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The Diversity of Local Independent News

Stormsinger says...

For the sake of your sanity (or at least your faith in humanity), don't read the YT comments... The nazis are out in force, which I'm sure makes Sinclair happy as larks.

Waiting for the wave !!! Pool in Chengdu (China)

When The Flying Saucers Come, How Will We Respond

Payback says...

Ever notice alien invasions of the British are always a bit of a lark, but the ones going after the Americans are always assholes?

Scary day at camp

Gee Atherton Tests INSANE MTB Trail

Asmo says...

Fuck that for a lark...

I've done some really fucking stupid shit in search of thrills, but I would be dead in the first 27 seconds... Multiple times...

Did someone purposefully line the sides of the trail with pointy tree stumps just for shits and giggles?? What's next, punji stakes, claymores and head hunting orcs?!?!?

Income Inequality and Bank Bonuses

heropsycho says...

They're not just focusing on income inequality or ownership of resources. Just because one clip focuses on it doesn't mean that the entire movement is fixated on one stat. There are a lot of stats the left are focused on, such as unemployment to name another. And it's not a stupid statistic to focus on. If there is too much stratification of wealth, and there is such a thing, then what other statistic would illustrate that it's gotten out of hand?! For the good of the economy, for everyone across the income range, if the rich possess too much wealth, there won't be enough people with money to purchase goods and services being produced. This hasn't a thing to do with the little orphans you helped in Mexico.

Is it being trumped to the point it's being played like an emotional dagger instead of being analyzed rationally? Of course. But come on, if you're gonna sit there and say that only the left is guilty of that, then you're being partisan. How is raising the marginal tax rate on the super rich a few percentage points "communist" or even "socialist" on an objective scale? Or even using those words to elicit a knee jerk reaction by people to say it's bad just because of the word instead of rationally discussing the policy? Or when anyone suggests raising taxes on the rich, it's automatically "class warfare"? Or you using derogatory terms like "NeoProgLibNaziCommunistSocialist" blah? Give me a break.

And yes, some wealth stratification is good. You want the people who work hard or are more talented to have more income. It keeps incentives in the system. I have no problem with that. But you're pretending that the income gap between super rich and poor is static, which misses the entire point. It's not static. It fluctuates. We're too the point now where it's getting absurd to the point that it's hurting the economy. You're also pretending that the stats only illustrate the gap between the super-rich and the poor, and that's not the case. The stats are showing the gap between the rich and everyone else, including middle class, which is being decimated.

You have very little patience when you hear a college-age son's of yuppies whining about they only earn $30K/yr for their liberal art major degree? What about me, the son of a solid middle class family who got one of those horrible liberal art degrees (Master's in Education, Bachelor's in History, Minor in International Studies) and got a "fake job" as a history teacher in a public school? Are you kidding me with this? (BTW, what a good person you are to say whose jobs are of value and whose aren't!) What I did for a living for four years combined produced less value than a commodities trader did in one year, whose job is essentially speculation that artificially drives up prices on the things they trade? You don't find something extremely absurd about that?

