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Banned iphone 5 Promo

yellowc says...

4" - So they're supposed to not bother because you've already seen it before? It IS cutting edge, it's still the best screen/OS on the market in terms of colour, ppi and font rendering, you're only using one factor to determine what's the "best". It's also completely a user preference, some of us don't want 5" screens in our pockets, I don't even want the iPhone5 screen, I prefer the old size but market pressure is forcing us all in to these stupid sizes.

resolution - ppi is more important at these sizes, cramming higher resolutions in to screens this small achieves little. If a phone has the ppi to use retina (or xtra-high density for Android) resources for its size, that is all that is required.

nfc - I feel like people want Apple to include this so it actually gets any traction in the real world because right now, the only people who give a shit or even know of it, are Android tech enthusiasts. That's not a problem, I'm glad you like tech but reality is that this is not in anyway an important feature. It'll be in the 5S probably and it'll get popular and then you'll probably hate Apple for copying or something. Or scoff that you've had it for X years except that your phone had no influence to change the retail sector.

LTE - Yes finally and with some good international support.

video calls over network - Yes, never was a lack of capability, it was network enforced to disallow it. It is nice to finally have it natively supported.

Panorama - Yeah I got nothing on this one, I couldn't give a flying fuck but hey, not like I couldn't give you an equally stupid list of features from any manufacture about all their "awesome exclusive" features. It's called marketing, no need to cry over it.

iOS is hardly stale, it is just not what YOU want out of it, it has been faithful to me for many long years and iOS 6 while boring in new features, is the smoothest it has ever run. I don't think it is a crime to like stability in your OS. Also people always like to call the general public stupid but they're really not, my mum doesn't like her iPhone/iPad for no reason, she likes them because they're the first product EVER to understand her needs. It is a common story, you'll hear it time and time again, Apple understands the needs of regular people, not necessarily tech junkies. The regular people market is MUCH bigger, hence Apple dominance, it ain't rocket science.

On a side note, this parody was pretty funny

>> ^spoco2:

Pretty much my thoughts on the iPhone5... a big ol' pile of 'meh'.
Oooh, a 4" display, that's... um... smaller than my hardly cutting edge Galaxy Nexus
Aaah, a lower resolution screen too.
Eeeeeh, no NFC (Not that I particularly care being that I've used it all but once)
Eeerrrr, LTE... finally
Iiieeeee, video calling over the mobile network. Hello there 9 years ago!
Ughghghuhuhuh, Panarama photos... oh, gee... wizzo, sure can't do that on my current phone.
I'm sure it's well built, I'm sure it works well but:
iOS looks REALLY dated and old now, it seriously needs a new look, it feels antiquated.
You're forced to use iTunes, which is a loathsome piece of software
It doesn't stop people climbing over the top of each other to get them, doesn't stop people who have no idea about tech at all thinking that there is none better than the iPhone5. Doesn't stop Apple's continued market dominance.
But still... Such a huge pile of 'meh'.

mintbbb is Your New Supreme Empress (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

While not the greatest fan of your steady fare of human foible and suffering, or the abundant cute-overlord, we appreciate the energy and sincerity of your work. We especially appreciate, and personally applaud your taking the reigns from that zealous patriot of politics-at-large and NPR junkie, your hubster, NetRunner, who was about to induce embolism through steady threat of perfusion leading up to and during, the 2008 Election.

How is ol' NetRunner these days?? We get the impression the fire is but an ember or burning brightly elsewhere..

☣ Peace and Love from a nemesis and fellow traveler, choggie/chingalera ☣

The How and Why of Heroin Addiction

CreamK says...

Opiates are evil stuff, they make you feel like nothing really matters, that pink cloud.. I turn in to a ahole, i start stealing and treating the closest like crap. Fast addiction, fastest curve on any drug i've done. Absolutely wonderful if taken correctly, very hard to control and tolerance builds up fast making it also dangerous. Personally, i've been always uppers-man but heroin is the only one from the downer world that i could picture getting in trouble with. I keep my distance with it and have eradicated all h users from my life: you can't trust an opiate junkie, they WILL steal from you and snitch you up (the downside of that pink cloud, it clouds your morals big time...)

Oh, and prepare for constipation. That is no joke, watch what you eat, take a LOT of fibers and remember to keep yourself hydrated.

Pro Photographer, Cheap Camera

Morganth says...

