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BNF: FOX Attacks Obama Like Kerry

BNF: FOX Attacks Obama Like Kerry

BNF: FOX Attacks Obama Like Kerry

BNF: FOX Attacks Obama Like Kerry

thinker247 says...

As if having the middle name Hussein would link him to Saddam, somehow. I guess William Jefferson Clinton was related to Thomas Jefferson...or maybe George Jefferson? Ronald Wilson Reagan was related to Wilson-Phillips, the pop trio. And George Walker Bush is related to Walker, Texas Ranger. Or Satan.

This comment is too elite for you to understand, peon. Now go get John Kerry a baguette! Zut alors!

BNF: FOX Attacks Obama Like Kerry

Off-Air (or so they thought) Conservatives on Palin

hueco_tanks says...

This is off topic, but I started a strand of this discussion so I feel the need to explain myself...
1. Militant Atheism.
As an agnostic, my position is not that I don't know, but that I can't know whether God or gods exist. This includes anything that could be described as a universal power that cannot be understood by man and science and which might conceivably be considered 'God' (I am not professing to believe in such a force, but mere possibility of such a 'higher power'). Friends of mine that I consider militant atheists are those who profess to 'know' that there is no God, and believe that anyone who feels otherwise is an idiot. I do not believe that one can 'know' that there is no God, rejecting even the slightest possibility that there are unknowable powers at work in the universe that could be considered 'God' is a lie on par with those who claim to know God exists (not on par with those who believe Noah built an Ark). Similar to christian evangelists, militant atheists campaign for atheism. I am happy to let people know what I believe, but I don't have much interest in converting lost Christian souls and prefer it when they leave me alone as well.

2. 3 days.
It is amusing to me that some thought I actually believed Barack promised to accomplish all of what he plans to do in three days. What is most amusing was that the entire passage before was also exaggerated beyond comprehension, and no one seemed to notice. Barack is not going to personally drag Obama from a cave, or turn back a century of global warming. To believe that all of the promises listed could be accomplished in 30 years is a pipe dream, and I thought the exaggeration was apparent.

I will be voting in this election FOR a candidate rather than against a candidate for the first time and I am strong a supporter of Barack as you will find. I have never agreed so strongly on so many issues with a candidate in my lifetime. I speak to lots of very intelligent people, however, who are not as certain about Barack and I can understand many of their reservations. You cannot possibly like everything about a candidate, any candidate! I didn't vote FOR Kerry or Gore, I voted against Bush. I am, however, voting FOR Obama. What I loved most about the convention speech were the lines about finding common ground on gun-control, abortion, immigration, and gay marriage. He took a common-sense stance on each issue. These are not black-and-white issues, but we paint them as such, and there are fools on both sides who would not vote for a candidate on the 'wrong side' of many of these issues for that reason alone. I do wish, however, that he provided a more common-sense view of what can and must be accomplished, and what sacrifices must be made to achieve these things. These sacrifices are not easy to stomach for the common voter, however, and I know that accepting things like religious pandering and over-reaching rhetoric are necessary in an election as important as this one.

"Fair and Balanced" Teaser from Sean Hannity

Memorare says...

from wikipedia - In 2004 genealogists discovered that George W. Bush and John Kerry shared a common ancestral couple in the 1500s, making them ninth cousins twice removed. Also in 2007 it was revealed that Dick Cheney and Barack Obama are eighth cousins.

500 years ago 1 common couple, bah, not the Knights Templar / Jesus and Mary Magdalene conspiracy shocker i was hoping for!
Likely >50% of everyone on this site is within 8th-11th cousins of each other, 2-3x removed.

It's not so mysterious, like everyone else the wealthy ruling elite tend to breed within their own peer group and pass on the greed & goodies & power to the kiddies, just as trailer park trash and junkies would likely find that their ancestors were scofflaws and ne'erdowells 500 years ago and passed on those traits to the present generation.

Of course pouring over ancient tomes and speculating on the genealogy of the AntiChrist is far more interesting. You know you wanna know!

John Kerry Blasts Bush/McCain @ DNCC '08

joedirt says...

We came so close to victory.. and then I picked up and conceded and took thousands of lawyers out of Ohio in the middle of the night.

Kerry is the biggest loser and he never let Ohioians get their vote counted. What a coward for conceding all in the name of keeping his seat in the Senate.

Obama/Biden First Public Appearance

Fedquip (Member Profile)

Obama double talk montage (7:49)

GeeSussFreeK says...

That is some good stuff. I agree with net, in todays bush hate mode, he could get away with a lot by passing the buck to bush. Net hits the money right on with the time tables thing. That is kind of his bedrock phrase about the war. That is how kerry lost by being called wishy washy. Obama has a mastery of public relations though, so I think even if he got in a jam like that, he could recover more so that kerry did.

Obama at Saddleback Church - Pro-Choice, Not Pro-Abortion

NordlichReiter says...

I'm going to offend some people here but I have to.

This guy has it all, pro choice and anti 2nd amendment.

Just because I support the 2nd amendment does not make me a religious conservative. I support the constitution, what does that make me?

And know I wont explain it to you naysayers out there, this guy is just the same as the other guy if not worse. He is "A peace loving decoy ready for retaliation." (-Dirty harry gorillaz).

He says he is pro gun, yet he supports the ban in Chicago, and in the District of Columbia even though they struck it down. Yet it is still illegal to own any automatic or semi auto gun? That's every gun except revolvers and lever actions and pump shot guns. Not to mention the class 3 weapons, that are classified assault. That usually means any weapon with a "bayonet lug", recoil suppressors, or heat plating (commonly seen on shotguns particularly the Spas series.)