Let's do the math. At those salaries, a public school teacher is producing less than 10% of the value of what a commodities trader does, and a commodities trader isn't even required to have a college degree, and we're not even including the better benefits and bonuses. I'm not naive enough to think a public school teacher would ever be paid that well, but when the gap is getting wider, and wider, and wider, and you're seeing a public school teacher's benefits getting reduced, particularly retirement, I'm sorry, but something is horribly wrong here. The market is failing to address a basic societal problem. I'm not advocating a state controlled economy (aka Communism) to even it out. I'm advocating the gov't make it moderately more equal by raising the rich's taxes, and ease up on the poor and middle class. Tax capital gains like it's income, subject to the same brackets, etc.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Or is that a typo for "ProgLibDytes"
As with "neolibs" it is a word of my own creation which I used to describe the crazed, hardcore, insane left-wing liberal denizens of the world. Neolib was my default for a long time, but lately the vitriol of the left has gotten so prone to hate, anger, and insanity that I have moved to defaulting with "ProgLibDyte" to describe them. It is perfect because it is so close to "Troglidyte" (cave dweller) and covers "Progressives" and "Liberals" together. ProgLibDytes. Cave dwelling political liberals and progressives. Brevity is the soul of wit.
Which one should we obsess over?
How about not picking just one, and looking at all of them - or at least a LOT of them? Regardless, examining only the gap between the ultra-rich and the poor is about one of the stupidest metrics one could examine when it comes to economics. It means absolutely nothing in terms of either real income, economic trending, or any other meaningful metric. Such a myopic stat serves only one purpose, and that is to angry up the blood of the lower class.
There are always going to be really rich people who have so much money that they could eat gold bricks and crap diamonds. These guys are always going to exist in the same nation as people so poor they scrape the very bottom of the economic barrel. The difference between the top 0.1% and the bottom 5% is utterly meaningless. It is pure nonsense to get mad about the difference between Bill Gates and the guy who pumps gas. It tells nothing about anything.
I personally donate my time to help the poor. I've helped the poorest of the poor in US cities and I thought I knew what 'poor' was. Then I volunteered to help little towns in Mexico. When kids and widows weep in your arms just because you came to them with a few bags of cement to put a small concrete slab in thier one room dirt-shanty then you know you've hit the real thing.
In the US, even those who live in so-called 'poverty' have cars, TVs, homes, cable, internet, clothes, and money to spend at McDonalds on a lark. So I have very little patience when I hear college-age son's-of-yuppies whining about the fact that they only earn $30K a year (with benefits) for thier liberal-art's major compared to Wall-Street guys (who are actually performing a real job) earning 300K plus cash bonuses. Boo-freaking-hoo.

Income Inequality and Bank Bonuses

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Keep packin' them pennies--you will probably need them someday

Oh - I am. No debts, and socking away money to make me a millionaire when I retire with slow, steady, reasonable investing. Hope you are too, because the way Obama and all the other bozos in Washington are running things we're all going to need to pack away as many pennies as we can.

Or is that a typo for "ProgLibDytes"

As with "neolibs" it is a word of my own creation which I used to describe the crazed, hardcore, insane left-wing liberal denizens of the world. Neolib was my default for a long time, but lately the vitriol of the left has gotten so prone to hate, anger, and insanity that I have moved to defaulting with "ProgLibDyte" to describe them. It is perfect because it is so close to "Troglidyte" (cave dweller) and covers "Progressives" and "Liberals" together. ProgLibDytes. Cave dwelling political liberals and progressives. Brevity is the soul of wit.

Which one should we obsess over?

How about not picking just one, and looking at all of them - or at least a LOT of them? Regardless, examining only the gap between the ultra-rich and the poor is about one of the stupidest metrics one could examine when it comes to economics. It means absolutely nothing in terms of either real income, economic trending, or any other meaningful metric. Such a myopic stat serves only one purpose, and that is to angry up the blood of the lower class.

There are always going to be really rich people who have so much money that they could eat gold bricks and crap diamonds. These guys are always going to exist in the same nation as people so poor they scrape the very bottom of the economic barrel. The difference between the top 0.1% and the bottom 5% is utterly meaningless. It is pure nonsense to get mad about the difference between Bill Gates and the guy who pumps gas. It tells nothing about anything.

I personally donate my time to help the poor. I've helped the poorest of the poor in US cities and I thought I knew what 'poor' was. Then I volunteered to help little towns in Mexico. When kids and widows weep in your arms just because you came to them with a few bags of cement to put a small concrete slab in thier one room dirt-shanty then you know you've hit the real thing.

