise it'll be the last, because i suspect you are a gentleman-But fuck, talk about beating you with a hammer to make you understand a simple point!!! Thank God, now I don't have to vote at all when I see another dog fucking a stuffed animal video, posted by somebody who thinks it is siftworthy......

Problem is, folks from generations other than my own, seem to be a bit slow on the uptake.....bereft from public education's seduction of minds, to breed new generations of folks who can't seem to grasp meaning from the written word-

How do I know this to be true??? I am surrounded by it daily-the country is full of Cali-type, mentally damaged lackeys of the machine, and I am simply a "mean what I say, and say what I mean, motherfucker"-most folks today (mentally divergent) take someone with these sensibilities and attributes to be, like you said, know it alls, and what not. I am no more arrogant or sure of myself than anyone....i simply communicate along non-linear waves, and most folks are stuck in duality-

I apologize if you feel you are being bulllied or that I am on some "Blacklist Blankfist" mission....I ain't-I'm just happy to be able to screamloud and hope someone hears-I like you man, I really do-I approached you very early on regarding something on yer profile page.....yer good people-

Now......what to do about that fear-It's a mind-killer, baby-don't let it rob you of yer joy-I would be happy to go public with any beef you have, and attempt to justify my actions, should you feel the need.....otherwise, no ones gonna miss yer fucking cat fart, I'm sure some folks on youtube have some poignant comments, and a million views.

Love and Crisco, Brian

If Your *Happy and You Know it, Sift a Video! (Happy Talk Post)

TheSofaKing (Member Profile)

rougy says...

You're a total fucking asshole and an abuser by nature.

This is a link to one of your "proofs" that WTC7 fell due to the fires and structural damage.

Part IIC - WTC 7 Collapse - April 5, 2005

You stand by this document, is that correct?

In reply to this comment by TheSofaKing:
Hey I just thought of something for you. What if I am part of the conspiracy? Imagine the power I would have to be part of something like that. Scary.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
See - the deal is - you respond, I answer.

If you think it's okay to taunt me and I just have to sit there and take it, then you don't understand the fundamental concept of communication.

You responded with a taunt. I answered, "leave me alone."

I did this three times you cock sucking piece of shit.

TheSofaKing (Member Profile)

rougy says...

See - the deal is - you respond, I answer.

If you think it's okay to taunt me and I just have to sit there and take it, then you don't understand the fundamental concept of communication.

You responded with a taunt. I answered, "leave me alone."

I did this three times you cock sucking piece of shit.

TheSofaKing (Member Profile)

TheSofaKing (Member Profile)

Babbling's Law

9058 says...

Ok ok I dont get it im sorry leave me alone! But really I love the law and never heard of Godwins law, I assumed people always brought up Hitler to automatically prove their right in a cheap desperate last move cause who can argue against it without looking like a nazi supporter.

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