"Barack Obama's Gun-Related Votes The U.S. Senate Debated:
Supporting concealed carry for citizens10
Banning many common semi-automatic firearms11
Disallowing self-defense in towns where guns are banned12
Imposing one handgun a month restrictions13
Requiring lock up your safety trigger locks14
Protecting gun dealers from frivolous lawsuits15
Outlawing gun confiscations during a national emergency16
Squelching the free speech rights of gun owners17
Restricting the interstate sales of firearms18
Repealing the gun ban in Washington, DC19

4 James Oliphant and Michael J. Higgins, "Court to hear gun case," Chicago Tribune, November 20, 2007.
5 Illinois State Senate, vote on SB 2165 (41-16), May 25, 2004.
6 Obama says, "National legislation will prevent other states' flawed concealed-weapons laws from threatening the safety of Illinois residents." David Mendell, "Democratic hopefuls vary a bit on death penalty," Chicago Tribune, February 20, 2004.
6 Obama says, "National legislation will prevent other states' flawed concealed-weapons laws from threatening the safety of Illinois residents." David Mendell, "Democratic hopefuls vary a bit on death penalty," Chicago Tribune, February 20, 2004.
7 See the Gun Owners of America fact sheet at
8 John Chase, "Keyes, Obama are far apart on guns; Views on assault weapons at odds," Chicago Tribune, September 15, 2004.
9 Senators Chuck Schumer and John Kerry had both cosponsored S. 1431 in 2003, a bill that would have banned any semi-auto shotgun that also contained a pistol grip, which the bill defined as "a grip, a thumbhole stock, or any other characteristic that can function as a grip." According to that definition, just about any semi-automatic shotgun would be banned.
10 See supra note 6.
11 About the so-called "assault weapons" ban, Obama says, "I believe we need to renew -- not roll back -- this common sense gun law." See supra note 8.
12 See supra note 5.
13 As a state senator, "Obama regularly supported gun-control measures, including a ban on semiautomatic 'assault weapons' and a limit on handgun purchases to one a month." "Obama Record May be Gold Mine for Critics," Associated Press, January 17, 2007.
14 On July 28, 2005, Senator Obama voted for a provision requiring gun dealers to include the sale of a lock-up-your-safety device with every handgun sold. The amendment, offered by Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI), passed by a vote of 70-30. The provision amended the gun makers' protection act (S. 397).
15On July 29, 2005, Senator Obama voted against S. 397, a bill that was designed to put an end to the frivolous lawsuits that were threatening to put many gun dealers out of business. While an argument could be made that a pro-gun Senator might vote against this bill because it contained a lock-up-your-safety provision (see supra note 14), the fact that Obama voted in favor of that trigger lock amendment (but against the overall bill) indicates his real animus against helping gun dealers protect themselves from the anti-gun lawsuits that were aimed at driving them into bankruptcy.
16 On July 13, 2006, Sen. Obama voted for Emergency Powers language that saw only 16 of the most ardent anti-gun senators vote against it. The amendment provides that no money can be used by federal agents to confiscate firearms during a declared state of emergency. The amendment was added to the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill (HR 5441).
17 On January 18, 2007, Senator Obama voted against a pro-gun amendment to strike language in S. 1 that would infringe upon the free speech rights of groups like Gun Owners of America. The amendment, which passed, struck requirements that would have required GOA to monitor and report on its communications with its members, and could easily have led to government demands for GOA's membership list (a.k.a. registration).
18 Obama has frequently made statements which indicate that he would restrict the interstate sale of firearms. For example, he told the NAACP that, "We've got to make sure that unscrupulous gun dealers aren't loading up vans and dumping guns in our communities, because we know they're not made in our communities. There aren't any gun manufacturers here, right here in the middle of Detroit." Senator Barack Obama, at the NAACP Presidential Primary Forum, July 12, 2007.
19 See supra note 4. " Quoted from a (I Know absolutely conservative site ). (this is a PDF) - its hard to find stuff that isn't blatantly republican.

All i am saying is do a little digging on this. I don't want warmongering republican or a lair democrat for president.

I have know problem with commonsense law, but don't lie about your record. I support background checks and the tests needed to get a CCW.

Get this, in some states all you need is hunters education can get a CCW.

This argument has nothing to do with pro choice or pro life in which case I am indifferent.

In The 21st Century Nations Don't Invade Others Nations

rougy says...

>> ^EDD:
And those thousands of civilians dead and the whole country upturned and marauded is a bit too high a price to pay for a tiny ounce of political leverage, no?

Are you familiar with something known as the Bush/Cheney administration?

You should spend a little time looking into their activities regarding 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, John Kerry Swiftboaters, and Katrina, for starters, then get back to me about political leverage.

Maybe provoking Russia into attacking Georgia provided a little "leverage" for the Poles to host the USA's missile shield, no?

Psycho Obama Heckler wants Pledge of Allegiance 05/08/08

Lurch says...

Or you could notice that people like this exist in all parts of the political spectrum. Guaranteed if this guy stood there and heckled steadily instead of just pushing for the pledge they would have removed him as well. You're looking at everything from such a polarized political lens. Democrats great, Republicans evil. Anyone that doesn't agree with me must be attacked and labeled as demonic. Is this guy a douche? Yes, he is. It is quite a huge jump to say that this guy is a brown shirt fascist. Besides, do we always have to resort to Nazi comparisons for the most innocuous things?

Here's a few quick examples for you of hecklers being ejected at events by Democrats. It isn't just Republicans who throw out screaming idiots with signs.

Daily Show 7/17/08: Bush Doesn't Negotiate...Kind of

Memorare says...

brilliant observations and commentary from Mr. Stewart as usual, 10 thumbs up.

John McCain, the John Kerry of 2008, ie some no harm/no foul disposable guy the 'Pubs can prop up to run knowing he'll lose.

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