In the US, even those who live in so-called 'poverty' have cars, TVs, homes, cable, internet, clothes, and money to spend at McDonalds on a lark. So I have very little patience when I hear college-age son's-of-yuppies whining about the fact that they only earn $30K a year (with benefits) for thier liberal-art's major compared to Wall-Street guys (who are actually performing a real job) earning 300K plus cash bonuses. Boo-freaking-hoo.

Prof Wrestler Mick Foley will mow your lawn. Really.

Reagan's Address on the Challenger's Explosion

legacy0100 says...

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.

Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

- "High Flight", Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee

Bob Ross: Painting Clouds

Thomas Edison Electrocutes An Elephant (1903)

EMPIRE says...

>> ^garmachi:

Did anybody even read the description to this, or was it added after people started insulting Edison. It's not like he did it on a lark one lazy Sunday. That would be a dick move.
Imagine if a killer whale or a lion mauled and ate three trainers. The public (many of you, in fact) would take up pitchforks and torches demanding the termination of such a beast. This is exactly what happened here.
Although admittedly, it would seem far less cruel if the elephant didn't have such a damn cute name!

Edison was an asshole, and a thief. Most of the things he "invented" were actually bought agressively, or plainly stolen from others.

And I, for one would never demand the termination of a wild elephant or any other wild animal for that matter, because they killed someone. Guess what? They're wild. They are not on this earth to entertain us.

Thomas Edison Electrocutes An Elephant (1903)

asynchronice says...

>> ^garmachi:

Did anybody even read the description to this, or was it added after people started insulting Edison. It's not like he did it on a lark one lazy Sunday. That would be a dick move.
Imagine if a killer whale or a lion mauled and ate three trainers. The public (many of you, in fact) would take up pitchforks and torches demanding the termination of such a beast. This is exactly what happened here.
Although admittedly, it would seem far less cruel if the elephant didn't have such a damn cute name!

No, he really was an asshole

Thomas Edison Electrocutes An Elephant (1903)

garmachi says...

Did anybody even read the description to this, or was it added after people started insulting Edison. It's not like he did it on a lark one lazy Sunday. That would be a dick move.

Imagine if a killer whale or a lion mauled and ate three trainers. The public (many of you, in fact) would take up pitchforks and torches demanding the termination of such a beast. This is exactly what happened here.

Although admittedly, it would seem far less cruel if the elephant didn't have such a damn cute name!

3D Animated Fractals

westy says...

Pritty stupid as i could manualy produce something that looked exactly the same and renderd in under 1 hour

this whole 3d fractal lark is a bit stupid , unless you actualy did a good job of it

Steve Jobs announces the iPad

spoco2 says...

>> ^Psychologic:
It really has so few uses it begs the question why would you actually want one?

Well, I'd probably prefer this over physical books (depending on pixel size). It sounds more like a Kindle replacement than anything so far.
It's thin and light, so it would fit in a briefcase nicely. Apple has never been the company for people on a budget. If $600 were a small sum of money for me then I would consider buying one (after playing with one at a store first). I doubt it would replace my netbook though.

My issue is really this though... I like my phone to do lots of extra stuff... surf the web, play games, play video etc. etc. because I have to carry it around anyway and in my pocket no less... so why not have it do lots of extra stuff. For ANYTHING else it better have some pretty darn stellar extra functionality to make me want to lug it around in a bag.

Now, this eBook Reading lark. I'm not onboard myself, still love actual books, read them every morning/night on the train to/from work... love them... I know lots of people love electronic books... but I really do love having book shelves with real honest to goodness books.

But I'm obviously not part of this 'new wave' of e book readers. But if I was I don't think I'd want to have one that is running a backlit screen with only 10 hours of battery life just to read a book, that seems very wasteful to me. I'd much rather have an e-ink screen that is passive most of the time.

So... I don't get it, don't know how it's going to find its market, because I don't think it has one. Plenty of the commentators are saying exactly the same thing... but who knows, maybe people do want this... me? No, everyone I've so far talked to? No... just... just has nothing going for it.

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