This point applies much broader than to just photography. Give a junky guitar to a professional guitarist and it will still probably be one of the best things you've heard...but an amateur with a $4000 instrument is nothing more than a waste of money. A quality tool (camera, guitar, whatever) is only superior when it's in the hands of someone who's experienced enough to know why it's superior.

Coke in the new bottle bag - Is this a good thing?

More depravity from UsesProzac

Timothy Steven Clarke-The taste of flesh

These Dudes Really Don't Give A F**k About Life

packo says...

if they fell, would it be a tragedy?
because to me, a tragedy is something negative, but unexpected

skyscraper construction is similar, but they (usually) plan for things like slips/falls/etc... and try to mitigate the situation through safety equipment and procedures... hopefully to the benefit of not just the worker's lives themselves, but their families and friends

that's not to say high altitude construction doesn't have it's share of deaths by accident, but those to me are actual tragedies... because most likely steps were taken to prevent whatever happened from happening

no safety equipment used by these adrenaline junkies

and when looking at the phenomenon of adrenaline junkies, I believe one must look further than just the safety precautions taken to determine whether the term "tragedy" is applicable... what is the reasoning behind taking the endeavor at hand? is it solely personal (selfish) reasoning, or are others included in the reasoning (especially friends and family who have no option but to watch and hope for the best)?

that statement is the reason that "tragedy" is applicable when a father from some tribe in africa gets attacked by a lion while hunting for game... and it isn't applicable when it's a lion tamer putting his head in the mouth of a lion for show...

in fact, the more one "tempts fate" solely for selfish/personal reasons... the less I think "tragedy" applies

these guys in the vid, if they fell, it wouldn't be a tragedy... it's kinda weird to expect people to care more about your own safety, than you yourself do... and I'm not saying people caring is a bad thing... its a good thing... in fact, it shines a more selfish light on the original person in the first place... ESPECIALLY if these people caring more than they do themselves, are known... such as friends/family

This makes me beyond uncomfortable...

UP Can't Find Her Cough Syrup

UsesProzac says...

Geez, stick to the dosage recommendations. Don't exceed said dosage within the stated time on the packaging, bro.

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^Issykitty:
Title should be, "UP FINDS her cough syrup."

Or " UP the dextromethorphan hydrobromide junky "
I got fucked up hardcore once on cough medicine without even wanting too. it sucked. makes your brain feel like its a fuzz ball, like literally have a Popple in your head. Dont know what a popple is ?

UP Can't Find Her Cough Syrup

BoneRemake says...

>> ^Issykitty:

Title should be, "UP FINDS her cough syrup."

Or " UP the dextromethorphan hydrobromide junky "

I got fucked up hardcore once on cough medicine without even wanting too. it sucked. makes your brain feel like its a fuzz ball, like literally have a Popple in your head. Dont know what a popple is ?

Jedi Junkies - trailer

ant says...

>> ^bleedmegood:

I waited in line for three days for Phantom Menace tickets.....the movie sucked....I had more fun in that three day wait..... geekin out with my star wars brethren....

I had fun hanging out with my friends and strangers in line than watching the movie!

Jedi Junkies - trailer

Yogi says...

>> ^bleedmegood:

I waited in line for three days for Phantom Menace tickets.....the movie sucked....I had more fun in that three day wait..... geekin out with my star wars brethren....

I had a friend wait out for me...than I walked up to the line and grabbed the ticket. And I enjoyed the film cause I was in high school...and I didn't have to wait in line or pay. People are stupid and when you know a stupid person it's your job to exploit them constantly.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Paranoid Houston Cop is Paranoid

chingalera says...

>> ^TheFreak:

What I don't understand is why other cops allow this sort of thing from their peers. Why turn a blind eye or even blindly defend the actions of weak, disgusting individuals like this? Don't they see how this guys actions turn the public against them and put them in danger? If this guy was in my department I'd find a couple of like minded individuals and we'd send him a clear message.

He looks like either a security guard or an off-duty precinct constable. If the case is the latter then most of these ya-hoos are douchebags. HPD, DPS, haven't got anything on the level of redneck of the constables in Harris county.

Don't you know? Police recruits are screened to weed-out thoughtful, sensible citizens. They want petty thugs and pricks with nominal IQ's. Adrenaline junkies with a rap-sheet of issues whose profiles fit the MO of "enforcement/harassment" which has replaced a saner model of "serve and protect." The latter credo having been replaced by the former over the last 40 years, WHILE EVERYONE HAS BEEN FAST ASLEEP!

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